Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 1098)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1197 notabug jabber multilogins not possible from two different bitlbee-accounts Daniel.Jung@…

If i run connect to bitlbee from two different bitlbee-accounts (even if they are located on different computers with different ips) with the same jabber-account, then the first jabber--login becomes kicked if the second login is performed. error message: jabber - Error: Account and resource used from a different location jabber - Signing off.. If the second login is initiated from pidgin, then everything works fine.

#92 duplicate Staying online without being connected to bitlbee DarkStar

it would be really cool if you could make bitlbee to stay on IM while you are disconnected from it. it should then collect eventual messages and deliver them when you connect and identify again.

#283 fixed login to root should be renamed DatLicht

Hi there,

I'm using public server As many IRC networks also allow 'root' as a normal nick name, I think it's not a good idea to /msg root .... the login command. To say it in the channel also isn't a that good idea although most networks allow &channels

To secure logging in (i.e. also auto-logins thru scripts), the login procedure should be moved to root@…, /nickserv, /authserv or something else.

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