Custom Query (7 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#289 Wish: multi-character to_chars new to_char enhancement wishlist
#576 logging / chat history feature new logging, history enhancement wishlist
#867 Option to not store account passwords new password storage enhancement wishlist
#928 The translate_to_nicks setting seems not working new translate_to_nicks, muc, channel defect normal
#1216 Option to completely disable away status autoreply notifications new facebook, facebook-bitlbee, away, autoreply, away_reply_enable enhancement normal
#1244 Jabber: only fetch room history since last received message new history enhancement normal
#1290 New OAuth token requred for GTalk whenever BitlBee server updates; this is not documented new oauth token login gtalk defect normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.