Changeset 1c18ce1

2008-02-12T02:09:57Z (17 years ago)
Sven Moritz Hallberg <sm@…>

update settings documentation

1 edited


  • doc/user-guide/commands.xml

    rf5ac0fb r1c18ce1  
    547547        </bitlbee-setting>
     549        <bitlbee-setting name="color_encrypted" type="boolean" scope="global">
     550                <default>true</default>
     552                <description>
     553                        <para>
     554                                If set to true, BitlBee will color incoming encrypted messages according to their fingerprint trust level: untrusted=red, trusted=green.
     555                        </para>
     556                </description>
     558        </bitlbee-setting>
    549560        <bitlbee-setting name="debug" type="boolean" scope="global">
    550561                <default>false</default>
    613624        </bitlbee-setting>
     626        <bitlbee-setting name="halfop_buddies" type="string" scope="global">
     627                <default>encrypted</default>
     628                <possible-values>encrypted, trusted, notaway, false</possible-values>
     630                <description>
     631                        <para>
     632                                Specifies under which circumstances BitlBee should give the "halfop" mode flag (+h) to buddies.
     633                        </para>
     635                        <para>
     636                                If "false", the flag is never set. On "notaway", the flag is removed for users marked as "away" and set for all others. On "encrypted", the flag is set for users with whom we have an encrypted connection. On "trusted", it is set only for encrypted connections using a trusted key.
     637                        </para>
     638                </description>
     640        </bitlbee-setting>
    615642        <bitlbee-setting name="lcnicks" type="boolean" scope="global">
    616643                <default>true</default>
    635662        </bitlbee-setting>
    637         <bitlbee-setting name="ops" type="string" scope="global">
    638                 <default>both</default>
    639                 <possible-values>both, root, user, none</possible-values>
    641                 <description>
    642                         <para>
    643                                 Some people prefer themself and root to have operator status in &amp;bitlbee, other people don't. You can change these states using this setting.
    644                         </para>
    646                         <para>
    647                                 The value "both" means both user and root get ops. "root" means, well, just root. "user" means just the user. "none" means nobody will get operator status.
     664        <bitlbee-setting name="op_buddies" type="string" scope="global">
     665                <default>trusted</default>
     666                <possible-values>encrypted, trusted, notaway, false</possible-values>
     668                <description>
     669                        <para>
     670                                Specifies under which circumstances BitlBee should give the "op" mode flag (+o) to buddies.
     671                        </para>
     673                        <para>
     674                                If "false", the flag is never set. On "notaway", the flag is removed for users marked as "away" and set for all others. On "encrypted", the flag is set for users with whom we have an encrypted connection. On "trusted", it is set only for encrypted connections using a trusted key.
     675                        </para>
     676                </description>
     678        </bitlbee-setting>
     680        <bitlbee-setting name="op_root" type="bool" scope="global">
     681                <default>true</default>
     683                <description>
     684                        <para>
     685                                Some people prefer themself and root to have operator status in &amp;bitlbee, other people don't. You can set the desired state for root using this setting.
     686                        </para>
     687                </description>
     688        </bitlbee-setting>
     690        <bitlbee-setting name="op_user" type="bool" scope="global">
     691                <default>true</default>
     693                <description>
     694                        <para>
     695                                Some people prefer themself and root to have operator status in &amp;bitlbee, other people don't. You can set the desired state for yourself using this setting.
     696                        </para>
     697                </description>
     698        </bitlbee-setting>
     700        <bitlbee-setting name="otr_policy" type="string" scope="global">
     701                <default>opportunistic</default>
     702                <possible-values>never, opportunistic, manual, always</possible-values>
     704                <description>
     705                        <para>
     706                                This setting controls the policy for establishing Off-the-Record connections.
     707                        </para>
     708                        <para>
     709                                A value of "never" effectively disables the OTR subsystem. In "opportunistic" mode, a magic whitespace pattern will be appended to the first message sent to any user. If the peer is also running opportunistic OTR, an encrypted connection will be set up automatically. On "manual", on the other hand, OTR connections must be established explicitly using <emphasis>otr connect</emphasis>. Finally, the setting "always" enforces encrypted communication by causing BitlBee to refuse to send any cleartext messages at all.
    648710                        </para>
    649711                </description>
    829891                        </para>
    830892                </description>
     893        </bitlbee-setting>
     895        <bitlbee-setting name="voice_buddies" type="string" scope="global">
     896                <default>trusted</default>
     897                <possible-values>encrypted, trusted, notaway, false</possible-values>
     899                <description>
     900                        <para>
     901                                Specifies under which circumstances BitlBee should give the "voice" mode flag (+v) to buddies.
     902                        </para>
     904                        <para>
     905                                If "false", the flag is never set. On "notaway", the flag is removed for users marked as "away" and set for all others. On "encrypted", the flag is set for users with whom we have an encrypted connection. On "trusted", it is set only for encrypted connections using a trusted key.
     906                        </para>
     907                </description>
    831909        </bitlbee-setting>
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