Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 1098)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#828 fixed Oscar - friendly message for "buddy already in list" Flexo
11:40 < ilf> wilmer: any idea? <@root> oscar - Error: Error while 
             adding buddy: 0x000a
11:41 < ilf> google only outputs this, seemingly unrelated: 
12:09 < wilmer> ilf: I think it means "already in list".

Patch attached to make this message friendlier :)

#923 fixed Patch to add report-spam functionality to twitter Flexo

The attached patch adds a 'report' command to the twitter commands.

#1117 fixed /oper to set account passwords wilmer Flexo <bitlbee@…>

At the moment the only time you can use /oper to set an IM account's password is when you add it with 'account add'.

ohcibi asked in the channel if there was any other way to do it and so I wrote this patch that uses acc [acc] set -del password as a trigger to prompt for a password via /oper.

It uses the same mechanism as account add does, and since set -del password was being intercepted already to avoid a NULL value, it seemed like the best place for it to go. The only other alternative I could think of would be to create a new acc [acc] operpassword command or similar.

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