/********************************************************************\ * BitlBee -- An IRC to other IM-networks gateway * * * * Copyright 2002-2006 Wilmer van der Gaast and others * \********************************************************************/ /* Some stuff to register, handle and save user preferences */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License with the Debian GNU/Linux distribution in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef __SET_H__ #define __SET_H__ struct set; /* This used to be specific to irc_t structures, but it's more generic now (so it can also be used for account_t structs). It's pretty simple, but so far pretty useful. In short, it just keeps a linked list of settings/variables and it also remembers a default value for every setting. And to prevent the user from setting invalid values, you can write an evaluator function for every setting, which can check a new value and block it by returning NULL, or replace it by returning a new value. See struct set.eval. One thing that is really missing here is additional data for the evaluator. This could be useful to add minimum and maximum values for integers, for example. */ typedef char *(*set_eval) ( struct set *set, char *value ); typedef struct set { void *data; /* Here you can save a pointer to the object this settings belongs to. */ char *key; char *value; char *def; /* Default value. If the set_setstr() function notices a new value is exactly the same as the default, value gets set to NULL. So when you read a setting, don't forget about this! In fact, you should only read values using set_getstr/int(). */ int flags; /* See account.h, for example. set.c doesn't use this (yet?). */ /* Eval: Returns NULL if the value is incorrect or exactly the passed value variable. When returning a corrected value, set_setstr() should be able to free() the returned string! */ set_eval eval; struct set *next; } set_t; /* Should be pretty clear. */ set_t *set_add( set_t **head, char *key, char *def, set_eval eval, void *data ); /* Returns the raw set_t. Might be useful sometimes. */ set_t *set_find( set_t **head, char *key ); /* Returns a pointer to the string value of this setting. Don't modify the returned string, and don't free() it! */ G_MODULE_EXPORT char *set_getstr( set_t **head, char *key ); /* Get an integer. In previous versions set_getint() was also used to read boolean values, but this SHOULD be done with set_getbool() now! */ G_MODULE_EXPORT int set_getint( set_t **head, char *key ); G_MODULE_EXPORT int set_getbool( set_t **head, char *key ); /* set_setstr() strdup()s the given value, so after using this function you can free() it, if you want. */ int set_setstr( set_t **head, char *key, char *value ); int set_setint( set_t **head, char *key, int value ); void set_del( set_t **head, char *key ); void set_reset( set_t **head, char *key ); /* Two very useful generic evaluators. */ char *set_eval_int( set_t *set, char *value ); char *set_eval_bool( set_t *set, char *value ); /* Some not very generic evaluators that really shouldn't be here... */ char *set_eval_to_char( set_t *set, char *value ); char *set_eval_op_root( set_t *set, char *value ); char *set_eval_op_user( set_t *set, char *value ); char *set_eval_op_buddies( set_t *set, char *value ); char *set_eval_halfop_buddies( set_t *set, char *value ); char *set_eval_voice_buddies( set_t *set, char *value ); char *set_eval_charset( set_t *set, char *value ); #endif /* __SET_H__ */