Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (136 - 138 of 1098)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#142 olafb@… fixed cannot get user list

Try to use bitlbee mobile on my ipaq. Several irc clients cannot list channals from you server, doesn't show online users in the &bitlbee channel (but other irc servers work ok). So it's difficult to open private window, one must send through "/msg" command.

#144 bitlbee@… worksforme put nick: before authorization request

It would be nice if nick: is put _before_ an authorization request, so the client can handle this and give any kind of notification like 'BEEB' or an OSD message or something like that. I think it should look something like this in query.c

static void query_display( irc_t *irc, query_t *q )
    if( q->gc )
        serv_got_crap( q->gc, "%s: New request: %s\nYou can use the \2yes\2/\2no\2 commands to accept/reject this request.", irc->nick, q->question );
        irc_usermsg( irc, "%s: New request: %s\nYou can use the \2yes\2/\2no\2 commands to accept/reject this request.", irc->nick, q->question );

Hope its clear

#146 anonymous duplicate Availability to receive details from contacts which are not in the list

I think the short summary says it all.

I'd like to receive some more information from "unknown" contacts, espacially when somebody requests my authorisation. It's a bit circumstantial to do it manually e.g. via HTTP.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.