close Warning: Failed to sync with repository "(default)": [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory; repository information may be out of date. Look in the Trac log for more information including mitigation strategies.

Version 12 (modified by wilmer, at 2005-11-14T22:25:34Z) (diff)


Welcome to the BitlBee BTS

Welcome to Trac, the BitlBee bug tracking system. You can report and view bugs/wishes anonymously, no need to create an account.

Since we use bzr as our VCS instead of SVN, we have to use an experimental version of Trac for now. We hope it'll work well anyway. In case you find a problem, please report it here or in #BitlBee on

For now we'll leave most of this Wiki empty and use this as our BTS. If you want to read more, just go to the main site.

You can also browse the source code of the current development version here. If you have bzr on your machine, you can also download it directly from

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