Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Results (501 - 600 of 1098)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#522 Google Talk password with @ in it not accepted wilmer defect minor Jabber
#523 Add support for OCS (port pidgin-sipe?) enhancement pony BitlBee
#524 T-shirt defect critical BitlBee
#525 Yahoo issues defect normal BitlBee
#526 Yahoo issues defect blocker BitlBee
#527 Unable to connect to yahoo servers wilmer defect blocker Yahoo
#528 Yahoo no longer works! defect critical BitlBee
#529 Yahoo logins defect major BitlBee
#530 Asynchronous writes in the MSN module wilmer defect normal MSN
#531 facebook chat task normal BitlBee
#532 ./configure doesn't check for presence of xmlto, make fails when it isn't found defect minor BitlBee
#533 ignore "jabber - Warning: Received incomplete IQ-get packet" messages wilmer enhancement normal Jabber
#534 public api header includes a private one defect normal BitlBee
#536 msn "Unknown authentication type" wilmer defect normal MSN
#537 There is no away_priority setting yet enhancement normal BitlBee
#538 Permission bug in bitlbee 1.2.4 defect normal BitlBee
#540 bitlbee connection in Opera browser auto dis-connects defect normal BitlBee
#546 MSN mobile contacts not differentiated wilmer enhancement wishlist MSN
#547 Sending "<?xml version='1.0' ?>" breaks connection when ssl/tls on port 5222 defect normal BitlBee
#548 [] multiple connection errors, need to try three times. wilmer defect major MSN
#550 ICQ (re)connect stalls in "connecting" state Jelmer Vernooij defect normal OSCAR
#551 forgets display name wilmer defect normal MSN
#555 MSN login failure .............. I could not login , why is that ? defect normal BitlBee
#556 Extra Characters in Jabber Messages enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#557 &apos; wilmer defect minor Purple
#558 Add O_SYNC to open() when writing XML configuration enhancement normal BitlBee
#559 Add O_SYNC to open() when writing XML configuration enhancement normal BitlBee
#560 Conversion of '.accounts' file to .xml file fails when 'Authmode = Registered' defect normal BitlBee
#562 feature requst: oscar: ignore authentication request from unknown sources Jelmer Vernooij enhancement normal OSCAR
#563 Some contacts don't show up in blist. defect normal BitlBee
#564 Bitlbee does not allow communication with bots on AIM defect major BitlBee
#565 Accounts with Spaces in Password defect normal BitlBee
#566 Does not support Cyrillic (Russian) and possibly any non-ASCII nicknames in Jabber chats defect normal BitlBee
#567 Feature Request: ability to send message for specified jabber resource wilmer enhancement normal Jabber
#568 [patch] enhancement to blist format defect normal BitlBee
#569 Can't connect to Jabber server on localhost ("stanza sent before session start") defect normal BitlBee
#570 BitlBee fails to connect to QQ (problems with protocol version setting) wilmer defect normal Purple
#571 BitlBee no-quit patch enhancement normal BitlBee
#572 deb pkgs task normal BitlBee
#573 'blist' doesn't show Available status messages defect major BitlBee
#574 Please allow renaming of &bitlbee channel enhancement pony BitlBee
#575 I'd love to see .debs generated enhancement pony BitlBee
#577 patch: persistent channel names for groupchats enhancement normal BitlBee
#578 [PATCH] Oscar: add an ignore_add setting to be able to ignore additions enhancement normal BitlBee
#579 Cannot connect to icq, gtalk and jabber after upgrade to 1.2.5 defect normal BitlBee
#582 BitlBee displays XMPP <message> without <body> as "Message: " wilmer defect normal Jabber
#584 RSS feed for home page broken Jelmer Vernooij defect major Documentation
#585 in the module is not working jabber PLAIN authentication. wilmer defect normal Jabber
#586 Cannot add/accept Yahoo contacts wilmer defect normal Yahoo
#590 Talk to WLM contacts with Yahoo wilmer defect normal Yahoo
#591 Dash (-) in jabber chatrooms makes the connection fail defect normal BitlBee
#592 Un-shorten URLs geert enhancement normal Twitter
#593 support geert enhancement normal Twitter
#594 SSL support for Twitter geert enhancement normal Twitter
#595 set mode for twitter fails geert defect normal Twitter
#596 OAuth support for Twitter geert enhancement normal Twitter
#597 Search channel support for Twitter geert enhancement normal Twitter
#598 Twitter: support to follow/unfollow geert defect normal Twitter
#599 Twitter: variable for poll-intervall geert defect normal Twitter
#600 Twitter: on signon, get friends/followers geert defect normal Twitter
#602 Twitter: /invite and /kick support geert defect normal Twitter
#603 HotorNot chat protocol enhancement pony BitlBee
#604 user ID's in facebook enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#605 3 twitter improvements geert enhancement wishlist Twitter
#607 Jabber port list restriction defect normal BitlBee
#609 Twitter protocol support should turn "username: foo" into "@username foo" geert enhancement wishlist Twitter
#610 [MSN] Authentication failure with password containing special characters. defect major BitlBee
#611 Debian init script doesn't respect conf file nor kill forked daemon children defect normal BitlBee
#612 Twitter: HTML entities like &lt; and &gt; aren't unescaped to < and > geert defect normal Twitter
#613 Better input validation on default_target setting defect major BitlBee
#614 Can't log on msn account wilmer defect normal MSN
#616 Bitlbee seems to connect to undernet defect minor BitlBee
#617 Twitter support sends HTML entities and counts them incorrectly geert defect normal Twitter
#618 Use of expressions in nick_source enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#619 doc says ignore_auth_requests is true by default, but it's false defect normal BitlBee
#620 Use iconv -> ASCII//TRANSLIT for better nicknames defect normal BitlBee
#621 use apt-secure for .deb repo enhancement normal BitlBee
#622 register bitlbee application with twitter. enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#625 Custom prefix for buddies from various networks? enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#626 Support for Steam chat enhancement pony BitlBee
#628 save command doesn't work until reconnection to bitlbee ircd after adding an account? defect normal BitlBee
#630 Multiple twitter accounts for the same user don't work due to corrupted OAUTH defect normal BitlBee
#631 Bitlbee unable to connect to Openfire Jabber servers that use the Client Control plugin enhancement normal BitlBee
#632 Multiple AIM accounts for one channel defect normal BitlBee
#633 Removal of buddies on oscar protocol does not remove buddy at server Jelmer Vernooij defect normal OSCAR
#634 UI-Fix branch auto_connect channels enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#635 UI-Fix branch auto_connect channels enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#636 twitter history limit on_load enhancement wishlist Twitter
#637 Clean up chatrooms when leaving/re-entering defect normal BitlBee
#638 Can't connect to Gmail wilmer defect normal Jabber
#639 twitter channel defect normal BitlBee
#640 Twitter: DOS newline not ignored geert defect normal Twitter
#641 http_client.c hardly speaks HTTP/1.0 geert defect normal BitlBee
#642 Windows Live Groups and Bitlbee wilmer defect normal MSN
#643 twitter_lib.c:176: undefined reference to `g_ascii_strtoll' defect normal BitlBee
#644 Using IPv6 to connect into XMPP-server wilmer enhancement normal Jabber
#646 Error: Could not retrieve /statuses/home_timeline.xml: 400 Bad Request (Rate limit exceeded. Clients may not make more than 75 requests per hour. geert defect normal Twitter
#647 GMail new mail notification wilmer enhancement wishlist Jabber
#648 Using Twitter and Identica accounts with the same username defect normal BitlBee
#649 IRC Actions should be sent as "*blah*" rather than "/me blah" on protocols that don't support them. enhancement wishlist IRC
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.