Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 1098)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#801 anonymous fixed /join with password

I can't join password protected Jabber conferences. "/join #channel password" command is not working. But I fixed it.

In "irc_cmd_join" function in "irc_commands.c" you need to add lines:

if (cmd[2] && !comma) // if there is password and it's last channel in list
  set_setstr( &ic->set, "password", cmd[2] );

Before "if( ic->flags & IRC_CHANNEL_JOINED )" line. Otherwise password argument is ignored by Bitlbee. I'm using version 3.0.3.


#806 pesco anonymous moreinfo bitlbee with otr crash
  1. I had a conversation with a user days ago. They sign off.
  1. Today, they send me a message that is unencrypted (whitespace).
  1. Not sure if this part is related...

"otr disconnect <misspelled username>" "<misspelled username>: hi" And I get "<misspelled username>: unknown user"

  1. Then I send a real message to them and get this:

otr: OTR Error: You sent encrypted data to ...

Then bitlbee crashed.

#823 pesco wilmer moreinfo OTR crashing in newest bzr

pesco, it looks like sometihng went wrong in your last changes. Several people in #bitlbee reported crashes. Someone's trying to get a backtrace now.

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