Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (106 - 108 of 1098)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#1122 wilmer felix@… fixed Bitlbee segfaults on incoming jabber file transfer

Tried to accept a file transfer. This is what the control channel showed before bitlbee segfaulted:

jabber - File transfer request from Otheruser for foo.jpg (162 kb).
Accept the file transfer if you'd like the file. If you don't, issue the 'transfer reject' command.
jabber - File foo.jpg: Connecting to streamhost
jabber - Transferring file foo.jpg: connection to streamhost failed (no connection after 15 seconds)
jabber - File foo.jpg: Connecting to streamhost
jabber - Transferring file foo.jpg: connection to streamhost failed (connect failed: Connection refused)
jabber - File foo.jpg: Connecting to streamhost
jabber - Transferring file foo.jpg: connection to streamhost failed (connect failed: Connection refused)
jabber - File transfer aborted: couldn't connect to any streamhosts
irc: disconnected from server

This is the relevant part of the backtrace:

Core was generated by `./bitlbee/bitlbee -n -v -D -d ./bitlbee/config'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0  0x00007f75b4ae08f1 in jabber_bs_abort (bt=0x7f75b6e07c80, format=0x7f75b4b1ee68 "Socket error during SOCKS5 handshake(weird!): %s") at s5bytestream.c:242
242             if( bt->tf->ft->sending )
(gdb) bt full
#0  0x00007f75b4ae08f1 in jabber_bs_abort (bt=0x7f75b6e07c80, format=0x7f75b4b1ee68 "Socket error during SOCKS5 handshake(weird!): %s") at s5bytestream.c:242
        params = {{gp_offset = 24, fp_offset = 48, overflow_arg_area = 0x7fff129ca500, reg_save_area = 0x7fff129ca440}}
        error = "Socket error during SOCKS5 handshake(weird!): Connection timed out\000\263u\177\000\000\\\005\067\263u\177\000\000U\372\066\263u\177\000\000\005\000\000\000\000\000\000\000P\243\234\022\377\177\000\000\360\250\352\266u\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\260\r\353\266u\177\000"
#1  0x00007f75b4ae07af in jabber_bs_poll (bt=0x7f75b6e07c80, fd=17, revents=0x7fff129ca64a) at s5bytestream.c:219
        sockerror = 110
        errlen = 4
        pfd = {fd = 17, events = 24, revents = 24}
#2  0x00007f75b4ae0f22 in jabber_bs_recv_handshake (data=0x7f75b6e07c80, fd=17, cond=B_EV_IO_WRITE) at s5bytestream.c:379
        bt = 0x7f75b6e07c80
        revents = 0
        gret = 32629
#3  0x00007f75b4abc676 in b_event_passthrough (fd=17, event=4, data=0x7f75b6e13400) at events_libevent.c:147
        b_ev = 0x7f75b6e13400
        cond = B_EV_IO_WRITE
        st = 0
#4  0x00007f75b3f2fccc in event_base_loop () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
#1124 wilmer Jochen Sprickerhof <bitlbee@…> fixed OTRv4 segfaults on "/me foo" messages

When receiving "/me" messages, otr.c advances the msg pointer, making g_free() segfault. The attached patch fixes this.

#1221 faure@… fixed Autojoining jabber groupchat is broken in bitlbee-3.4

Using bitlbee to connect to a company Jabber server, and using konversation as the GUI client, works rather well. Or rather, it did until 3.2.2.

In bitlbee 3.4, the auto_join functionality doesn't work anymore: bitlbee logs in, all the users appear in the bitlbee tab, but it doesn't join the channels, so one feels rather lonely :)

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.