1 edited


  • protocols/jabber/jabber_util.c

    r9da0bbf rf0cb961  
    4848                   call p_s_u() now to send the new prio setting, it would
    4949                   send the old setting because the set->value gets changed
    50                    after the (this) eval returns a non-NULL value.
     50                   when the eval returns a non-NULL value.
    5252                   So now I can choose between implementing post-set
    129129/* Cache a node/packet for later use. Mainly useful for IQ packets if you need
    130130   them when you receive the response. Use this BEFORE sending the packet so
    131    it'll get a new id= tag, and do NOT free() the packet after sending it! */
     131   it'll get a new id= tag, and do NOT free() the packet after writing it! */
    132132void jabber_cache_add( struct im_connection *ic, struct xt_node *node, jabber_cache_event func )
    253253/* Returns a new string. Don't leak it! */
    254 char *jabber_normalize( const char *orig )
     254char *jabber_normalize( char *orig )
    256256        int len, i;
    320320        else
    321321        {
    322                 /* Keep in mind that full_jid currently isn't really
    323                    a full JID... */
    324322                new->bare_jid = g_strdup( full_jid );
    325323                g_hash_table_insert( jd->buddies, new->bare_jid, new );
    335333        {
    336334                /* Let's waste some more bytes of RAM instead of to make
    337                    memory management a total disaster here. And it saves
    338                    me one g_free() call in this function. :-P */
     335                   memory management a total disaster here.. */
    339336                new->full_jid = full_jid;
    340337        }
    356353        if( ( s = strchr( jid, '/' ) ) )
    357354        {
    358                 int none_found = 0;
    360355                *s = 0;
    361356                if( ( bud = g_hash_table_lookup( jd->buddies, jid ) ) )
    375370                        }
    376371                }
    377                 else
    378                 {
    379                         /* This hack is there to make sure that O_CREAT will
    380                            work if there's already another resouce present
    381                            for this JID, even if it's an unknown buddy. This
    382                            is done to handle conferences properly. */
    383                         none_found = 1;
    384                 }
    386                 if( bud == NULL && ( flags & GET_BUDDY_CREAT ) && ( imcb_find_buddy( ic, jid ) || !none_found ) )
     373                if( bud == NULL && ( flags & GET_BUDDY_CREAT ) && imcb_find_buddy( ic, jid ) )
    387374                {
    388375                        *s = '/';
    433 /* I'm keeping a separate ext_jid attribute to save a JID that makes sense
    434    to export to BitlBee. This is mainly for groupchats right now. It's
    435    a bit of a hack, but I just think having the user nickname in the hostname
    436    part of the hostmask doesn't look nice on IRC. Normally you can convert
    437    a normal JID to ext_jid by swapping the part before and after the / and
    438    replacing the / with a =. But there should be some stripping (@s are
    439    allowed in Jabber nicks...). */
    440 struct jabber_buddy *jabber_buddy_by_ext_jid( struct im_connection *ic, char *jid_, get_buddy_flags_t flags )
    441 {
    442         struct jabber_buddy *bud;
    443         char *s, *jid;
    445         jid = jabber_normalize( jid_ );
    447         if( ( s = strchr( jid, '=' ) ) == NULL )
    448                 return NULL;
    450         for( bud = jabber_buddy_by_jid( ic, s + 1, GET_BUDDY_FIRST ); bud; bud = bud->next )
    451         {
    452                 /* Hmmm, could happen if not all people in the chat are anonymized? */
    453                 if( bud->ext_jid == NULL )
    454                         continue;
    456                 if( strcmp( bud->ext_jid, jid ) == 0 )
    457                         break;
    458         }
    460         g_free( jid );
    462         return bud;
    463 }
    465420/* Remove one specific full JID from our list. Use this when a buddy goes
    466421   off-line (because (s)he can still be online from a different location.
    486441                        g_hash_table_remove( jd->buddies, bud->bare_jid );
    487442                        g_free( bud->bare_jid );
    488                         g_free( bud->ext_jid );
    489443                        g_free( bud->full_jid );
    490444                        g_free( bud->away_message );
    519473                                        g_hash_table_replace( jd->buddies, bi->bare_jid, bi->next );
    521                                 g_free( bi->ext_jid );
    522475                                g_free( bi->full_jid );
    523476                                g_free( bi->away_message );
    542495   specified bare JID. Use this when removing someone from the contact
    543496   list, for example. */
    544 int jabber_buddy_remove_bare( struct im_connection *ic, char *bare_jid )
     497int jabber_buddy_remove_bare( struct im_connection *ic, char *bare_jid_ )
    546499        struct jabber_data *jd = ic->proto_data;
    547500        struct jabber_buddy *bud, *next;
    549         if( strchr( bare_jid, '/' ) )
     501        char *bare_jid;
     503        if( strchr( bare_jid_, '/' ) )
    550504                return 0;
    552         if( ( bud = jabber_buddy_by_jid( ic, bare_jid, GET_BUDDY_FIRST ) ) )
     506        bare_jid = jabber_normalize( bare_jid_ );
     508        if( ( bud = g_hash_table_lookup( jd->buddies, bare_jid ) ) )
    553509        {
    554510                /* Most important: Remove the hash reference. We don't know
    555511                   this buddy anymore. */
    556512                g_hash_table_remove( jd->buddies, bud->bare_jid );
    557                 g_free( bud->bare_jid );
    559514                /* Deallocate the linked list of resources. */
    560515                while( bud )
    561516                {
    562                         /* ext_jid && anonymous means that this buddy is
    563                            specific to one groupchat (the one we're
    564                            currently cleaning up) so it can be deleted
    565                            completely. */
    566                         if( bud->ext_jid && bud->flags & JBFLAG_IS_ANONYMOUS )
    567                                 imcb_remove_buddy( ic, bud->ext_jid, NULL );
    569517                        next = bud->next;
    570                         g_free( bud->ext_jid );
    571518                        g_free( bud->full_jid );
    572519                        g_free( bud->away_message );
    575522                }
     524                g_free( bare_jid );
    577525                return 1;
    578526        }
    579527        else
    580528        {
     529                g_free( bare_jid );
    581530                return 0;
    582531        }
    585 struct groupchat *jabber_chat_by_name( struct im_connection *ic, const char *name )
    586 {
    587         char *normalized = jabber_normalize( name );
    588         struct groupchat *ret;
    589         struct jabber_chat *jc;
    591         for( ret = ic->groupchats; ret; ret = ret->next )
    592         {
    593                 jc = ret->data;
    594                 if( strcmp( normalized, jc->name ) == 0 )
    595                         break;
    596         }
    597         g_free( normalized );
    599         return ret;
    600 }
    602 time_t jabber_get_timestamp( struct xt_node *xt )
    603 {
    604         struct tm tp, utc;
    605         struct xt_node *c;
    606         time_t res, tres;
    607         char *s = NULL;
    609         for( c = xt->children; ( c = xt_find_node( c, "x" ) ); c = c->next )
    610         {
    611                 if( ( s = xt_find_attr( c, "xmlns" ) ) && strcmp( s, XMLNS_DELAY ) == 0 )
    612                         break;
    613         }
    615         if( !c || !( s = xt_find_attr( c, "stamp" ) ) )
    616                 return 0;
    618         memset( &tp, 0, sizeof( tp ) );
    619         if( sscanf( s, "%4d%2d%2dT%2d:%2d:%2d", &tp.tm_year, &tp.tm_mon, &tp.tm_mday,
    620                                                 &tp.tm_hour, &tp.tm_min, &tp.tm_sec ) != 6 )
    621                 return 0;
    623         tp.tm_year -= 1900;
    624         tp.tm_mon --;
    625         tp.tm_isdst = -1; /* GRRRRRRRRRRR */
    627         res = mktime( &tp );
    628         /* Problem is, mktime() just gave us the GMT timestamp for the
    629            given local time... While the given time WAS NOT local. So
    630            we should fix this now.
    632            Now I could choose between messing with environment variables
    633            (kludgy) or using timegm() (not portable)... Or doing the
    634            following, which I actually prefer... */
    635         gmtime_r( &res, &utc );
    636         utc.tm_isdst = -1; /* Once more: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! */
    637         if( utc.tm_hour == tp.tm_hour && utc.tm_min == tp.tm_min )
    638                 /* Sweet! We're in UTC right now... */
    639                 return res;
    641         tres = mktime( &utc );
    642         res += res - tres;
    644         /* Yes, this is a hack. And it will go wrong around DST changes.
    645            BUT this is more likely to be threadsafe than messing with
    646            environment variables, and possibly more portable... */
    648         return res;
    649 }
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