1 edited


  • doc/FAQ

    r40657a3 r685c4ef  
    4040Q: When is $random_feature going to be implemented?
    41 A: It depends on the feature. We keep a list of all wishlist "bugs" in our
    42    Bug Tracking system at http://bugs.bitlbee.org/
     41A: Please do consult doc/TODO (preferably in a development snapshot, which
     42   is more up-to-date than a TODO in a release version) before asking.
     43   Please also check the documentation. You'd not be the first one to request
     44   a feature which already exists!
     46   If your fabulous feature seems not to be requested before, just join
     47   #bitlbee on irc.oftc.net and tell us the news.
     49   If your feature request is already in the TODO list, of course you can
     50   still request it again/make us know that you'd like to see the feature as
     51   well. But when the feature is in the "post-1.0" list, it's probably not
     52   going to help. Most of the features in this list are low-priority because
     53   we (the developers) don't need (or even want) them. (File transfers are a
     54   good example here.)
     55   Hence, they'll only be implemented when we really got too much spare
     56   time. Obviously, if you're willing to help (i.e. submit a patch), you're
     57   always welcome.
    4459Q: The messages I send and/or receive look weird. I see weird characters and
    4661   non-ASCII characters!
    4762A: You probably have to change some settings. To get rid of HTML in messages,
    48    see "help set strip_html". If you seem to have problems with your charset,
    49    see "help set charset".
    51    Although actually most of these problems should be gone by now. So if you
    52    can't get things to work well, you might have found a bug.
     63   see "help set html". If you seem to have problems with your charset, see
     64   "help set charset".
    5466Q: Is BitlBee forked from Gaim?
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