
#1020 closed defect (moreinfo)

Twitter: rt <nick> sometimes misbehaves when rt'ing retweets

Reported by: olof@… Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: BitlBee Version: 3.0.6
Keywords: twitter Cc:
IRC client+version: Client-independent Operating System: Linux
OS version/distro:


When RT'ing a retweet on twitter, using the "rt <nick>" command, the expected behavior would be to retweet the latest message from nick. If the message you want to retweet is in itself already a retweet, however, the latest original message will be retweeted by you.


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Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed at 2013-05-25T12:46:21Z by wilmer

Does this still happen with 3.2? I'm pretty sure it shouldn't as during the JSON rewrite I've changed how this is handled.

However, I see the hex IDs in your paste which suggests 3.2 (and I just forgot to add 3.2 to Trac until recently).

comment:2 Changed at 2013-05-25T13:34:00Z by olof@…

I was/am using nightlies, so really not sure =). Was a while ago, but grepping through /var/log/apt/history logs, I may have been connected to either 3.0.6+20121222+devel+952-2 or 3.0.6+20130107+devel+965-2 at the time (depending on if i reconnected after upgrading to the latter).


comment:3 Changed at 2013-05-31T23:41:09Z by wilmer

Resolution: moreinfo
Status: newclosed

I really would need more info to find out what's happening here though, especially since there are no other reports. :-( If you see this again, let's take a look. Might have to add some more verbose logging before this can get anywhere..

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