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Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 1098)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#76 anonymous invalid Remove an msnextra unecessary root message, it floods the channel

Hi! Bitlbee rocks! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

This root message appears every time someone opens an MSN chat window

<root> MSN - Not downloading buddy image from foo@… because we already have it cached!

Could it be possible to only notify when the download actually happened, it turns out to be useless and floody otherwise

<root> MSN - File /var/tmp/bitlbee/msn/foo.png received successfully!

Thank you again! Ale.

#77 anonymous worksforme Possible infinite recursion (found in my log file)

<@mycatownz> yes <@bitlbee> Did I ask you something? <@mycatownz> yes <@bitlbee> Did I ask you something? <@mycatownz> yes <@bitlbee> Did I ask you something? <@mycatownz> yes <@bitlbee> Did I ask you something?

...continue ad infinitum.

#78 bkhl@… wontfix Option to automatically answer challenges about multiple connections

AIM, and possibly other protocols, often requires some sort of action to log out a previous session, when I log in again soon after disconnecting.

In the case of AIM, I'm asked to send the message '1' to the user 'aolsystemmsg'.

Would it be possible to add an option that makes BitlBee answer these challenges automatically? It's sort of a nuisance, since my ADSL connection dies now and then, and I have to do this every time.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.