

21:28 Ticket #522 (Google Talk password with @ in it not accepted) created by jochem.meyers@…
When trying to add a google talk jabber account with an @ sign in the …
05:27 Ticket #521 (Bitlbee ignores XMPP <thread> metadata) created by nwf@…
RFC 3921 (XMPP IM) defines a "<thread>" element for maintaining …


18:15 Ticket #520 (msn connection failure with pending buddy invite(s)) created by anonymous
i seem to be unable to connect to the MSN network, while there are 1 …


12:19 Ticket #519 (individual IM away states) created by bitlbee.bugs@…
something like /away -one <account number> out to lunch This is to …


14:01 BadContent edited by wilmer
Die spammer, die. (diff)


17:06 Changeset [1a575f69] by Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@…>
skyped: let the error message suggest placing the config file under …
15:57 Changeset [ab165c5] by Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@…>
add -fPIC to CFLAGS see …
15:57 Changeset [c99bb05] by Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@…>
update HACKING


13:04 BadContent edited by wilmer
WTF are these drugs anyway? (diff)
13:02 BadContent edited by wilmer
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