Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (130 - 132 of 1098)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#127 Necoro worksforme Max Number of Accounts

Bitlbee seems to don't want the 106th user (or the 85th ICQ-~ or 88th OSCAR-~ - dont know). It adds him - but after a new login another user is deleted and I'm back with 105 users.

(I use a public server:

#128 Jelmer Vernooij anonymous fixed Disable WebAware, to hopefully reduce spam

I noticed that I started getting much more spam when I started using bitlbee, apparently bitlbee automatically sets the WEBAWARE flag when changing status. I've written a small patch, which disables this flag and thus, hopefully, reduces the amount of spam.

diff -Naur bitlbee-1.0.1/protocols/oscar/service.c bitlbee-1.0.1-nowebaware/protocols/oscar/service.c
--- bitlbee-1.0.1/protocols/oscar/service.c     2005-11-18 01:17:06.000000000 +0100
+++ bitlbee-1.0.1-nowebaware/protocols/oscar/service.c  2006-03-31 12:59:55.000000000 +0200
@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@
	guint32 data;
	int tlvlen;

-	data = AIM_ICQ_STATE_WEBAWARE | AIM_ICQ_STATE_HIDEIP | status; /* yay for error checking ;^) */
+	data = AIM_ICQ_STATE_HIDEIP | status; /* yay for error checking ;^) */

	tlvlen = aim_addtlvtochain32(&tl, 0x0006, data);

#132 david@… fixed set password hard to find

Finding out how to change your password is not easy. "set" doesn't show it in the list of available settings and "help set" doesn't show any of the possible options. "help set password" does tell you, but you'd only know to look there if you knew the option. I think both "set" and "help set" should be improved.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.