/********************************************************************\ * BitlBee -- An IRC to other IM-networks gateway * * * * Copyright 2002-2010 Wilmer van der Gaast and others * \********************************************************************/ /* MSN module - Notification server callbacks */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License with the Debian GNU/Linux distribution in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include "nogaim.h" #include "msn.h" #include "md5.h" #include "soap.h" #include "xmltree.h" static gboolean msn_ns_callback( gpointer data, gint source, b_input_condition cond ); static int msn_ns_command( gpointer data, char **cmd, int num_parts ); static int msn_ns_message( gpointer data, char *msg, int msglen, char **cmd, int num_parts ); static gboolean msn_ns_got_display_name( struct im_connection *ic, char *name ); static void msn_ns_send_adl( struct im_connection *ic ); gboolean msn_ns_connected( gpointer data, gint source, b_input_condition cond ) { struct im_connection *ic = data; struct msn_data *md; char s[1024]; if( !g_slist_find( msn_connections, ic ) ) return FALSE; if( source == -1 ) { imcb_error( ic, "Could not connect to server" ); imc_logout( ic, TRUE ); return FALSE; } md = ic->proto_data; if( !md->handler ) { md->handler = g_new0( struct msn_handler_data, 1 ); md->handler->data = ic; md->handler->exec_command = msn_ns_command; md->handler->exec_message = msn_ns_message; } else { if( md->handler->rxq ) g_free( md->handler->rxq ); md->handler->rxlen = 0; } md->handler->fd = md->fd; md->handler->rxq = g_new0( char, 1 ); g_snprintf( s, sizeof( s ), "VER %d %s CVR0\r\n", ++md->trId, MSNP_VER ); if( msn_write( ic, s, strlen( s ) ) ) { ic->inpa = b_input_add( md->fd, B_EV_IO_READ, msn_ns_callback, ic ); imcb_log( ic, "Connected to server, waiting for reply" ); } return FALSE; } static gboolean msn_ns_callback( gpointer data, gint source, b_input_condition cond ) { struct im_connection *ic = data; struct msn_data *md = ic->proto_data; if( msn_handler( md->handler ) == -1 ) /* Don't do this on ret == 0, it's already done then. */ { imcb_error( ic, "Error while reading from server" ); imc_logout( ic, TRUE ); return FALSE; } else return TRUE; } static int msn_ns_command( gpointer data, char **cmd, int num_parts ) { struct im_connection *ic = data; struct msn_data *md = ic->proto_data; char buf[1024]; if( num_parts == 0 ) { /* Hrrm... Empty command...? Ignore? */ return( 1 ); } if( strcmp( cmd[0], "VER" ) == 0 ) { if( cmd[2] && strncmp( cmd[2], MSNP_VER, 5 ) != 0 ) { imcb_error( ic, "Unsupported protocol" ); imc_logout( ic, FALSE ); return( 0 ); } g_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "CVR %d 0x0409 mac 10.2.0 ppc macmsgs 3.5.1 macmsgs %s\r\n", ++md->trId, ic->acc->user ); return( msn_write( ic, buf, strlen( buf ) ) ); } else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "CVR" ) == 0 ) { /* We don't give a damn about the information we just received */ g_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "USR %d SSO I %s\r\n", ++md->trId, ic->acc->user ); return( msn_write( ic, buf, strlen( buf ) ) ); } else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "XFR" ) == 0 ) { char *server; int port; if( num_parts >= 6 && strcmp( cmd[2], "NS" ) == 0 ) { b_event_remove( ic->inpa ); ic->inpa = 0; closesocket( md->fd ); server = strchr( cmd[3], ':' ); if( !server ) { imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" ); imc_logout( ic, TRUE ); return( 0 ); } *server = 0; port = atoi( server + 1 ); server = cmd[3]; imcb_log( ic, "Transferring to other server" ); md->fd = proxy_connect( server, port, msn_ns_connected, ic ); } else if( num_parts >= 6 && strcmp( cmd[2], "SB" ) == 0 ) { struct msn_switchboard *sb; server = strchr( cmd[3], ':' ); if( !server ) { imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" ); imc_logout( ic, TRUE ); return( 0 ); } *server = 0; port = atoi( server + 1 ); server = cmd[3]; if( strcmp( cmd[4], "CKI" ) != 0 ) { imcb_error( ic, "Unknown authentication method for switchboard" ); imc_logout( ic, TRUE ); return( 0 ); } debug( "Connecting to a new switchboard with key %s", cmd[5] ); if( ( sb = msn_sb_create( ic, server, port, cmd[5], MSN_SB_NEW ) ) == NULL ) { /* Although this isn't strictly fatal for the NS connection, it's definitely something serious (we ran out of file descriptors?). */ imcb_error( ic, "Could not create new switchboard" ); imc_logout( ic, TRUE ); return( 0 ); } if( md->msgq ) { struct msn_message *m = md->msgq->data; GSList *l; sb->who = g_strdup( m->who ); /* Move all the messages to the first user in the message queue to the switchboard message queue. */ l = md->msgq; while( l ) { m = l->data; l = l->next; if( strcmp( m->who, sb->who ) == 0 ) { sb->msgq = g_slist_append( sb->msgq, m ); md->msgq = g_slist_remove( md->msgq, m ); } } } } else { imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" ); imc_logout( ic, TRUE ); return( 0 ); } } else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "USR" ) == 0 ) { if( num_parts >= 6 && strcmp( cmd[2], "SSO" ) == 0 && strcmp( cmd[3], "S" ) == 0 ) { msn_soap_passport_sso_request( ic, cmd[4], cmd[5] ); } else if( strcmp( cmd[2], "OK" ) == 0 ) { imcb_log( ic, "Authenticated, getting buddy list" ); msn_soap_memlist_request( ic ); } else { imcb_error( ic, "Unknown authentication type" ); imc_logout( ic, FALSE ); return( 0 ); } } else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "MSG" ) == 0 ) { if( num_parts < 4 ) { imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" ); imc_logout( ic, TRUE ); return( 0 ); } md->handler->msglen = atoi( cmd[3] ); if( md->handler->msglen <= 0 ) { imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" ); imc_logout( ic, TRUE ); return( 0 ); } } else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "BLP" ) == 0 ) { msn_ns_send_adl( ic ); } else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "ADL" ) == 0 ) { if( num_parts >= 3 && strcmp( cmd[2], "OK" ) == 0 ) { char buf[1024]; char *fn_raw = set_getstr( &ic->acc->set, "display_name" ); char *fn; if( fn_raw == NULL ) fn_raw = ic->acc->user; fn = g_malloc( strlen( fn_raw ) * 3 + 1 ); strcpy( fn, fn_raw ); http_encode( fn ); g_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "PRP %d MFN %s\r\n", ++md->trId, fn ); g_free( fn ); msn_write( ic, buf, strlen( buf ) ); } } else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "PRP" ) == 0 ) { imcb_connected( ic ); } else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "CHL" ) == 0 ) { char *resp; if( num_parts < 3 ) { imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" ); imc_logout( ic, TRUE ); return( 0 ); } resp = msn_p11_challenge( cmd[2] ); g_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "QRY %d %s %zd\r\n%s", ++md->trId, MSNP11_PROD_ID, strlen( resp ), resp ); g_free( resp ); return( msn_write( ic, buf, strlen( buf ) ) ); } else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "ILN" ) == 0 ) { const struct msn_away_state *st; if( num_parts < 6 ) { imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" ); imc_logout( ic, TRUE ); return( 0 ); } http_decode( cmd[5] ); imcb_rename_buddy( ic, cmd[3], cmd[5] ); st = msn_away_state_by_code( cmd[2] ); if( !st ) { /* FIXME: Warn/Bomb about unknown away state? */ st = msn_away_state_list + 1; } imcb_buddy_status( ic, cmd[3], OPT_LOGGED_IN | ( st != msn_away_state_list ? OPT_AWAY : 0 ), st->name, NULL ); } else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "FLN" ) == 0 ) { if( cmd[1] == NULL ) return 1; imcb_buddy_status( ic, cmd[1], 0, NULL, NULL ); msn_sb_start_keepalives( msn_sb_by_handle( ic, cmd[1] ), TRUE ); } else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "NLN" ) == 0 ) { const struct msn_away_state *st; if( num_parts < 5 ) { imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" ); imc_logout( ic, TRUE ); return( 0 ); } http_decode( cmd[3] ); imcb_rename_buddy( ic, cmd[2], cmd[3] ); st = msn_away_state_by_code( cmd[1] ); if( !st ) { /* FIXME: Warn/Bomb about unknown away state? */ st = msn_away_state_list + 1; } imcb_buddy_status( ic, cmd[2], OPT_LOGGED_IN | ( st != msn_away_state_list ? OPT_AWAY : 0 ), st->name, NULL ); msn_sb_stop_keepalives( msn_sb_by_handle( ic, cmd[2] ) ); } else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "RNG" ) == 0 ) { struct msn_switchboard *sb; char *server; int session, port; if( num_parts < 7 ) { imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" ); imc_logout( ic, TRUE ); return( 0 ); } session = atoi( cmd[1] ); server = strchr( cmd[2], ':' ); if( !server ) { imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" ); imc_logout( ic, TRUE ); return( 0 ); } *server = 0; port = atoi( server + 1 ); server = cmd[2]; if( strcmp( cmd[3], "CKI" ) != 0 ) { imcb_error( ic, "Unknown authentication method for switchboard" ); imc_logout( ic, TRUE ); return( 0 ); } debug( "Got a call from %s (session %d). Key = %s", cmd[5], session, cmd[4] ); if( ( sb = msn_sb_create( ic, server, port, cmd[4], session ) ) == NULL ) { /* Although this isn't strictly fatal for the NS connection, it's definitely something serious (we ran out of file descriptors?). */ imcb_error( ic, "Could not create new switchboard" ); imc_logout( ic, TRUE ); return( 0 ); } else { sb->who = g_strdup( cmd[5] ); } } else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "ADD" ) == 0 ) { if( num_parts >= 6 && strcmp( cmd[2], "RL" ) == 0 ) { GSList *l; http_decode( cmd[5] ); if( strchr( cmd[4], '@' ) == NULL ) { imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" ); imc_logout( ic, TRUE ); return 0; } /* We got added by someone. If we don't have this person in permit/deny yet, inform the user. */ for( l = ic->permit; l; l = l->next ) if( g_strcasecmp( l->data, cmd[4] ) == 0 ) return 1; for( l = ic->deny; l; l = l->next ) if( g_strcasecmp( l->data, cmd[4] ) == 0 ) return 1; msn_buddy_ask( ic, cmd[4], cmd[5] ); } else if( num_parts >= 6 && strcmp( cmd[2], "FL" ) == 0 ) { const char *group = NULL; int num; if( cmd[6] != NULL && sscanf( cmd[6], "%d", &num ) == 1 && num < md->groupcount ) group = md->grouplist[num]; http_decode( cmd[5] ); imcb_add_buddy( ic, cmd[4], group ); imcb_rename_buddy( ic, cmd[4], cmd[5] ); } } else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "OUT" ) == 0 ) { int allow_reconnect = TRUE; if( cmd[1] && strcmp( cmd[1], "OTH" ) == 0 ) { imcb_error( ic, "Someone else logged in with your account" ); allow_reconnect = FALSE; } else if( cmd[1] && strcmp( cmd[1], "SSD" ) == 0 ) { imcb_error( ic, "Terminating session because of server shutdown" ); } else { imcb_error( ic, "Session terminated by remote server (reason unknown)" ); } imc_logout( ic, allow_reconnect ); return( 0 ); } #if 0 /* Discard this one completely for now since I don't care about the ack and since MSN servers can apparently screw up the formatting. */ else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "REA" ) == 0 ) { if( num_parts < 5 ) { imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" ); imc_logout( ic, TRUE ); return( 0 ); } if( g_strcasecmp( cmd[3], ic->acc->user ) == 0 ) { set_t *s; http_decode( cmd[4] ); strncpy( ic->displayname, cmd[4], sizeof( ic->displayname ) ); ic->displayname[sizeof(ic->displayname)-1] = 0; if( ( s = set_find( &ic->acc->set, "display_name" ) ) ) { g_free( s->value ); s->value = g_strdup( cmd[4] ); } } else { /* This is not supposed to happen, but let's handle it anyway... */ http_decode( cmd[4] ); imcb_rename_buddy( ic, cmd[3], cmd[4] ); } } #endif else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "IPG" ) == 0 ) { imcb_error( ic, "Received IPG command, we don't handle them yet." ); md->handler->msglen = atoi( cmd[1] ); if( md->handler->msglen <= 0 ) { imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" ); imc_logout( ic, TRUE ); return( 0 ); } } else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "ADG" ) == 0 ) { char *group = g_strdup( cmd[3] ); int groupnum, i; GSList *l, *next; http_decode( group ); if( sscanf( cmd[4], "%d", &groupnum ) == 1 ) { if( groupnum >= md->groupcount ) { md->grouplist = g_renew( char *, md->grouplist, groupnum + 1 ); for( i = md->groupcount; i <= groupnum; i ++ ) md->grouplist[i] = NULL; md->groupcount = groupnum + 1; } g_free( md->grouplist[groupnum] ); md->grouplist[groupnum] = group; } else { /* Shouldn't happen, but if it does, give up on the group. */ g_free( group ); imcb_error( ic, "Syntax error" ); imc_logout( ic, TRUE ); return 0; } for( l = md->grpq; l; l = next ) { struct msn_groupadd *ga = l->data; next = l->next; if( g_strcasecmp( ga->group, group ) == 0 ) { if( !msn_buddy_list_add( ic, "FL", ga->who, ga->who, group ) ) return 0; g_free( ga->group ); g_free( ga->who ); g_free( ga ); md->grpq = g_slist_remove( md->grpq, ga ); } } } else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "GCF" ) == 0 ) { /* Coming up is cmd[2] bytes of stuff we're supposed to censore. Meh. */ md->handler->msglen = atoi( cmd[2] ); } else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "UBX" ) == 0 ) { /* Status message. Parser coming soon. */ if( num_parts >= 4 ) md->handler->msglen = atoi( cmd[3] ); } else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "NOT" ) == 0 ) { /* Some kind of notification, not sure if it still exists but we have to skip the payload or stuff breaks. */ if( num_parts >= 3 ) md->handler->msglen = atoi( cmd[2] ); } else if( isdigit( cmd[0][0] ) ) { int num = atoi( cmd[0] ); const struct msn_status_code *err = msn_status_by_number( num ); imcb_error( ic, "Error reported by MSN server: %s", err->text ); if( err->flags & STATUS_FATAL ) { imc_logout( ic, TRUE ); return( 0 ); } } else { /* debug( "Received unknown command from main server: %s", cmd[0] ); */ } return( 1 ); } static int msn_ns_message( gpointer data, char *msg, int msglen, char **cmd, int num_parts ) { struct im_connection *ic = data; char *body; int blen = 0; if( !num_parts ) return( 1 ); if( ( body = strstr( msg, "\r\n\r\n" ) ) ) { body += 4; blen = msglen - ( body - msg ); } if( strcmp( cmd[0], "MSG" ) == 0 ) { if( g_strcasecmp( cmd[1], "Hotmail" ) == 0 ) { char *ct = msn_findheader( msg, "Content-Type:", msglen ); if( !ct ) return( 1 ); if( g_strncasecmp( ct, "application/x-msmsgssystemmessage", 33 ) == 0 ) { char *mtype; char *arg1; if( !body ) return( 1 ); mtype = msn_findheader( body, "Type:", blen ); arg1 = msn_findheader( body, "Arg1:", blen ); if( mtype && strcmp( mtype, "1" ) == 0 ) { if( arg1 ) imcb_log( ic, "The server is going down for maintenance in %s minutes.", arg1 ); } g_free( arg1 ); g_free( mtype ); } else if( g_strncasecmp( ct, "text/x-msmsgsprofile", 20 ) == 0 ) { /* We don't care about this profile for now... */ } else if( g_strncasecmp( ct, "text/x-msmsgsinitialemailnotification", 37 ) == 0 ) { if( set_getbool( &ic->acc->set, "mail_notifications" ) ) { char *inbox = msn_findheader( body, "Inbox-Unread:", blen ); char *folders = msn_findheader( body, "Folders-Unread:", blen ); if( inbox && folders ) imcb_log( ic, "INBOX contains %s new messages, plus %s messages in other folders.", inbox, folders ); g_free( inbox ); g_free( folders ); } } else if( g_strncasecmp( ct, "text/x-msmsgsemailnotification", 30 ) == 0 ) { if( set_getbool( &ic->acc->set, "mail_notifications" ) ) { char *from = msn_findheader( body, "From-Addr:", blen ); char *fromname = msn_findheader( body, "From:", blen ); if( from && fromname ) imcb_log( ic, "Received an e-mail message from %s <%s>.", fromname, from ); g_free( from ); g_free( fromname ); } } else if( g_strncasecmp( ct, "text/x-msmsgsactivemailnotification", 35 ) == 0 ) { /* Sorry, but this one really is *USELESS* */ } else { debug( "Can't handle %s packet from notification server", ct ); } g_free( ct ); } } else if( strcmp( cmd[0], "UBX" ) == 0 ) { struct xt_node *psm; char *psm_text = NULL; psm = xt_from_string( msg ); if( psm && strcmp( psm->name, "Data" ) == 0 && ( psm = xt_find_node( psm->children, "PSM" ) ) ) psm_text = psm->text; imcb_buddy_status_msg( ic, cmd[1], psm_text ); xt_free_node( psm ); } return( 1 ); } void msn_auth_got_passport_token( struct im_connection *ic, char *token ) { struct msn_data *md; /* Dead connection? */ if( g_slist_find( msn_connections, ic ) == NULL ) return; md = ic->proto_data; { char buf[1024]; g_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "USR %d SSO S %s %s\r\n", ++md->trId, md->tokens[0], token ); msn_write( ic, buf, strlen( buf ) ); } } void msn_auth_got_contact_list( struct im_connection *ic ) { char buf[64]; struct msn_data *md; /* Dead connection? */ if( g_slist_find( msn_connections, ic ) == NULL ) return; md = ic->proto_data; g_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "BLP %d %s\r\n", ++md->trId, "BL" ); msn_write( ic, buf, strlen( buf ) ); } static gboolean msn_ns_send_adl_1( gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data ) { struct xt_node *adl = data, *d, *c; struct bee_user *bu = value; struct msn_buddy_data *bd = bu->data; char handle[strlen(bu->handle)]; char *domain; char l[4]; strcpy( handle, bu->handle ); if( ( domain = strchr( handle, '@' ) ) == NULL ) /* WTF */ return FALSE; *domain = '\0'; domain ++; if( ( d = adl->children ) == NULL || g_strcasecmp( xt_find_attr( d, "n" ), domain ) != 0 ) { d = xt_new_node( "d", NULL, NULL ); xt_add_attr( d, "n", domain ); xt_insert_child( adl, d ); } g_snprintf( l, sizeof( l ), "%d", bd->flags & 7 ); c = xt_new_node( "c", NULL, NULL ); xt_add_attr( c, "n", handle ); xt_add_attr( c, "l", l ); xt_add_attr( c, "t", "1" ); /* 1 means normal, 4 means mobile? */ xt_insert_child( d, c ); return FALSE; } static void msn_ns_send_adl( struct im_connection *ic ) { struct xt_node *adl; struct msn_data *md; char *adls, buf[64]; /* Dead connection? */ if( g_slist_find( msn_connections, ic ) == NULL ) return; md = ic->proto_data; adl = xt_new_node( "ml", NULL, NULL ); xt_add_attr( adl, "l", "1" ); g_tree_foreach( md->domaintree, msn_ns_send_adl_1, adl ); adls = xt_to_string( adl ); g_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "ADL %d %zd\r\n", ++md->trId, strlen( adls ) ); if( msn_write( ic, buf, strlen( buf ) ) ) msn_write( ic, adls, strlen( adls ) ); g_free( adls ); xt_free_node( adl ); } static gboolean msn_ns_got_display_name( struct im_connection *ic, char *name ) { set_t *s; if( ( s = set_find( &ic->acc->set, "display_name" ) ) == NULL ) return FALSE; /* Shouldn't happen.. */ http_decode( name ); if( s->value && strcmp( s->value, name ) == 0 ) { return TRUE; /* The names match, nothing to worry about. */ } else if( s->value != NULL && ( strcmp( name, ic->acc->user ) == 0 || set_getbool( &ic->acc->set, "local_display_name" ) ) ) { /* The server thinks our display name is our e-mail address which is probably wrong, or the user *wants* us to do this: Always use the locally set display_name. */ return msn_set_display_name( ic, s->value ); } else { if( s->value && *s->value ) imcb_log( ic, "BitlBee thinks your display name is `%s' but " "the MSN server says it's `%s'. Using the MSN " "server's name. Set local_display_name to true " "to use the local name.", s->value, name ); if( g_utf8_validate( name, -1, NULL ) ) { g_free( s->value ); s->value = g_strdup( name ); } else { imcb_log( ic, "Warning: Friendly name in server response was corrupted" ); } return TRUE; } }