Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (133 - 135 of 1098)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#135 wilmer it-ll-be-bitlbee@… fixed Yahoo reconnection trouble with socks proxy.

I've a trouble using bitlbee with yahoo and socks. Config file:

RunMode = Inetd
AuthMode = Registered
Proxy = socks5://


15:17 <@root> YAHOO - Reconnecting in 60 seconds..
15:18 <@root> YAHOO - Logging in: Connecting
15:18 [bitlbee] -!- (process:10010): GLib-WARNING **: giounix.c:400Error while getting flags for FD: Bad file descriptor (9)
15:18 [bitlbee] -!- (process:10010): GLib-WARNING **: giounix.c:400Error while getting flags for FD: Bad file descriptor (9)
--- 100% CPU usage here.
15:18 <@darkk> account off 3
--- still 100% CPU usage

Tested bitlbee versions: 1.0.1, 1.0.2.

The issue arizes when there is no socks server at (that's port-forwarding created with SSH).

All other protocols seems to work fine.

#139 Jelmer Vernooij bitlbee@… fixed Wrong Gender description

in version 1.0.2 on

info <nick>

for icq-contacts bitlbee says

<root> Gender: Male

if the user has no gender specified. (other clients show no gender ant the people-lookup too)

#140 stretter@… fixed jabber connection lost when sending colored text

ok, i dont know if its actually a bug, but anyway: im using irssi with an ascii script ( that allows me to send colored text. if i do so in a bilbee/jabber conversation, the connection gets lost (didnt try it with other protokolls, but i asume its the same).

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