#include #include #include #include #include #include "irc.h" #include "set.h" #include "lib/misc.h" #include "lib/url.h" START_TEST(test_strip_linefeed){ int i; const char *get[] = { "Test", "Test\r", "Test\rX\r", NULL }; const char *expected[] = { "Test", "Test", "TestX", NULL }; for (i = 0; get[i]; i++) { char copy[20]; strcpy(copy, get[i]); strip_linefeed(copy); fail_unless(strcmp(copy, expected[i]) == 0, "(%d) strip_linefeed broken: %s -> %s (expected: %s)", i, get[i], copy, expected[i]); } } END_TEST START_TEST(test_strip_newlines) { int i; const char *get[] = { "Test", "Test\r\n", "Test\nX\n", NULL }; const char *expected[] = { "Test", "Test ", "Test X ", NULL }; for (i = 0; get[i]; i++) { char copy[20], *ret; strcpy(copy, get[i]); ret = strip_newlines(copy); fail_unless(strcmp(copy, expected[i]) == 0, "(%d) strip_newlines broken: %s -> %s (expected: %s)", i, get[i], copy, expected[i]); fail_unless(copy == ret, "Original string not returned"); } } END_TEST START_TEST(test_set_url_http) url_t url; fail_if(0 == url_set(&url, "http://host/")); fail_unless(!strcmp(url.host, "host")); fail_unless(!strcmp(url.file, "/")); fail_unless(!strcmp(url.user, "")); fail_unless(!strcmp(url.pass, "")); fail_unless(url.proto == PROTO_HTTP); fail_unless(url.port == 80); END_TEST START_TEST(test_set_url_https) url_t url; fail_if(0 == url_set(&url, "https://ahost/AimeeMann")); fail_unless(!strcmp(url.host, "ahost")); fail_unless(!strcmp(url.file, "/AimeeMann")); fail_unless(!strcmp(url.user, "")); fail_unless(!strcmp(url.pass, "")); fail_unless(url.proto == PROTO_HTTPS); fail_unless(url.port == 443); END_TEST START_TEST(test_set_url_port) url_t url; fail_if(0 == url_set(&url, "https://ahost:200/Lost/In/Space")); fail_unless(!strcmp(url.host, "ahost")); fail_unless(!strcmp(url.file, "/Lost/In/Space")); fail_unless(!strcmp(url.user, "")); fail_unless(!strcmp(url.pass, "")); fail_unless(url.proto == PROTO_HTTPS); fail_unless(url.port == 200); END_TEST START_TEST(test_set_url_username) url_t url; fail_if(0 == url_set(&url, "socks4://user@ahost/Space")); fail_unless(!strcmp(url.host, "ahost")); fail_unless(!strcmp(url.file, "/Space")); fail_unless(!strcmp(url.user, "user")); fail_unless(!strcmp(url.pass, "")); fail_unless(url.proto == PROTO_SOCKS4); fail_unless(url.port == 1080); END_TEST START_TEST(test_set_url_username_pwd) url_t url; fail_if(0 == url_set(&url, "socks5://user:pass@ahost/")); fail_unless(!strcmp(url.host, "ahost")); fail_unless(!strcmp(url.file, "/")); fail_unless(!strcmp(url.user, "user")); fail_unless(!strcmp(url.pass, "pass")); fail_unless(url.proto == PROTO_SOCKS5); fail_unless(url.port == 1080); END_TEST struct { char *orig; int line_len; char *wrapped; } word_wrap_tests[] = { { "Line-wrapping is not as easy as it seems?", 16, "Line-wrapping is\nnot as easy as\nit seems?" }, { "Line-wrapping is not as easy as it seems?", 8, "Line-\nwrapping\nis not\nas easy\nas it\nseems?" }, { "Line-wrapping is\nnot as easy as it seems?", 8, "Line-\nwrapping\nis\nnot as\neasy as\nit\nseems?" }, { "a aa aaa aaaa aaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaaa", 5, "a aa\naaa\naaaa\naaaaa\naaaaa\na\naaaaa\naa\naaaaa\naaa", }, { "aaaaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaa aaaa aaa aa a", 5, "aaaaa\naaa\naaaaa\naa\naaaaa\na\naaaaa\naaaa\naaa\naa a", }, { "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", 5, "aaaaa\naaaaa\naaaaa\naaaaa\naaaaa\naaaaa\naaaaa\na", }, { NULL } }; START_TEST(test_word_wrap) int i; for (i = 0; word_wrap_tests[i].orig && *word_wrap_tests[i].orig; i++) { char *wrapped = word_wrap(word_wrap_tests[i].orig, word_wrap_tests[i].line_len); fail_unless(strcmp(word_wrap_tests[i].wrapped, wrapped) == 0, "%s (line_len = %d) should wrap to `%s', not to `%s'", word_wrap_tests[i].orig, word_wrap_tests[i].line_len, word_wrap_tests[i].wrapped, wrapped); g_free(wrapped); } END_TEST START_TEST(test_http_encode) char s[80]; strcpy(s, "ee\xc3" "\xab" "ee!!..."); http_encode(s); fail_unless(strcmp(s, "ee%C3%ABee%21%21...") == 0); END_TEST struct { int limit; char *command; char *expected[IRC_MAX_ARGS + 1]; } split_tests[] = { { 0, "account add etc \"user name with spaces\" 'pass\\ word'", { "account", "add", "etc", "user name with spaces", "pass\\ word", NULL }, }, { 0, "channel set group Close\\ friends", { "channel", "set", "group", "Close friends", NULL }, }, { 2, "reply wilmer \"testing in C is a PITA\", you said.", { "reply", "wilmer", "\"testing in C is a PITA\", you said.", NULL }, }, { 4, "one space two spaces limit limit", { "one", "space", "two", "spaces", "limit limit", NULL }, }, { 0, NULL, { NULL } }, }; START_TEST(test_split_command_parts) int i; for (i = 0; split_tests[i].command; i++) { char *cmd = g_strdup(split_tests[i].command); char **split = split_command_parts(cmd, split_tests[i].limit); char **expected = split_tests[i].expected; int j; for (j = 0; split[j] && expected[j]; j++) { fail_unless(strcmp(split[j], expected[j]) == 0, "(%d) split_command_parts broken: split(\"%s\")[%d] -> %s (expected: %s)", i, split_tests[i].command, j, split[j], expected[j]); } g_free(cmd); } END_TEST Suite *util_suite(void) { Suite *s = suite_create("Util"); TCase *tc_core = tcase_create("Core"); suite_add_tcase(s, tc_core); tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_strip_linefeed); tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_strip_newlines); tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_set_url_http); tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_set_url_https); tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_set_url_port); tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_set_url_username); tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_set_url_username_pwd); tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_word_wrap); tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_http_encode); tcase_add_test(tc_core, test_split_command_parts); return s; }