#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 # # skyped.py # # Copyright (c) 2007-2013 by Miklos Vajna # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, # USA. # import sys import os import signal import time import socket import Skype4Py import hashlib from ConfigParser import ConfigParser, NoOptionError from traceback import print_exception from fcntl import fcntl, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC import ssl __version__ = "0.1.1" try: import gobject hasgobject = True except ImportError: import select import threading hasgobject = False def eh(type, value, tb): global options if type != KeyboardInterrupt: print_exception(type, value, tb) if hasgobject: gobject.MainLoop().quit() if options.conn: options.conn.close() # shut down client if it's running try: skype.skype.Client.Shutdown() except NameError: pass sys.exit("Exiting.") sys.excepthook = eh def wait_for_lock(lock, timeout_to_print, timeout, msg): start = time.time() locked = lock.acquire(0) while not(locked): time.sleep(0.5) if timeout_to_print and (time.time() - timeout_to_print > start): dprint("%s: Waited %f seconds" % \ (msg, time.time() - start)) timeout_to_print = False if timeout and (time.time() - timeout > start): dprint("%s: Waited %f seconds, giving up" % \ (msg, time.time() - start)) return False locked = lock.acquire(0) return True def input_handler(fd, io_condition = None): global options global skype if options.buf: for i in options.buf: skype.send(i.strip()) options.buf = None if not hasgobject: return True else: if not hasgobject: close_socket = False if wait_for_lock(options.lock, 3, 10, "input_handler"): try: input = fd.recv(1024) options.lock.release() except Exception, s: dprint("Warning, receiving 1024 bytes failed (%s)." % s) fd.close() options.conn = False options.lock.release() return False for i in input.split("\n"): if i.strip() == "SET USERSTATUS OFFLINE": close_socket = True skype.send(i.strip()) return not(close_socket) try: input = fd.recv(1024) except Exception, s: dprint("Warning, receiving 1024 bytes failed (%s)." % s) fd.close() return False for i in input.split("\n"): skype.send(i.strip()) return True def skype_idle_handler(skype): try: c = skype.skype.Command("PING", Block=True) skype.skype.SendCommand(c) except (Skype4Py.SkypeAPIError, AttributeError), s: dprint("Warning, pinging Skype failed (%s)." % (s)) time.sleep(1) return True def send(sock, txt): global options from time import sleep count = 1 done = False if hasgobject: while (not done) and (count < 10): try: sock.send(txt) done = True except Exception, s: count += 1 dprint("Warning, sending '%s' failed (%s). count=%d" % (txt, s, count)) sleep(1) if not done: options.conn.close() else: while (not done) and (count < 10) and options.conn: if wait_for_lock(options.lock, 3, 10, "socket send"): try: if options.conn: sock.send(txt) options.lock.release() done = True except Exception, s: options.lock.release() count += 1 dprint("Warning, sending '%s' failed (%s). count=%d" % (txt, s, count)) sleep(1) if not done: if options.conn: options.conn.close() options.conn = False return done def bitlbee_idle_handler(skype): global options done = False if options.conn: try: e = "PING" done = send(options.conn, "%s\n" % e) except Exception, s: dprint("Warning, sending '%s' failed (%s)." % (e, s)) if hasgobject: options.conn.close() else: if options.conn: options.conn.close() options.conn = False done = False if hasgobject: return True else: return done return True def server(host, port, skype = None): global options if ":" in host: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6) else: sock = socket.socket() sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) fcntl(sock, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); sock.bind((host, port)) sock.listen(1) if hasgobject: gobject.io_add_watch(sock, gobject.IO_IN, listener) else: dprint("Waiting for connection...") listener(sock, skype) def listener(sock, skype): global options if not hasgobject: if not(wait_for_lock(options.lock, 3, 10, "listener")): return False rawsock, addr = sock.accept() try: options.conn = ssl.wrap_socket(rawsock, server_side=True, certfile=options.config.sslcert, keyfile=options.config.sslkey, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1) except ssl.SSLError: dprint("Warning, SSL init failed, did you create your certificate?") return False if hasattr(options.conn, 'handshake'): try: options.conn.handshake() except Exception: if not hasgobject: options.lock.release() dprint("Warning, handshake failed, closing connection.") return False ret = 0 try: line = options.conn.recv(1024) if line.startswith("USERNAME") and line.split(' ')[1].strip() == options.config.username: ret += 1 line = options.conn.recv(1024) if line.startswith("PASSWORD") and hashlib.sha1(line.split(' ')[1].strip()).hexdigest() == options.config.password: ret += 1 except Exception, s: dprint("Warning, receiving 1024 bytes failed (%s)." % s) options.conn.close() if not hasgobject: options.conn = False options.lock.release() return False if ret == 2: dprint("Username and password OK.") options.conn.send("PASSWORD OK\n") if hasgobject: gobject.io_add_watch(options.conn, gobject.IO_IN, input_handler) else: options.lock.release() serverloop(options, skype) return True else: dprint("Username and/or password WRONG.") options.conn.send("PASSWORD KO\n") if not hasgobject: options.conn.close() options.conn = False options.lock.release() return False def dprint(msg): from time import strftime global options now = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if options.debug: try: print now + ": " + msg except Exception, s: try: sanitized = msg.encode("ascii", "backslashreplace") except Error, s: try: sanitized = "hex [" + msg.encode("hex") + "]" except Error, s: sanitized = "[unable to print debug message]" print now + "~=" + sanitized sys.stdout.flush() if options.log: sock = open(options.log, "a") sock.write("%s: %s\n" % (now, msg)) sock.close() class MockedSkype: """Mock class for Skype4Py.Skype(), in case the -m option is used.""" def __init__(self, mock): sock = open(mock) self.lines = sock.readlines() def SendCommand(self, c): pass def Command(self, msg, Block): if msg == "PING": return ["PONG"] line = self.lines[0].strip() if not line.startswith(">> "): raise Exception("Corrupted mock input") line = line[3:] if line != msg: raise Exception("'%s' != '%s'" % (line, msg)) self.lines = self.lines[1:] # drop the expected incoming line ret = [] while True: # and now send back all the following lines, up to the next expected incoming line if len(self.lines) == 0: break if self.lines[0].startswith(">> "): break if not self.lines[0].startswith("<< "): raise Exception("Corrupted mock input") ret.append(self.lines[0][3:].strip()) self.lines = self.lines[1:] return ret class SkypeApi: def __init__(self, mock): if not mock: self.skype = Skype4Py.Skype() self.skype.OnNotify = self.recv self.skype.Client.Start() else: self.skype = MockedSkype(mock) def recv(self, msg_text): global options if msg_text == "PONG": return if "\n" in msg_text: # crappy skype prefixes only the first line for # multiline messages so we need to do so for the other # lines, too. this is something like: # 'CHATMESSAGE id BODY first line\nsecond line' -> # 'CHATMESSAGE id BODY first line\nCHATMESSAGE id BODY second line' prefix = " ".join(msg_text.split(" ")[:3]) msg_text = ["%s %s" % (prefix, i) for i in " ".join(msg_text.split(" ")[3:]).split("\n")] else: msg_text = [msg_text] for i in msg_text: try: # Internally, BitlBee always uses UTF-8 and encodes/decodes as # necessary to communicate with the IRC client; thus send the # UTF-8 it expects e = i.encode('UTF-8') except: # Should never happen, but it's better to send difficult to # read data than crash because some message couldn't be encoded e = i.encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace') if options.conn: dprint('<< ' + e) try: send(options.conn, e + "\n") except Exception, s: dprint("Warning, sending '%s' failed (%s)." % (e, s)) if options.conn: options.conn.close() options.conn = False else: dprint('-- ' + e) def send(self, msg_text): if not len(msg_text) or msg_text == "PONG": if msg_text == "PONG": options.last_bitlbee_pong = time.time() return try: # Internally, BitlBee always uses UTF-8 and encodes/decodes as # necessary to communicate with the IRC client; thus decode the # UTF-8 it sent us e = msg_text.decode('UTF-8') except: # Should never happen, but it's better to send difficult to read # data to Skype than to crash e = msg_text.decode('ascii', 'backslashreplace') dprint('>> ' + e) try: c = self.skype.Command(e, Block=True) self.skype.SendCommand(c) if hasattr(c, "Reply"): self.recv(c.Reply) # Skype4Py answer else: for i in c: # mock may return multiple iterable answers self.recv(i) except Skype4Py.SkypeError: pass except Skype4Py.SkypeAPIError, s: dprint("Warning, sending '%s' failed (%s)." % (e, s)) def serverloop(options, skype): timeout = 1; # in seconds skype_ping_period = 5 bitlbee_ping_period = 10 bitlbee_pong_timeout = 30 now = time.time() skype_ping_start_time = now bitlbee_ping_start_time = now options.last_bitlbee_pong = now in_error = [] handler_ok = True while (len(in_error) == 0) and handler_ok and options.conn: ready_to_read, ready_to_write, in_error = \ select.select([options.conn], [], [options.conn], \ timeout) now = time.time() handler_ok = len(in_error) == 0 if (len(ready_to_read) == 1) and handler_ok: handler_ok = input_handler(ready_to_read.pop()) # don't ping bitlbee/skype if they already received data now = time.time() # allow for the input_handler to take some time bitlbee_ping_start_time = now skype_ping_start_time = now options.last_bitlbee_pong = now if (now - skype_ping_period > skype_ping_start_time) and handler_ok: handler_ok = skype_idle_handler(skype) skype_ping_start_time = now if now - bitlbee_ping_period > bitlbee_ping_start_time: handler_ok = bitlbee_idle_handler(skype) bitlbee_ping_start_time = now if options.last_bitlbee_pong: if (now - options.last_bitlbee_pong) > bitlbee_pong_timeout: dprint("Bitlbee pong timeout") # TODO is following line necessary? Should there be a options.conn.unwrap() somewhere? # options.conn.shutdown() if options.conn: options.conn.close() options.conn = False else: options.last_bitlbee_pong = now def main(args=None): global options global skype cfgpath = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], ".skyped", "skyped.conf") syscfgpath = "/usr/local/etc/skyped/skyped.conf" if not os.path.exists(cfgpath) and os.path.exists(syscfgpath): cfgpath = syscfgpath # fall back to system-wide settings port = 2727 import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', metavar='path', default=cfgpath, help='path to configuration file (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('-H', '--host', default='', help='set the tcp host, supports IPv4 and IPv6 (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', type=int, help='set the tcp port (default: %(default)s)') parser.add_argument('-l', '--log', metavar='path', help='set the log file in background mode (default: none)') parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='store_true', help='display version information') parser.add_argument('-n', '--nofork', action='store_true', help="don't run as daemon in the background") parser.add_argument('-m', '--mock', help='fake interactions with skype (only useful for tests)') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='enable debug messages') options = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:] if args is None else args) if options.version: print "skyped %s" % __version__ sys.exit(0) # well, this is a bit hackish. we store the socket of the last connected client # here and notify it. maybe later notify all connected clients? options.conn = None # this will be read first by the input handler options.buf = None if not os.path.exists(options.config): parser.error(( "Can't find configuration file at '%s'." "Use the -c option to specify an alternate one." )% options.config) cfgpath = options.config options.config = ConfigParser() options.config.read(cfgpath) options.config.username = options.config.get('skyped', 'username').split('#', 1)[0] options.config.password = options.config.get('skyped', 'password').split('#', 1)[0] options.config.sslkey = os.path.expanduser(options.config.get('skyped', 'key').split('#', 1)[0]) options.config.sslcert = os.path.expanduser(options.config.get('skyped', 'cert').split('#', 1)[0]) # hack: we have to parse the parameters first to locate the # config file but the -p option should overwrite the value from # the config file try: options.config.port = int(options.config.get('skyped', 'port').split('#', 1)[0]) if not options.port: options.port = options.config.port except NoOptionError: pass if not options.port: options.port = port dprint("Parsing config file '%s' done, username is '%s'." % (options.config, options.config.username)) if not options.nofork: pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: nullin = file(os.devnull, 'r') nullout = file(os.devnull, 'w') os.dup2(nullin.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno()) os.dup2(nullout.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno()) os.dup2(nullout.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno()) else: print 'skyped is started on port %s, pid: %d' % (options.port, pid) sys.exit(0) else: dprint('skyped is started on port %s' % options.port) if hasgobject: server(options.host, options.port) try: skype = SkypeApi(options.mock) except Skype4Py.SkypeAPIError, s: sys.exit("%s. Are you sure you have started Skype?" % s) if hasgobject: gobject.timeout_add(2000, skype_idle_handler, skype) gobject.timeout_add(60000, bitlbee_idle_handler, skype) gobject.MainLoop().run() else: while 1: options.conn = False options.lock = threading.Lock() server(options.host, options.port, skype) if __name__ == '__main__': main()