Custom Query (8 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#941 Bitlbee doesn't reconnect after resume from suspend state defect normal BitlBee
#974 use g_ascii_str* functions instead of g_str* enhancement normal BitlBee
#1093 Twitter confusion between tweets with ID 0xEE and the @EE account defect normal Twitter
#1120 In bitlbee -x, please add an option to create a hash for a null byte enhancement normal BitlBee
#1133 Twitter fires up errors 426 and 429 defect normal BitlBee
#1211 Twitter: DMs from non followers are displayed in bitlbee control channel defect minor Twitter
#1292 support multiple hipchat servers enhancement normal Jabber
#937 Automatically rejoin a jabber chatroom wilmer enhancement normal Jabber
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.