Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (139 - 141 of 1098)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#147 anonymous worksforme Availability to receive details from contacts which are not in the list

I think the short summary says it all.

I'd like to receive some more information from "unknown" contacts, espacially when somebody requests my authorisation. It's a bit circumstantial to do it manually e.g. via HTTP.

#149 wilmer timing worksforme block allow bugs

Hello, i tried to block user 'tijmenr' here:

11:31:40 <@timing> block tijmenr
11:31:40 <@root> Handle                            Nickname
11:31:40 <@root> End of list.

I think the first arg is handled as an (unknown) im account.

'block 0 tijmenr' works weird too:

11:38:04 <@timing> block 0 tijmenr
11:38:04 <@root> Buddy `tijmenr' moved from your permit- to your deny-list
11:38:04 <@root> msn - Error: MSN: Error reported by MSN server: Invalid parameter

when i 'allow 0 tijmenr' again, this happens:

11:39:10 <@timing> allow 0 tijmenr
11:39:10 <@root> Buddy `tijmenr' moved from your deny- to your permit-list
11:39:11 <@root> msn - Error: MSN: Error reported by MSN server: Internal server error/Account banned
11:39:11 <@root> msn - Signing off..
#152 anonymous worksforme Daily snapshots of dev stuff out-of-date

The summary says it all. Apparently, the cron job died sometime back in March.

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