/********************************************************************\ * BitlBee -- An IRC to other IM-networks gateway * * * * Copyright 2002-2013 Wilmer van der Gaast and others * \********************************************************************/ /* Some stuff to register, handle and save user preferences */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License with the Debian GNU/Linux distribution in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St., Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #define BITLBEE_CORE #include "bitlbee.h" /* Used to use NULL for this, but NULL is actually a "valid" value. */ char *SET_INVALID = "nee"; set_t *set_add(set_t **head, const char *key, const char *def, set_eval eval, void *data) { set_t *s = set_find(head, key); /* Possibly the setting already exists. If it doesn't exist yet, we create it. If it does, we'll just change the default. */ if (!s) { if ((s = *head)) { /* Sorted insertion. Special-case insertion at the start. */ if (strcmp(key, s->key) < 0) { s = g_new0(set_t, 1); s->next = *head; *head = s; } else { while (s->next && strcmp(key, s->next->key) > 0) { s = s->next; } set_t *last_next = s->next; s->next = g_new0(set_t, 1); s = s->next; s->next = last_next; } } else { s = *head = g_new0(set_t, 1); } s->key = g_strdup(key); } if (s->def) { g_free(s->def); s->def = NULL; } if (def) { s->def = g_strdup(def); } s->eval = eval; s->data = data; return s; } set_t *set_find(set_t **head, const char *key) { set_t *s = *head; while (s) { if (g_strcasecmp(s->key, key) == 0 || (s->old_key && g_strcasecmp(s->old_key, key) == 0)) { break; } s = s->next; } return s; } char *set_getstr(set_t **head, const char *key) { set_t *s = set_find(head, key); if (!s || (!s->value && !s->def)) { return NULL; } return set_value(s); } int set_getint(set_t **head, const char *key) { char *s = set_getstr(head, key); int i = 0; if (!s) { return 0; } if (sscanf(s, "%d", &i) != 1) { return 0; } return i; } int set_getbool(set_t **head, const char *key) { char *s = set_getstr(head, key); if (!s) { return 0; } return bool2int(s); } int set_isvisible(set_t *set) { /* the default value is not stored in value, only in def */ return !((set->flags & SET_HIDDEN) || ((set->flags & SET_HIDDEN_DEFAULT) && (set->value == NULL))); } int set_setstr(set_t **head, const char *key, char *value) { set_t *s = set_find(head, key); char *nv = value; if (!s) { /* Used to do this, but it never really made sense. s = set_add( head, key, NULL, NULL, NULL ); */ return 0; } if (value == NULL && (s->flags & SET_NULL_OK) == 0) { return 0; } /* Call the evaluator. For invalid values, evaluators should now return SET_INVALID, but previously this was NULL. Try to handle that too if NULL is not an allowed value for this setting. */ if (s->eval && ((nv = s->eval(s, value)) == SET_INVALID || ((s->flags & SET_NULL_OK) == 0 && nv == NULL))) { return 0; } if (s->value) { g_free(s->value); s->value = NULL; } /* If there's a default setting and it's equal to what we're trying to set, stick with s->value = NULL. Otherwise, remember the setting. */ if (!s->def || (strcmp(nv, s->def) != 0)) { s->value = g_strdup(nv); } if (nv != value) { g_free(nv); } return 1; } int set_setint(set_t **head, const char *key, int value) { char *s = g_strdup_printf("%d", value); int retval = set_setstr(head, key, s); g_free(s); return retval; } void set_del(set_t **head, const char *key) { set_t *s = *head, *t = NULL; while (s) { if (g_strcasecmp(s->key, key) == 0) { break; } s = (t = s)->next; } if (s) { if (t) { t->next = s->next; } else { *head = s->next; } g_free(s->key); g_free(s->old_key); g_free(s->value); g_free(s->def); g_free(s); } } int set_reset(set_t **head, const char *key) { set_t *s; s = set_find(head, key); if (s) { return set_setstr(head, key, s->def); } return 0; } char *set_eval_int(set_t *set, char *value) { char *s = value; /* Allow a minus at the first position. */ if (*s == '-') { s++; } for (; *s; s++) { if (!g_ascii_isdigit(*s)) { return SET_INVALID; } } return value; } char *set_eval_bool(set_t *set, char *value) { return is_bool(value) ? value : SET_INVALID; } char *set_eval_list(set_t *set, char *value) { GSList *options = set->eval_data, *opt; for (opt = options; opt; opt = opt->next) { if (strcmp(value, opt->data) == 0) { return value; } } /* TODO: It'd be nice to show the user a list of allowed values, but we don't have enough context here to do that. May want to fix that. */ return NULL; } char *set_eval_to_char(set_t *set, char *value) { char *s = g_new(char, 3); if (*value == ' ') { strcpy(s, " "); } else { sprintf(s, "%c ", *value); } return s; } char *set_eval_oauth(set_t *set, char *value) { account_t *acc = set->data; if (bool2int(value) && strcmp(acc->pass, PASSWORD_PENDING) == 0) { *acc->pass = '\0'; } return set_eval_bool(set, value); }