Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (13 - 15 of 1098)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1093 alreadydoingthat Twitter confusion between tweets with ID 0xEE and the @EE account bitlbee@…

I follow @EE on Twitter, and they've @replied to me a few times. I just went to RT a completely unrelated tweet that had the hexadecimal ID of "ee", so I typed rt ee and was surprised to find that Bitlbee had just RT'd a month-old tweet by the @EE account instead of the minutes-old tweet that I had intended to target.

I'm not sure what the best resolution for this ambiguity would be, but I couldn't find anything about it in the wiki or on Google - e.g. a way of specifying that I meant 0xEE rather than @EE!

#1120 alreadydoingthat In bitlbee -x, please add an option to create a hash for a null byte Nils Landt

Hey guys, could you please add some sort of option to generate a password hash for a null byte when using bitlbee -x?

Null bytes can't be passed as arguments to shell functions, because null bytes are used to separate shell arguments.

I need this because I want to create configuration XML from another program (a Chef cookbook in this case), and the cleartext account password for an OAuth user who hasn't authenticated yet is \0

#1133 alreadydoingthat Twitter fires up errors 426 and 429 asbrasbra@…

Using bitlbee 3.2-1.1 on xubuntu saucy. At first twitter downloaded the old twits to me and the friends list, then logouted with error 426. Changed the api url to the https one and requested oauth on suggestion by bitlbee itself. Now does the same but dies with error 429 (Rate limit exceeded). How do I overcome this problem of having loadsa people following? Is there even a way?


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