Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of TracIni

2006-03-14T17:03:35Z (19 years ago)

Removed spam.


  • TracIni

    v1 v2  
    1 = The Trac Configuration File =
    2 [[TracGuideToc]]
    4 Trac configuration is done by editing the '''`trac.ini`''' config file, located in `<projectenv>/conf/trac.ini`.
    6 == Global Configuration ==
    8 Since version 0.9, Trac can also read the configuration from a global `trac.ini` file. These global options will then be merged with the environment-specific options, where local options override global options.
    10 The global configuration is by default localted in `$prefix/share/trac/conf/trac.ini`. It can be moved to a different location (for example, `/etc/trac.ini`), but that requires changing the file `trac/` which gets created when Trac is installed.
    12 == Reference ==
    14 This is a brief reference of available configuration options.
    16 == [trac] ==
    17 || `database`        || [wiki:TracEnvironment#DatabaseConnectionStrings Database connection string] for this project ||
    18 || `default_charset` || Charset used in text files in the subversion repository (default is `iso-8859-15`) ||
    19 || `default_handler` || Name of the component that handles requests to the base URL (default is `WikiHandler`) (''since 0.9'') ||
    20 || `repository_dir`  || Path to local Subversion repository ||
    21 || `authz_file`      || Path to Subversion [ authorization (authz) file]. ||
    22 || `authz_module_name` || The module prefix used in the `authz_file` (See FineGrainedPermissions)||
    23 || `check_auth_ip` || Whether the IP address of the user should be checked for authentication (true, false) (''since 0.9'') ||
    24 || `ignore_auth_case` || Whether case should be ignored for login names (true, false) (''since 0.9'') ||
    25 || `templates_dir`   || Path to the !ClearSilver templates ||
    27 == [project] ==
    28 || `name`   || Project name ||
    29 || `descr`  || Short project description ||
    30 || `url`    || URL to the main project website ||
    31 || `icon`   || URL to icon file to use as shortcut icon (favicon) ||
    32 || `footer` || Page footer text (right-aligned) ||
    34 == [header_logo] ==
    35 || `src`    || URL to image to use as header logo ||
    36 || `link`   || Destination URL to link to from header logo ||
    37 || `alt`    || ''alt'' text for header logo ||
    38 || `width`  || Header logo width in pixels ||
    39 || `height` || Header logo height in pixels ||
    40 See also: TracInterfaceCustomization.
    42 == [logging] ==
    43 || `log_type`  || Logging facility to use. (none, file, stderr, syslog, winlog) ||
    44 || `log_file`  || If ''log_type'' is ''file'', this should be a path to the log-file ||
    45 || `log_level` || Level of verbosity in log (CRITICAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG) ||
    46 See also: TracLogging
    48 == [attachment] ==
    49 || `max_size` || Maximum allowed file size for ticket and wiki attachments ||
    51 == [notification] ==
    52 || `smtp_enabled`   || Enable SMTP (email) notification (true, false) ||
    53 || `smtp_server`    || SMTP server to use for email notifications ||
    54 || `smtp_user`      || Username for SMTP server (''since 0.9'') ||
    55 || `smtp_password`  || Password for SMTP server (''since 0.9'') ||
    56 || `smtp_from`      || Sender address to use in notification emails ||
    57 || `smtp_replyto`   || Reply-To address to use in notification emails ||
    58 || `smtp_always_cc` || Email address(es) to always send notifications to ||
    59 || `always_notify_reporter` || Always send notifications to any address in the ''reporter'' field ||
    60 || `always_notify_owner` || Always send notifications to the ticket owner (''since 0.9'') ||
    61 See also: TracNotification
    63 == [mimeviewer] ==
    64 || `enscript_path` || Path to the Enscript program ||
    65 || `php_path` || Path to the PHP program ||
    66 || `max_preview_size` || Maximum file size for HTML preview (''since 0.9'') ||
    67 || `tab_width` || Displayed tab width in file preview (''since 0.9'') ||
    69 == [ticket] ==
    70 || `default_version`   || Default version for newly created tickets ||
    71 || `default_severity`  || Default severity for newly created tickets ||
    72 || `default_priority`  || Default priority for newly created tickets ||
    73 || `default_milestone` || Default milestone for newly created tickets ||
    74 || `default_component` || Default component for newly created tickets ||
    75 || `restrict_owner`    || Make the owner field of tickets use a drop-down menu (''since 0.9'') ||
    77 == [ticket-custom] ==
    78 Creates [wiki:TracTicketsCustomFields user-defined ticket fields].
    80 == [timeline] ==
    81 || `default_daysback` || Default "depth" of the Timeline, in days (''since 0.9'') ||
    82 || `changeset_show_files` || Number of files to show (-1 for unlimited, 0 to disable) ||
    83 || `ticket_show_details` || Enable the display of all ticket changes in the timeline ||
    85 == [browser] ==
    86 || `hide_properties` || List of subversion properties to hide from the repository browser (''since 0.9'') ||
    88 == [wiki] ==
    89 || `ignore_missing_pages` || enable/disable highlighting CamelCase links to missing pages (''since 0.9'') ||
    91 == [darcs] ==
    92 || `cachedir` || By default the darcs backend keeps a cache of the visited files at various revision inside the repository itself, in `_darcs/trac_cache`, that may be overridden by this option, setting it to the desired directory that needs to be writeable by the trac process. ||
    93 || `command` || Name of the external darcs executable, default to `darcs`. This can be used to set up the environment as well, like in "`DARCS_DONT_ESCAPE_ANYTHING=1 /usr/local/bin/darcs`" ||
    94 || `dont_escape_8bit` || This is a shortcut for "`command=DARCS_DONT_ESCAPE_8BIT=1 darcs`" (true, false). Default to false. ||
    96 == [components] ==
    97 (''since 0.9'')
    99 This section is used to enable or disable components provided by plugins, as well as by Trac itself. The component to enable/disable is specified via the name of the option. Whether its enabled is determined by the option value; setting the value to `enabled` or `on` will enable the component, any other value (typically `disabled` or `off`) will disable the component.
    101 The option name is either the fully qualified name of the components or the module/package prefix of the component. The former enables/disables a specific component, while the latter enables/disables any component in the specified package/module.
    103 Consider the following configuration snippet:
    104 {{{
    105 [components]
    106 = disabled
    107 webadmin.* = enabled
    108 }}}
    110 The first option tells Trac to disable the [wiki:TracReports report module]. The second option instructs Trac to enable all components in the `webadmin` package. Note that the trailing wildcard is required for module/package matching.
    112 See the ''Plugins'' page on ''About Trac'' to get the list of active components (requires `CONFIG_VIEW` [wiki:TracPermissions permissions].)
    114 See also: TracPlugins
    116   ''Note that prior to Trac r2335 (that applies to 0.9b1 and 0.9b2), you would use a `[disabled_components]` section instead. See a [ previous version] of this page for the details.''
    118 ----
    119 See also: TracGuide, TracAdmin, TracEnvironment
     1Removed spam.