close Warning: Failed to sync with repository "(default)": [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory; repository information may be out of date. Look in the Trac log for more information including mitigation strategies.

Changes between Version 16 and Version 17 of WikiStart

2005-11-16T10:45:58Z (19 years ago)



  • WikiStart

    v16 v17  
    33Welcome to '''Trac''', the !BitlBee bug tracking system. You can report and view bugs/wishes anonymously, no need to create an account.
    5 Since we use [ bzr] as our VCS instead of SVN, we have to use an experimental version of Trac for now. We hope it'll work well anyway. In case you find a problem, please report it here or in #!BitlBee on '''Update:''' It seems there are indeed some problems. From time to time tracd seems to hang. It can't respond to HTTP requests anymore and the tracd process has to be restarted. Let's hope this will be fixed soon, next time it happens I'll try to attach strace and see if it has useful debugging information...
     5Since we use [ bzr] as our VCS instead of SVN, we have to use an experimental version of Trac for now. We hope it'll work well anyway. In case you find a problem, please report it here or in #!BitlBee on '''Update:''' It seems there are indeed some problems. From time to time tracd seems to hang. It can't respond to HTTP requests anymore and the tracd process has to be restarted. Let's hope this will be fixed soon, next time it happens I'll try to attach strace and see if it has useful debugging information... '''Fixed:''' Removing threading from tracd seems to have fixed this problem. Now to find out which lib breaks the threading...
    77For now we'll leave most of this Wiki empty and use this as our BTS. If you want to read more, just go to [ the main site].