

14:55 Ticket #223 (iconv error when compiling) created by anonymous
When I am trying to compile bitlbee I get these errors:


09:20 Changeset [55078f5] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Forgot to pass O_CREAT to open() which can cause problems if there's a …


19:39 Changeset [dfc8a46] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Bye bye lilo. I've never been a fan of yours, but let's not make fun …


18:46 Changeset [25984f2] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Fixed me. ;-) This seems to be correct already.
09:34 Changeset [9bcbe48] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Fixed some (possible) NULL-pointer dereferences. THANKS FOR NOTHING to …


03:06 Ticket #222 (More "script friendly" responses from root) created by f0rked
Currently, some responses from root have no clear ending.. an 'info' …


12:11 Ticket #221 (corrupted offline messages containing both ascii and non-ascii chars) created by wakeroid@…
oscar account is always "invisible" (which is ok for me), but when …


10:38 Changeset [16b5f86] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Added handling of GET_BUDDY_* flags.


23:06 Changeset [0d3f30f] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Improved handling of JIDs: Bare JIDs are allowed (*sigh*) and case …


12:24 Ticket #220 (manpage mentions /var/lib/bitlbee instead of what is set at configtime) created by han@…
manpage mentions /var/lib/bitlbee instead of what is set at configtime …


13:45 Ticket #219 (ERROR Error: Fatal signal received: 11. That's probably a bug.) closed by wilmer
invalid: Can't really do anything about problems with third-party public …


19:04 Ticket #219 (ERROR Error: Fatal signal received: 11. That's probably a bug.) created by nessahead@…
I connected to irc.net with irssi and went through the multi-step …
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