- 18:34 Ticket #189 (+R after identifying) created by
- It would be nice to reviece mode +R after identifying to root/nickserv …
- 16:52 Changeset [0aaca60] by
- Added some (more) comments to .h files in lib/ and some minor …
- 12:49 Ticket #184 (Bitlbee as irc2irc gateway.) created by
- Why not to add "irc to irc" gateway feature? I see this feature usable …
- 17:26 Changeset [04026d4] by
- Fixed a broken call to set_get() (CRASH), shut up a compiler warning …
- 18:27 Changeset [89a1809] by
- More documentation updates: Added a Scope: line for every setting (for …
- 18:24 Changeset [00a5270] by
- Added a per-connection auto_reconnect setting.
- 09:34 Changeset [eda0270] by
- Merging from main.
- 09:25 Changeset [75a4b85] by
- Fixed a memory leak, added a check for valid Jabber handles, and …
- 08:57 Ticket #183 (Random "bind: Can't assign requested address" messages on OS X) created by
- I get these "bind: Can't assign requested address" messages when I …
- 08:53 Ticket #182 (Problem with duplicate buddies and renaming accounts) created by
- I have a couple of buddies which I have in more then one account. As a …
- 08:07 Changeset [6398094] by
- Removed #defines used to simulate systems without IPv6 support.
- 13:11 Ticket #181 (Bitlbee displays the wrong error message) created by
- When the ConfigDir is missing, bitlbee displays the wrong message. …
- 09:28 Changeset [b0a33a5] by
- Better handling of situations where IPv6 is not available at run-time.
- 10:54 Changeset [a93e3c8] by
- Fixed irc_names() (forgot to add @s for user/root in the new version).
- 13:34 Changeset [f4aa393] by
- Ignore *.o files (removed from global ignores in bzr 0.9)
- 13:33 Changeset [66b9e86e] by
- Add support for checking test suite coverage using gcov.
- 18:34 Changeset [7e3592e] by
- Fixed text_load(), added detection of primary storage backends without …
- 05:03 Ticket #179 (show heads up info in topic) created by
- Pending requests or authorizations would be nice. I'm sure you can …
- 21:22 Changeset [5b52a48] by
- Implemented per-account nick lists instead of per-protocol nick lists. …
- 21:16 Changeset [bf25fa3] by
- Completed [167]. (Memory leak wasn't completely fixed yet.)
- 07:08 Ticket #176 (could not login to custom jabber server) closed by
- worksforme: […] I already answered your question... 18:49 wilmer| …
- 07:05 Ticket #177 (could not login to custom jabber server) closed by
- duplicate: #176
- 00:09 Ticket #177 (could not login to custom jabber server) created by
- could not login to other than jabber.org server, like: " account add …
- 00:09 Ticket #176 (could not login to custom jabber server) created by
- could not login to other than jabber.org server, like: " account add …
- 23:20 Changeset [911f2eb] by
- Added display_name setting for MSN connections. (Should replace the …
- 17:25 Ticket #175 (Proposition of changes to user levels) closed by
- duplicate: This is a dupe of #104, kind of. I'll close this version. However, I …
- 17:19 Ticket #175 (Proposition of changes to user levels) created by
- Since most protocols support different users levels; it would be …
- 09:49 Changeset [96863f6] by
- Added protocol-specific settings, made the server setting specific to …
- 19:17 Changeset [fef6116] by
- Fixed check in set_eval_account() and merging from main (better NAMES …
- 15:52 Changeset [5100caa] by
- Added "account set" command.
- 10:15 Ticket #174 (cannot identify) closed by
- fixed: Okay, I'm sorry for the spam comment that was here when you posted, …
- 23:18 Changeset [0a3c243] by
- Got rid of struct aim_user (now using account_t everywhere). Needs …
- 22:11 Ticket #174 (cannot identify) created by
- after the server (im.bitlbee.org) was down some hours some days an got …
- 09:17 Changeset [5c9512f] by
- Made set.c API more generic so it's not specific to irc_t structures …
- 19:49 Ticket #173 (Yahoo!Japan Messenger) created by
- It would be nice if it could access Yahoo!Japan accounts, too.
- 14:47 Changeset [1719464] by
- Added random_bytes() function for better/more reliable randomization …
- 09:59 Changeset [b3c467b] by
- Cleaned up Makefiles + configure: Cleaning up bitlbee.pc, removed the …
- 07:07 Ticket #172 (Too long messages are cut while being sent) closed by
- invalid: Yes, it's an IRC protocol limitation. …
- 22:57 Ticket #172 (Too long messages are cut while being sent) created by
- I noticed that when I write very long messages in Irssi (6-7 lines …
- 21:50 Changeset [3f9440d] by
- /NAMES replies are more efficient now.
- 16:50 Changeset [90bbb0e] by
- Moved the call to "account on" to the right place.
- 15:12 Ticket #171 ([PATCH] Environment variable CFLAGS isn't honored) created by
- BitlBee currently doesn't honor passed CFLAGS, neither in …
- 15:06 Changeset [471573f] by
- Merging from devel (IRC protocol compliance stuff).
- 12:04 Changeset [c9f0c79] by
- Implemented cleaner way of passing the "Incorrect password" error.
- 00:50 Ticket #170 (Import sending wizz/nudges over MSN Protocol) created by
- I know it's a stupid feature :-) , but the code is there and it's the …
- 19:55 Ticket #159 (umode is not handled properly) closed by
- fixed: Committed in [172].
- 19:55 Ticket #158 (RPL_NAMREPLY shows channels as secret) closed by
- fixed: Committed in [172].
- 19:55 Ticket #160 (error message for unknown commands) closed by
- fixed: Committed in [172].
- 19:55 Changeset [2f13222] by
- IRC protocol compliance fixes (closes: #158, #159, #160).
- 19:45 Ticket #168 (bitlbee crashes on FC5 using version 1.02 (glibc)) closed by
- invalid: DAemon mode. Already resolved on IRC.
- 19:43 Changeset [fd03770] by
- Merging from devel/Jelmer.
- 19:20 Changeset [9b63df6] by
- Why did I forget this one? *sigh*
- 18:25 Changeset [6ee9d2d] by
- Forgot to initialize pass_rc4 (which caused memory management mess …
- 17:23 Changeset [88086db] by
- Added versioning information to the XML-file (convenient for later …
- 17:07 Changeset [6e1fed7] by
- Using salted MD5 checksums for the user's BitlBee password and salted …
- 16:40 Changeset [38cc9d4] by
- Fixed a memory leak (u->group).
- 15:16 Changeset [4b1a75a] by
- Disabling call to sethostent() because it causes major problems on …
- 14:07 Changeset [7ed3199] by
- Moved Base64-related functions to a separate file and added decode …
- 12:17 Changeset [125b35d] by
- Merging from Jelmer (this adds some basic unit testing code).
- 12:15 Changeset [df1694b] by
- Moving all generic files to lib/ instead of having some in / and some …
- 22:00 Milestone 1.0.3 completed
- 18:15 Changeset [812a413] by
- Added saner base64 encoding function (actually, moved the one from …
- 09:16 Ticket #169 (MSN live offline messages feature support) created by
- would be nice if bitlbee can handle that offline messages, that cames …
- 17:14 Changeset [00ab350] by
- Fixed GError memory leak, correctly setting the migrate_storage default.
- 16:56 Changeset [59f5c42a] by
- Fixed md->grouplist memory leak.
- 16:34 Changeset [b72caac] by
- Merging libevent branch: Events can now be handles by both glib and …
Note: See TracTimeline
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