Changeset ae3dc99 for doc/user-guide

2010-04-24T17:02:07Z (15 years ago)
Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
b5b40ff (diff), f1b7711 (diff)
Note: this is a merge changeset, the changes displayed below correspond to the merge itself.
Use the (diff) links above to see all the changes relative to each parent.

Merging stuff from mainline (1.2.6).

1 edited


  • TabularUnified doc/user-guide/commands.xml

    rb5b40ff rae3dc99  
    2121                        <description>
    2222                                <para>
    23                                         Adds an account on the given server with the specified protocol, username and password to the account list. Supported protocols right now are: Jabber, MSN, OSCAR (AIM/ICQ) and Yahoo. For more information about adding an account, see <emphasis>help account add &lt;protocol&gt;</emphasis>.
     23                                        Adds an account on the given server with the specified protocol, username and password to the account list. Supported protocols right now are: Jabber, MSN, OSCAR (AIM/ICQ), Yahoo and Twitter. For more information about adding an account, see <emphasis>help account add &lt;protocol&gt;</emphasis>.
    2424                                </para>
    2525                        </description>
    6363                                </ircexample>
    6464                        </bitlbee-command>
     66                        <bitlbee-command name="twitter">
     67                                <syntax>account add twitter &lt;handle&gt; &lt;password&gt;</syntax>
     69                                <description>
     70                                        <para>
     71                                                This module gives you simple access to Twitter. Although it uses the Twitter API, only Twitter itself is supported at the moment.
     72                                        </para>
     74                                        <para>
     75                                                By default all your Twitter contacts will come from a contact called twitter_(yourusername). You can change this behaviour using the <emphasis>mode</emphasis> setting (see <emphasis>help set mode</emphasis>).
     76                                        </para>
     78                                        <para>
     79                                                To send tweets yourself, send them to the twitter_(yourusername) contact, or just write in the groupchat channel if you enabled that option.
     80                                        </para>
     81                                </description>
     82                        </bitlbee-command>
    6684                        <bitlbee-command name="yahoo">
    402420        <bitlbee-setting name="auto_reconnect" type="boolean" scope="both">
    403                 <default>false</default>
     421                <default>true</default>
    405423                <description>
    556574                        <para>
    557575                                With this option enabled, root will inform you when someone in your buddy list changes his/her "friendly name".
     576                        </para>
     577                </description>
     578        </bitlbee-setting>
     580        <bitlbee-setting name="display_timestamps" type="boolean" scope="global">
     581                <default>true</default>
     583                <description>
     584                        <para>
     585                                When incoming messages are old (i.e. offline messages and channel backlogs), BitlBee will prepend them with a timestamp. If you find them ugly or useless, you can use this setting to hide them.
    558586                        </para>
    559587                </description>
    609637        </bitlbee-setting>
     639        <bitlbee-setting name="local_display_name" type="boolean" scope="account">
     640                <default>false</default>
     642                <description>
     643                        <para>
     644                                Mostly meant to work around a bug in MSN servers (forgetting the display name set by the user), this setting tells BitlBee to store your display name locally and set this name on the MSN servers when connecting.
     645                        </para>
     646                </description>
     648        </bitlbee-setting>
    611650        <bitlbee-setting name="mail_notifications" type="boolean" scope="account">
    612651                <default>false</default>
    615654                        <para>
    616655                                Some protocols (MSN, Yahoo!) can notify via IM about new e-mail. Since most people use their Hotmail/Yahoo! addresses as a spam-box, this is disabled default. If you want these notifications, you can enable this setting.
     656                        </para>
     657                </description>
     659        </bitlbee-setting>
     661        <bitlbee-setting name="mode" type="string" scope="account">
     662                <possible-values>one, many, chat</possible-values>
     663                <default>one</default>
     665                <description>
     666                        <para>
     667                                By default, everything from the Twitter module will come from one nick, twitter_(yourusername). If you prefer to have individual nicks for everyone, you can set this setting to "many" instead.
     668                        </para>
     670                        <para>
     671                                If you prefer to have all your Twitter things in a separate channel, you can set this setting to "chat".
     672                        </para>
     674                        <para>
     675                                In the last two modes, you can send direct messages by /msg'ing your contacts directly. Note, however, that incoming DMs are not fetched yet.
    617676                        </para>
    618677                </description>
    824883                        <para>
    825884                                If BitlBee fails to detect this sometimes (most likely in AIM messages over an ICQ connection), you can set this setting to <emphasis>always</emphasis>, but this might sometimes accidentally strip non-HTML things too.
     885                        </para>
     886                </description>
     887        </bitlbee-setting>
     889        <bitlbee-setting name="switchboard_keepalives" type="boolean" scope="account">
     890                <default>false</default>
     892                <description>
     893                        <para>
     894                                Turn on this flag if you have difficulties talking to offline/invisible contacts.
     895                        </para>
     897                        <para>
     898                                With this setting enabled, BitlBee will send keepalives to MSN switchboards with offline/invisible contacts every twenty seconds. This should keep the server and client on the other side from shutting it down.
     899                        </para>
     901                        <para>
     902                                This is useful because BitlBee doesn't support MSN offline messages yet and the MSN servers won't let the user reopen switchboards to offline users. Once offline messaging is supported, this flag might be removed.
     903                        </para>
     904                </description>
     905        </bitlbee-setting>
     907        <bitlbee-setting name="timezone" type="string" scope="global">
     908                <default>local</default>
     909                <possible-values>local, utc, gmt, timezone-spec</possible-values>
     911                <description>
     912                        <para>
     913                                If message timestamps are available for offline messages or chatroom backlogs, BitlBee will display them as part of the message. By default it will use the local timezone. If you're not in the same timezone as the BitlBee server, you can adjust the timestamps using this setting.
     914                        </para>
     916                        <para>
     917                                Values local/utc/gmt should be self-explanatory. timezone-spec is a time offset in hours:minutes, for example: -8 for Pacific Standard Time, +2 for Central European Summer Time, +5:30 for Indian Standard Time.
    826918                        </para>
    827919                </description>
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