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Ticket #728: proxy.diff

File proxy.diff, 498 bytes (added by anonymous, at 2010-11-24T07:35:35Z)
  • lib/proxy.c

    old new int proxytype = PROXY_NONE; 
    4848char proxyuser[128] = "";
    4949char proxypass[128] = "";
    51 /* Some systems don't know this one. It's not essential, so set it to 0 then. */
     51/* Some systems don't know these. They're not essential, so set them to 0. */
    5252#ifndef AI_NUMERICSERV
    5353#define AI_NUMERICSERV 0
     55#ifndef AI_ADDRCONFIG
     56#define AI_ADDRCONFIG 0
    5659struct PHB {