/* * conn.c * * Does all this gloriously nifty connection handling stuff... * */ #include #include "sock.h" static int aim_logoff(aim_session_t *sess); /* * In OSCAR, every connection has a set of SNAC groups associated * with it. These are the groups that you can send over this connection * without being guaranteed a "Not supported" SNAC error. * * The grand theory of things says that these associations transcend * what libfaim calls "connection types" (conn->type). You can probably * see the elegance here, but since I want to revel in it for a bit, you * get to hear it all spelled out. * * So let us say that you have your core BOS connection running. One * of your modules has just given you a SNAC of the group 0x0004 to send * you. Maybe an IM destined for some twit in Greenland. So you start * at the top of your connection list, looking for a connection that * claims to support group 0x0004. You find one. Why, that neat BOS * connection of yours can do that. So you send it on its way. * * Now, say, that fellow from Greenland has friends and they all want to * meet up with you in a lame chat room. This has landed you a SNAC * in the family 0x000e and you have to admit you're a bit lost. You've * searched your connection list for someone who wants to make your life * easy and deliver this SNAC for you, but there isn't one there. * * Here comes the good bit. Without even letting anyone know, particularly * the module that decided to send this SNAC, and definitely not that twit * in Greenland, you send out a service request. In this request, you have * marked the need for a connection supporting group 0x000e. A few seconds * later, you receive a service redirect with an IP address and a cookie in * it. Great, you say. Now I have something to do. Off you go, making * that connection. One of the first things you get from this new server * is a message saying that indeed it does support the group you were looking * for. So you continue and send rate confirmation and all that. * * Then you remember you had that SNAC to send, and now you have a means to * do it, and you do, and everyone is happy. Except the Greenlander, who is * still stuck in the bitter cold. * * Oh, and this is useful for building the Migration SNACs, too. In the * future, this may help convince me to implement rate limit mitigation * for real. We'll see. * * Just to make me look better, I'll say that I've known about this great * scheme for quite some time now. But I still haven't convinced myself * to make libfaim work that way. It would take a fair amount of effort, * and probably some client API changes as well. (Whenever I don't want * to do something, I just say it would change the client API. Then I * instantly have a couple of supporters of not doing it.) * * Generally, addgroup is only called by the internal handling of the * server ready SNAC. So if you want to do something before that, you'll * have to be more creative. That is done rather early, though, so I don't * think you have to worry about it. Unless you're me. I care deeply * about such inane things. * */ void aim_conn_addgroup(aim_conn_t *conn, guint16 group) { aim_conn_inside_t *ins = (aim_conn_inside_t *) conn->inside; struct snacgroup *sg; if (!(sg = g_malloc(sizeof(struct snacgroup)))) { return; } sg->group = group; sg->next = ins->groups; ins->groups = sg; return; } aim_conn_t *aim_conn_findbygroup(aim_session_t *sess, guint16 group) { aim_conn_t *cur; for (cur = sess->connlist; cur; cur = cur->next) { aim_conn_inside_t *ins = (aim_conn_inside_t *) cur->inside; struct snacgroup *sg; for (sg = ins->groups; sg; sg = sg->next) { if (sg->group == group) { return cur; } } } return NULL; } static void connkill_snacgroups(struct snacgroup **head) { struct snacgroup *sg; for (sg = *head; sg; ) { struct snacgroup *tmp; tmp = sg->next; g_free(sg); sg = tmp; } *head = NULL; return; } static void connkill_rates(struct rateclass **head) { struct rateclass *rc; for (rc = *head; rc; ) { struct rateclass *tmp; struct snacpair *sp; tmp = rc->next; for (sp = rc->members; sp; ) { struct snacpair *tmpsp; tmpsp = sp->next; g_free(sp); sp = tmpsp; } g_free(rc); rc = tmp; } *head = NULL; return; } static void connkill_real(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t **deadconn) { aim_rxqueue_cleanbyconn(sess, *deadconn); aim_tx_cleanqueue(sess, *deadconn); if ((*deadconn)->fd != -1) { aim_conn_close(*deadconn); } /* * XXX ->priv should never be touched by the library. I know * it used to be, but I'm getting rid of all that. Use * ->internal instead. */ if ((*deadconn)->priv) { g_free((*deadconn)->priv); } /* * This will free ->internal if it necessary... */ if ((*deadconn)->type == AIM_CONN_TYPE_CHAT) { aim_conn_kill_chat(sess, *deadconn); } if ((*deadconn)->inside) { aim_conn_inside_t *inside = (aim_conn_inside_t *) (*deadconn)->inside; connkill_snacgroups(&inside->groups); connkill_rates(&inside->rates); g_free(inside); } g_free(*deadconn); *deadconn = NULL; return; } /** * aim_connrst - Clears out connection list, killing remaining connections. * @sess: Session to be cleared * * Clears out the connection list and kills any connections left. * */ static void aim_connrst(aim_session_t *sess) { if (sess->connlist) { aim_conn_t *cur = sess->connlist, *tmp; while (cur) { tmp = cur->next; aim_conn_close(cur); connkill_real(sess, &cur); cur = tmp; } } sess->connlist = NULL; return; } /** * aim_conn_init - Reset a connection to default values. * @deadconn: Connection to be reset * * Initializes and/or resets a connection structure. * */ static void aim_conn_init(aim_conn_t *deadconn) { if (!deadconn) { return; } deadconn->fd = -1; deadconn->subtype = -1; deadconn->type = -1; deadconn->seqnum = 0; deadconn->lastactivity = 0; deadconn->forcedlatency = 0; deadconn->handlerlist = NULL; deadconn->priv = NULL; memset(deadconn->inside, 0, sizeof(aim_conn_inside_t)); return; } /** * aim_conn_getnext - Gets a new connection structure. * @sess: Session * * Allocate a new empty connection structure. * */ static aim_conn_t *aim_conn_getnext(aim_session_t *sess) { aim_conn_t *newconn; if (!(newconn = g_new0(aim_conn_t, 1))) { return NULL; } if (!(newconn->inside = g_new0(aim_conn_inside_t, 1))) { g_free(newconn); return NULL; } aim_conn_init(newconn); newconn->next = sess->connlist; sess->connlist = newconn; return newconn; } /** * aim_conn_kill - Close and free a connection. * @sess: Session for the connection * @deadconn: Connection to be freed * * Close, clear, and free a connection structure. Should never be * called from within libfaim. * */ void aim_conn_kill(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t **deadconn) { aim_conn_t *cur, **prev; if (!deadconn || !*deadconn) { return; } for (prev = &sess->connlist; (cur = *prev); ) { if (cur == *deadconn) { *prev = cur->next; break; } prev = &cur->next; } if (!cur) { return; /* oops */ } connkill_real(sess, &cur); return; } /** * aim_conn_close - Close a connection * @deadconn: Connection to close * * Close (but not free) a connection. * * This leaves everything untouched except for clearing the * handler list and setting the fd to -1 (used to recognize * dead connections). It will also remove cookies if necessary. * */ void aim_conn_close(aim_conn_t *deadconn) { if (deadconn->fd >= 3) { proxy_disconnect(deadconn->fd); } deadconn->fd = -1; if (deadconn->handlerlist) { aim_clearhandlers(deadconn); } return; } /** * aim_getconn_type - Find a connection of a specific type * @sess: Session to search * @type: Type of connection to look for * * Searches for a connection of the specified type in the * specified session. Returns the first connection of that * type found. * * XXX except for RENDEZVOUS, all uses of this should be removed and * use aim_conn_findbygroup() instead. */ aim_conn_t *aim_getconn_type(aim_session_t *sess, int type) { aim_conn_t *cur; for (cur = sess->connlist; cur; cur = cur->next) { if ((cur->type == type) && !(cur->status & AIM_CONN_STATUS_INPROGRESS)) { break; } } return cur; } aim_conn_t *aim_getconn_type_all(aim_session_t *sess, int type) { aim_conn_t *cur; for (cur = sess->connlist; cur; cur = cur->next) { if (cur->type == type) { break; } } return cur; } /** * aim_newconn - Open a new connection * @sess: Session to create connection in * @type: Type of connection to create * @dest: Host to connect to (in "host:port" syntax) * * Opens a new connection to the specified dest host of specified * type, using the proxy settings if available. If @host is %NULL, * the connection is allocated and returned, but no connection * is made. * * FIXME: Return errors in a more sane way. * */ aim_conn_t *aim_newconn(aim_session_t *sess, int type, const char *dest) { aim_conn_t *connstruct; if (!(connstruct = aim_conn_getnext(sess))) { return NULL; } connstruct->sessv = (void *) sess; connstruct->type = type; if (!dest) { /* just allocate a struct */ connstruct->fd = -1; connstruct->status = 0; return connstruct; } /* The code that used to be here was very broken */ g_return_val_if_reached(connstruct); return connstruct; } /** * aim_conn_setlatency - Set a forced latency value for connection * @conn: Conn to set latency for * @newval: Number of seconds to force between transmits * * Causes @newval seconds to be spent between transmits on a connection. * * This is my lame attempt at overcoming not understanding the rate * limiting. * * XXX: This should really be replaced with something that scales and * backs off like the real rate limiting does. * */ int aim_conn_setlatency(aim_conn_t *conn, int newval) { if (!conn) { return -1; } conn->forcedlatency = newval; conn->lastactivity = 0; /* reset this just to make sure */ return 0; } /** * aim_session_init - Initializes a session structure * @sess: Session to initialize * @flags: Flags to use. Any of %AIM_SESS_FLAGS %OR'd together. * @debuglevel: Level of debugging output (zero is least) * * Sets up the initial values for a session. * */ void aim_session_init(aim_session_t *sess, guint32 flags, int debuglevel) { if (!sess) { return; } memset(sess, 0, sizeof(aim_session_t)); aim_connrst(sess); sess->queue_outgoing = NULL; sess->queue_incoming = NULL; aim_initsnachash(sess); sess->msgcookies = NULL; sess->snacid_next = 0x00000001; sess->flags = 0; sess->modlistv = NULL; sess->ssi.received_data = 0; sess->ssi.waiting_for_ack = 0; sess->ssi.holding_queue = NULL; sess->ssi.revision = 0; sess->ssi.items = NULL; sess->ssi.timestamp = (time_t) 0; sess->locate.userinfo = NULL; sess->locate.torequest = NULL; sess->locate.requested = NULL; sess->locate.waiting_for_response = FALSE; sess->icq_info = NULL; sess->authinfo = NULL; sess->emailinfo = NULL; sess->oft_info = NULL; sess->flags |= AIM_SESS_FLAGS_SNACLOGIN; sess->flags |= flags; /* * This must always be set. Default to the queue-based * version for back-compatibility. */ aim_tx_setenqueue(sess, AIM_TX_QUEUED, NULL); /* * Register all the modules for this session... */ aim__registermodule(sess, misc_modfirst); /* load the catch-all first */ aim__registermodule(sess, general_modfirst); aim__registermodule(sess, locate_modfirst); aim__registermodule(sess, buddylist_modfirst); aim__registermodule(sess, msg_modfirst); aim__registermodule(sess, admin_modfirst); aim__registermodule(sess, bos_modfirst); aim__registermodule(sess, search_modfirst); aim__registermodule(sess, stats_modfirst); aim__registermodule(sess, chatnav_modfirst); aim__registermodule(sess, chat_modfirst); /* missing 0x0f - 0x12 */ aim__registermodule(sess, ssi_modfirst); /* missing 0x14 */ aim__registermodule(sess, icq_modfirst); /* missing 0x16 */ aim__registermodule(sess, auth_modfirst); return; } /** * aim_session_kill - Deallocate a session * @sess: Session to kill * */ void aim_session_kill(aim_session_t *sess) { aim_cleansnacs(sess, -1); aim_logoff(sess); aim__shutdownmodules(sess); return; } /* * XXX this is nearly as ugly as proxyconnect(). */ int aim_conn_completeconnect(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn) { fd_set fds, wfds; struct timeval tv; int res, error = ETIMEDOUT; aim_rxcallback_t userfunc; if (!conn || (conn->fd == -1)) { return -1; } if (!(conn->status & AIM_CONN_STATUS_INPROGRESS)) { return -1; } FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(conn->fd, &fds); FD_ZERO(&wfds); FD_SET(conn->fd, &wfds); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; if ((res = select(conn->fd + 1, &fds, &wfds, NULL, &tv)) == -1) { error = errno; aim_conn_close(conn); errno = error; return -1; } else if (res == 0) { return 0; /* hasn't really completed yet... */ } if (FD_ISSET(conn->fd, &fds) || FD_ISSET(conn->fd, &wfds)) { socklen_t len = sizeof(error); if (getsockopt(conn->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len) < 0) { error = errno; } } if (error) { aim_conn_close(conn); errno = error; return -1; } sock_make_blocking(conn->fd); conn->status &= ~AIM_CONN_STATUS_INPROGRESS; if ((userfunc = aim_callhandler(sess, conn, AIM_CB_FAM_SPECIAL, AIM_CB_SPECIAL_CONNCOMPLETE))) { userfunc(sess, NULL, conn); } /* Flush out the queues if there was something waiting for this conn */ aim_tx_flushqueue(sess); return 0; } aim_session_t *aim_conn_getsess(aim_conn_t *conn) { if (!conn) { return NULL; } return (aim_session_t *) conn->sessv; } /* * aim_logoff() * * Closes -ALL- open connections. * */ static int aim_logoff(aim_session_t *sess) { aim_connrst(sess); /* in case we want to connect again */ return 0; } /* * aim_flap_nop() * * No-op. WinAIM 4.x sends these _every minute_ to keep * the connection alive. */ int aim_flap_nop(aim_session_t *sess, aim_conn_t *conn) { aim_frame_t *fr; if (!(fr = aim_tx_new(sess, conn, AIM_FRAMETYPE_FLAP, 0x05, 0))) { return -ENOMEM; } aim_tx_enqueue(sess, fr); return 0; }