/* * aim_rxhandlers.c * * This file contains most all of the incoming packet handlers, along * with aim_rxdispatch(), the Rx dispatcher. Queue/list management is * actually done in aim_rxqueue.c. * */ #include struct aim_rxcblist_s { guint16 family; guint16 type; aim_rxcallback_t handler; u_short flags; struct aim_rxcblist_s *next; }; aim_module_t *aim__findmodulebygroup(aim_session_t *sess, guint16 group) { aim_module_t *cur; for (cur = (aim_module_t *)sess->modlistv; cur; cur = cur->next) { if (cur->family == group) return cur; } return NULL; } static aim_module_t *aim__findmodule(aim_session_t *sess, const char *name) { aim_module_t *cur; for (cur = (aim_module_t *)sess->modlistv; cur; cur = cur->next) { if (strcmp(name, cur->name) == 0) return cur; } return NULL; } int aim__registermodule(aim_session_t *sess, int (*modfirst)(aim_session_t *, aim_module_t *)) { aim_module_t *mod; if (!sess || !modfirst) return -1; if (!(mod = g_new0(aim_module_t,1))) return -1; if (modfirst(sess, mod) == -1) { g_free(mod); return -1; } if (aim__findmodule(sess, mod->name)) { if (mod->shutdown) mod->shutdown(sess, mod); g_free(mod); return -1; } mod->next = (aim_module_t *)sess->modlistv; sess->modlistv = mod; return 0; } void aim__shutdownmodules(aim_session_t *sess) { aim_module_t *cur; for (cur = (aim_module_t *)sess->modlistv; cur; ) { aim_module_t *tmp; tmp = cur->next; if (cur->shutdown) cur->shutdown(sess, cur); g_free(cur); cur = tmp; } sess->modlistv = NULL; return; } static int consumesnac(aim_session_t *sess, aim_frame_t *rx) { aim_module_t *cur; aim_modsnac_t snac; if (aim_bstream_empty(&rx->data) < 10) return 0; snac.family = aimbs_get16(&rx->data); snac.subtype = aimbs_get16(&rx->data); snac.flags = aimbs_get16(&rx->data); snac.id = aimbs_get32(&rx->data); /* Contains TLV(s) in the FNAC header */ if(snac.flags & 0x8000) { aim_bstream_advance(&rx->data, aimbs_get16(&rx->data)); } else if(snac.flags & 0x0001) { /* Following SNAC will be related */ } if (set_getint(sess->aux_data, "debug")) { serv_got_crap(sess->aux_data, "snac %x/%x received", snac.family, snac.subtype); } for (cur = (aim_module_t *)sess->modlistv; cur; cur = cur->next) { if (!(cur->flags & AIM_MODFLAG_MULTIFAMILY) && (cur->family != snac.family)) continue; if (cur->snachandler(sess, cur, rx, &snac, &rx->data)) return 1; } return 0; } static int consumenonsnac(aim_session_t *sess, aim_frame_t *rx, guint16 family, guint16 subtype) { aim_module_t *cur; aim_modsnac_t snac; snac.family = family; snac.subtype = subtype; snac.flags = snac.id = 0; for (cur = (aim_module_t *)sess->modlistv; cur; cur = cur->next) { if (!(cur->flags & AIM_MODFLAG_MULTIFAMILY) && (cur->family != snac.family)) continue; if (cur->snachandler(sess, cur, rx, &snac, &rx->data)) return 1; } return 0; } static int negchan_middle(aim_session_t *sess, aim_frame_t *fr) { aim_tlvlist_t *tlvlist; char *msg = NULL; guint16 code = 0; aim_rxcallback_t userfunc; int ret = 1; if (aim_bstream_empty(&fr->data) == 0) { /* XXX should do something with this */ return 1; } /* Used only by the older login protocol */ /* XXX remove this special case? */ if (fr->conn->type == AIM_CONN_TYPE_AUTH) return consumenonsnac(sess, fr, 0x0017, 0x0003); tlvlist = aim_readtlvchain(&fr->data); if (aim_gettlv(tlvlist, 0x0009, 1)) code = aim_gettlv16(tlvlist, 0x0009, 1); if (aim_gettlv(tlvlist, 0x000b, 1)) msg = aim_gettlv_str(tlvlist, 0x000b, 1); if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, fr->conn, AIM_CB_FAM_SPECIAL, AIM_CB_SPECIAL_CONNERR))) ret = userfunc(sess, fr, code, msg); aim_freetlvchain(&tlvlist); g_free(msg); return ret; } /* * Some SNACs we do not allow to be hooked, for good reason. */ static int checkdisallowed(guint16 group, guint16 type) { static const struct { guint16 group; guint16 type; } dontuse[] = { {0x0001, 0x0002}, {0x0001, 0x0003}, {0x0001, 0x0006}, {0x0001, 0x0007}, {0x0001, 0x0008}, {0x0001, 0x0017}, {0x0001, 0x0018}, {0x0000, 0x0000} }; int i; for (i = 0; dontuse[i].group != 0x0000; i++) { if ((dontuse[i].group == group) && (dontuse[i].type == type)) return 1; } return 0; } int aim_conn_addhandler(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn, guint16 family, guint16 type, aim_rxcallback_t newhandler, guint16 flags) { struct aim_rxcblist_s *newcb; if (!conn) return -1; if (checkdisallowed(family, type)) { g_assert(0); return -1; } if (!(newcb = (struct aim_rxcblist_s *)g_new0(struct aim_rxcblist_s, 1))) return -1; newcb->family = family; newcb->type = type; newcb->flags = flags; newcb->handler = newhandler; newcb->next = NULL; if (!conn->handlerlist) conn->handlerlist = (void *)newcb; else { struct aim_rxcblist_s *cur; for (cur = (struct aim_rxcblist_s *)conn->handlerlist; cur->next; cur = cur->next) ; cur->next = newcb; } return 0; } int aim_clearhandlers(aim_conn_t *conn) { struct aim_rxcblist_s *cur; if (!conn) return -1; for (cur = (struct aim_rxcblist_s *)conn->handlerlist; cur; ) { struct aim_rxcblist_s *tmp; tmp = cur->next; g_free(cur); cur = tmp; } conn->handlerlist = NULL; return 0; } aim_rxcallback_t aim_callhandler(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn, guint16 family, guint16 type) { struct aim_rxcblist_s *cur; if (!conn) return NULL; for (cur = (struct aim_rxcblist_s *)conn->handlerlist; cur; cur = cur->next) { if ((cur->family == family) && (cur->type == type)) return cur->handler; } if (type == AIM_CB_SPECIAL_DEFAULT) { return NULL; /* prevent infinite recursion */ } return aim_callhandler(sess, conn, family, AIM_CB_SPECIAL_DEFAULT); } void aim_clonehandlers(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *dest, aim_conn_t *src) { struct aim_rxcblist_s *cur; for (cur = (struct aim_rxcblist_s *)src->handlerlist; cur; cur = cur->next) { aim_conn_addhandler(sess, dest, cur->family, cur->type, cur->handler, cur->flags); } return; } static int aim_callhandler_noparam(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn,guint16 family, guint16 type, aim_frame_t *ptr) { aim_rxcallback_t userfunc; if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, conn, family, type))) return userfunc(sess, ptr); return 1; /* XXX */ } /* * aim_rxdispatch() * * Basically, heres what this should do: * 1) Determine correct packet handler for this packet * 2) Mark the packet handled (so it can be dequeued in purge_queue()) * 3) Send the packet to the packet handler * 4) Go to next packet in the queue and start over * 5) When done, run purge_queue() to purge handled commands * * TODO: Clean up. * TODO: More support for mid-level handlers. * TODO: Allow for NULL handlers. * */ void aim_rxdispatch(aim_session_t *sess) { int i; aim_frame_t *cur; for (cur = sess->queue_incoming, i = 0; cur; cur = cur->next, i++) { /* * XXX: This is still fairly ugly. */ if (cur->handled) continue; if (cur->hdr.flap.type == 0x01) { cur->handled = aim_callhandler_noparam(sess, cur->conn, AIM_CB_FAM_SPECIAL, AIM_CB_SPECIAL_FLAPVER, cur); /* XXX use consumenonsnac */ continue; } else if (cur->hdr.flap.type == 0x02) { if ((cur->handled = consumesnac(sess, cur))) continue; } else if (cur->hdr.flap.type == 0x04) { cur->handled = negchan_middle(sess, cur); continue; } else if (cur->hdr.flap.type == 0x05) ; if (!cur->handled) { consumenonsnac(sess, cur, 0xffff, 0xffff); /* last chance! */ cur->handled = 1; } } /* * This doesn't have to be called here. It could easily be done * by a seperate thread or something. It's an administrative operation, * and can take a while. Though the less you call it the less memory * you'll have :) */ aim_purge_rxqueue(sess); return; }