/** passport.c * * Functions to login to Microsoft Passport service for Messenger * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Wilmer van der Gaast * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation * * This program is distributed in the hope that is will be useful, * bit WITHOU ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "http_client.h" #include "passport.h" #include "msn.h" #include "bitlbee.h" #include "url.h" #include "misc.h" #include "xmltree.h" #include #include static int passport_get_token_real( struct msn_auth_data *mad ); static void passport_get_token_ready( struct http_request *req ); int passport_get_token( gpointer func, gpointer data, char *username, char *password, char *cookie ) { struct msn_auth_data *mad = g_new0( struct msn_auth_data, 1 ); int i; mad->username = g_strdup( username ); mad->password = g_strdup( password ); mad->cookie = g_strdup( cookie ); mad->callback = func; mad->data = data; mad->url = g_strdup( SOAP_AUTHENTICATION_URL ); mad->ttl = 3; /* Max. # of redirects. */ /* HTTP-escape stuff and s/,/&/ */ http_decode( mad->cookie ); for( i = 0; mad->cookie[i]; i ++ ) if( mad->cookie[i] == ',' ) mad->cookie[i] = '&'; return passport_get_token_real( mad ); } static int passport_get_token_real( struct msn_auth_data *mad ) { char *post_payload, *post_request; struct http_request *req; url_t url; url_set( &url, mad->url ); post_payload = g_markup_printf_escaped( SOAP_AUTHENTICATION_PAYLOAD, mad->username, mad->password, mad->cookie ); post_request = g_strdup_printf( SOAP_AUTHENTICATION_REQUEST, url.file, url.host, (int) strlen( post_payload ), post_payload ); req = http_dorequest( url.host, url.port, 1, post_request, passport_get_token_ready, mad ); g_free( post_request ); g_free( post_payload ); return req != NULL; } static xt_status passport_xt_extract_token( struct xt_node *node, gpointer data ); static xt_status passport_xt_handle_fault( struct xt_node *node, gpointer data ); static const struct xt_handler_entry passport_xt_handlers[] = { { "wsse:BinarySecurityToken", "wst:RequestedSecurityToken", passport_xt_extract_token }, { "S:Fault", "S:Envelope", passport_xt_handle_fault }, { NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static void passport_get_token_ready( struct http_request *req ) { struct msn_auth_data *mad = req->data; struct xt_parser *parser; g_free( mad->url ); g_free( mad->error ); mad->url = mad->error = NULL; if( req->status_code == 200 ) { parser = xt_new( passport_xt_handlers, mad ); xt_feed( parser, req->reply_body, req->body_size ); xt_handle( parser, NULL, -1 ); xt_free( parser ); } else { mad->error = g_strdup_printf( "HTTP error %d (%s)", req->status_code, req->status_string ? req->status_string : "unknown" ); } if( mad->error == NULL && mad->token == NULL ) mad->error = g_strdup( "Could not parse Passport server response" ); if( mad->url && mad->token == NULL ) { passport_get_token_real( mad ); } else { mad->callback( mad ); g_free( mad->url ); g_free( mad->username ); g_free( mad->password ); g_free( mad->cookie ); g_free( mad->token ); g_free( mad->error ); g_free( mad ); } } static xt_status passport_xt_extract_token( struct xt_node *node, gpointer data ) { struct msn_auth_data *mad = data; char *s; if( ( s = xt_find_attr( node, "Id" ) ) && strcmp( s, "PPToken1" ) == 0 ) mad->token = g_memdup( node->text, node->text_len + 1 ); return XT_HANDLED; } static xt_status passport_xt_handle_fault( struct xt_node *node, gpointer data ) { struct msn_auth_data *mad = data; struct xt_node *code = xt_find_node( node->children, "faultcode" ); struct xt_node *string = xt_find_node( node->children, "faultstring" ); struct xt_node *redirect = xt_find_node( node->children, "psf:redirectUrl" ); if( redirect && redirect->text_len && mad->ttl-- > 0 ) mad->url = g_memdup( redirect->text, redirect->text_len + 1 ); if( code == NULL || code->text_len == 0 ) mad->error = g_strdup( "Unknown error" ); else mad->error = g_strdup_printf( "%s (%s)", code->text, string && string->text_len ? string->text : "no description available" ); return XT_HANDLED; }