Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (103 - 105 of 1098)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#1087 anonymous notmyfault Yahoo Account Locked

When login in to yahoo using bitlbee, I always get the message that my account is lock but If I use yahoo messenger I can login to my account without any problem. The same is happening to google talk.

#1098 jcopenha@… fixed patch: srv_lookup on cygwin

The srv_lookup routine in lib/misc.c always returns zero responses on Cygwin. It is configured to do this because the ns_initparse and ns_parserr routines are not provided on Cygwin. Because srv_lookup always returns zero results Jabber accounts where the server does not match the portion of the username have to explicitly set a server name. This means that you can not do tls_verify on those accounts. For instance, with a srv_lookup fail must set server name to But Google returns a certificate for which the verify code thinks is the wrong server because it does not match the server name.

This patch does 3 things.

  1. It changes the configure script to check for res_qeruy and dn_expandname when looking for libresolv. It also has a new check for ns_initparse and ns_initparserr to see if libresolv or libc provides them.
  1. It changes the lib/misc.c srv_lookup routine to use dn_expandname instead of the custom code. This allows srv_lookup to process compressed names correctly. Cygwin res_query returns a compressed name and since bitlbee already requires libresolv this seems like the more correct solution.
  1. It adds lib/ns_parse.c to provide ns_initparse and ns_parserr on platforms where those were not detected at ./configure time. This is a copy of a file from libbind-6.0 source with the copyright still in place and just minor modification. Removal of two functions that bitlbee does not use and added some #ifdefds and #include “bittlbee.h”. Reading the copyright/license notice I believe this is acceptable.

The end goal of this patch is to allow me to set up a Jabber account with and tls_verify to true.

I know bitlbee doesn’t officially support Cygwin which is why I’m providing a patch instead of just reporting a bug. If the addition of ns_parse.c is more than bitlbee wants to take on I think the first two parts of the patch are still valuable and will help me in maintaining my own patch.

#1100 anonymous notmyfault Can no longer connect to msn via xmpp

Since the 5th of December, I've received this error when trying to connect to MSN via XMPP (since normal MSN no longer works):

10:43 <@root> msnxmpp - Logging in: Connecting 10:44 <@root> msnxmpp - Login error: Could not connect to server 10:44 <@root> msnxmpp - Logging in: Signing off.. 10:44 <@root> msnxmpp - Login error: Short write() to server

I tried requesting a new oauth token, but it didn't fix it. I'm running:

BitlBee 3.2+20130115+devel+969-1 API version 030200

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