

12:09 Ticket #510 (integration of facebook chat to bitlbee) created by cimnine <cimnine@…>
Today I was wondering, if bitlbee could implement the (inofficial) …


12:06 Ticket #509 (TLS connectivity issue) created by i.galic@…
I'm experiencing trouble connecting via BitlBee to an XMPP service …


17:05 Ticket #508 (no way to connect to sametime servers) created by jamgill@…
BitlBee needs to be able to connect to SameTime servers. Just another …
17:04 Ticket #507 (SameTime protocol) created by jamgill@…
BitlBee needs to be able to connect to SameTime servers. Just another …


13:06 Ticket #503 (Yahoo Messenger version set to expire in August 2009) closed by wilmer
duplicate: #505
12:48 Ticket #505 (Yahoo version will expire) created by anonymous
Hi, when I connect to yahoo via BitlBee it provides me a message …


12:53 Ticket #492 (Unknown settings make bitlbee segfault.) closed by wilmer
fixed: Fixed in changeset:devel,465. Didn't use your patch because I was on …
12:45 Ticket #504 ("chat set", (server) crashes) closed by wilmer
fixed: I actually fixed this just a few days ago: changeset:devel,466.
12:25 Ticket #504 ("chat set", (server) crashes) created by laen@…
With the support for chatrooms in Bitlbee, i descided i wanted to add …


21:48 Changeset [2ea8736] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Fixed another crash bug (this one was triggered by just typing "chat set").
21:44 Changeset [8a08d92] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Fixed crash on setting an unknown setting.


10:06 Ticket #503 (Yahoo Messenger version set to expire in August 2009) created by Berend de Boer <berend@…>
Just got this message yahoo - Logging in: Yahoo! system message: …
08:03 Ticket #502 (Personal Message) closed by wilmer
duplicate: I think this is similar to #363? Maybe one day, but it will need an …
07:58 Ticket #502 (Personal Message) created by anonymous
Could the personal message be implemented?


23:17 Changeset [b9369b5] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Fixed compatibility with AIM mobile messages. Should work according to …
23:07 Ticket #498 (unable to bind UNIX socket to /var/run/bitlbee.sock) closed by wilmer
worksforme: I guess it was indeed the firewall?


14:41 Ticket #501 (/join on an unavailable chat causes NULL pointer dereference) created by wilmer
I can't believe I didn't fix that since I've seen several crashes from …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.