1 edited


  • doc/user-guide/misc.xml

    r0e99548 r12b29db  
     119<sect1 id="nick_changes">
     120<title>Changing your nickname</title>
     123BitlBee now allows you to change your nickname. So far this was not possible because it made managing saved accounts more complicated.
     127The restriction no longer exists now though. When you change your nick (just using the <emphasis>/nick</emphasis> command), your logged-in status will be reset, which means any changes made to your settings/accounts will not be saved.
     131To restore your logged-in status, you need to either use the <emphasis>register</emphasis> command to create an account under the new nickname, or use <emphasis>identify -noload</emphasis> to re-identify yourself under the new nickname. The <emphasis>-noload</emphasis> flag tells the command to verify your password and log you in, but not load any new settings. See <emphasis>help identify</emphasis> for more information.
     136<sect1 id="channels">
     137<title>Dealing with channels</title>
     140You can have as many channels in BitlBee as you want. You maintain your channel list using the <emphasis>channel</emphasis> command. You can create new channels by just joining them, like on regular IRC networks.
     144You can create two kinds of channels. Control channels, and groupchat channels. By default, BitlBee will set up new channels as control channels if their name starts with an &amp;, and as chat channels if it starts with a #.
     148Control channels are where you see your contacts. By default, you will have one control channel called &amp;bitlbee, containing all your contacts. But you can create more, if you want, and divide your contact list accross several channels.
     152For example, you can have one channel with all contacts from your MSN Messenger account in it. Or all contacts from the group called "Work".
     156Type <emphasis>help channels2</emphasis> to read more.
     161<sect1 id="channels2">
     162<title>Creating a channel</title>
     165When you create a new channel, BitlBee will try to guess from its name which contacts to fill it with. For example, if the channel name (excluding the &amp;) matches the name of a group in which you have one or more contacts, the channel will contain all those contacts.
     169Any valid account ID (so a number, protocol name or part of screenname, as long as it's unique) can also be used as a channel name. So if you just join &amp;msn, it will contain all your MSN contacts (as long as you have only one MSN account set up). And if you have a Facebook account set up, you can see its contacts by just joining &amp;facebook.
     173To start a simple group chat, you simply join a channel which a name starting with #, and invite people into it. All people you invite have to be on the same IM network and contact list.
     177If you want to configure your own channels, you can use the <emphasis>channel set</emphasis>.
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