#!/bin/bash BITLBEE=$1 typeset -ix PORT=`echo $2 | egrep '^[0-9]{1,5}$'` SCRIPT=$3 shift 3 [ -n "$SCRIPT" -a -n "$BITLBEE" -a -e "$SCRIPT" -a "$PORT" -ne 0 ] || { echo Syntax: `basename "$0"` bitlbee-executable listening-port test-script test-script-args; exit 1; } # Create or empty test dir mkdir livetest 2>/dev/null || rm livetest/bitlbeetest*.xml bitlbeetest.pid 2>/dev/null # Run the bee echo Running bitlbee... $VALGRIND $BITLBEE -n -c bitlbee.conf -d livetest/ -D -P bitlbeetest.pid -p $PORT & sleep 2 # Check if it's really running kill -0 `cat bitlbeetest.pid 2>/dev/null ` 2>/dev/null || { echo Failed to run bitlbee daemon on port $PORT; exit 1; } # Set up skyped rm -rf etc mkdir etc cd etc cp ../../skyped.cnf . yes ""|openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -config skyped.cnf -out skyped.cert.pem -keyout skyped.key.pem 2> openssl.log cd .. echo "[skyped]" > skyped.conf echo "username = $TEST_SKYPE_ID" >> skyped.conf echo "password = $(echo -n $TEST_SKYPE_PASSWORD|sha1sum|sed 's/ *-$//')" >> skyped.conf # we use ~ here to test that resolve that syntax works echo "cert = $(pwd|sed "s|$HOME|~|")/etc/skyped.cert.pem" >> skyped.conf echo "key = $(pwd|sed "s|$HOME|~|")/etc/skyped.key.pem" >> skyped.conf echo "port = 2727" >> skyped.conf # Run skyped python ../skyped.py -c skyped.conf -l skypedtest.log > skypedtest.pid sleep 2 # Run the test echo Running test script... "$SCRIPT" $* RET=$? # Kill skyped killall -TERM skype kill -TERM $(sed 's/.*: //' skypedtest.pid) # Kill bee echo Killing bitlbee... kill `cat bitlbeetest.pid` # Return test result [ $RET -eq 0 ] && echo Test passed [ $RET -ne 0 ] && echo Test failed [ $RET -eq 22 ] && echo '(timed out)' [ $RET -eq 66 ] && echo '(environment variables missing)' exit $RET