#include "bitlbee.h" #include "lib/http_client.h" #include "msn.h" #define REQUEST_TEMPLATE \ "POST /gateway/gateway.dll?SessionID=%s&%s HTTP/1.1\r\n" \ "Host: %s\r\n" \ "Content-Length: %zd\r\n" \ "\r\n" \ "%s" static gboolean msn_gw_poll_timeout(gpointer data, gint source, b_input_condition cond); struct msn_gw *msn_gw_new(struct im_connection *ic) { struct msn_gw *gw = g_new0(struct msn_gw, 1); gw->last_host = g_strdup(MSN_HTTP_HOST); gw->port = MSN_HTTP_PORT; gw->ssl = (MSN_HTTP_PORT == 443); gw->poll_timeout = -1; gw->ic = ic; gw->md = ic->proto_data; gw->in = g_byte_array_new(); gw->out = g_byte_array_new(); return gw; } void msn_gw_free(struct msn_gw *gw) { if (gw->poll_timeout != -1) { b_event_remove(gw->poll_timeout); } g_byte_array_free(gw->in, TRUE); g_byte_array_free(gw->out, TRUE); g_free(gw->session_id); g_free(gw->last_host); g_free(gw); } static struct msn_gw *msn_gw_from_ic(struct im_connection *ic) { if (g_slist_find(msn_connections, ic) == NULL) { return NULL; } else { struct msn_data *md = ic->proto_data; return md->gw; } } static gboolean msn_gw_parse_session_header(struct msn_gw *gw, char *value) { int i; char **subvalues; gboolean closed = FALSE; subvalues = g_strsplit(value, "; ", 0); for (i = 0; subvalues[i]; i++) { if (strcmp(subvalues[i], "Session=close") == 0) { /* gateway closed, signal the death of the socket */ closed = TRUE; } else if (g_str_has_prefix(subvalues[i], "SessionID=")) { /* copy the part after the = to session_id*/ g_free(gw->session_id); gw->session_id = g_strdup(subvalues[i] + 10); } } g_strfreev(subvalues); return !closed; } void msn_gw_callback(struct http_request *req) { struct msn_gw *gw; char *value; if (!(gw = msn_gw_from_ic(req->data))) { return; } gw->waiting = FALSE; gw->polling = FALSE; if (req->status_code != 200 || !req->reply_body) { gw->callback(gw->md, -1, B_EV_IO_READ); return; } if (getenv("BITLBEE_DEBUG")) { fprintf(stderr, "\n\x1b[90mHTTP:%s\n", req->reply_body); fprintf(stderr, "\n\x1b[97m\n"); } if ((value = get_rfc822_header(req->reply_headers, "X-MSN-Messenger", 0))) { if (!msn_gw_parse_session_header(gw, value)) { gw->callback(gw->md, -1, B_EV_IO_READ); g_free(value); return; } g_free(value); } if ((value = get_rfc822_header(req->reply_headers, "X-MSN-Host", 0))) { g_free(gw->last_host); gw->last_host = value; /* transfer */ } if (req->body_size) { g_byte_array_append(gw->in, (const guint8 *) req->reply_body, req->body_size); if (!gw->callback(gw->md, -1, B_EV_IO_READ)) { return; } } if (gw->poll_timeout != -1) { b_event_remove(gw->poll_timeout); } gw->poll_timeout = b_timeout_add(500, msn_gw_poll_timeout, gw->ic); } void msn_gw_dorequest(struct msn_gw *gw, char *args) { char *request = NULL; char *body = NULL; size_t bodylen = 0; if (gw->out) { bodylen = gw->out->len; g_byte_array_append(gw->out, (guint8 *) "", 1); /* nullnullnull */ body = (char *) g_byte_array_free(gw->out, FALSE); gw->out = g_byte_array_new(); } if (!bodylen && !args) { args = "Action=poll&Lifespan=60"; gw->polling = TRUE; } request = g_strdup_printf(REQUEST_TEMPLATE, gw->session_id ? : "", args ? : "", gw->last_host, bodylen, body ? : ""); http_dorequest(gw->last_host, gw->port, gw->ssl, request, msn_gw_callback, gw->ic); gw->open = TRUE; gw->waiting = TRUE; g_free(body); g_free(request); } void msn_gw_open(struct msn_gw *gw) { msn_gw_dorequest(gw, "Action=open&Server=NS&Protocol=mtp&Version=1"); } static gboolean msn_gw_poll_timeout(gpointer data, gint source, b_input_condition cond) { struct msn_gw *gw; if (!(gw = msn_gw_from_ic(data))) { return FALSE; } gw->poll_timeout = -1; if (!gw->waiting) { msn_gw_dorequest(gw, NULL); } return FALSE; } ssize_t msn_gw_read(struct msn_gw *gw, char **buf) { size_t bodylen; if (!gw->open) { return 0; } bodylen = gw->in->len; g_byte_array_append(gw->in, (guint8 *) "", 1); /* nullnullnull */ *buf = (char *) g_byte_array_free(gw->in, FALSE); gw->in = g_byte_array_new(); return bodylen; } void msn_gw_write(struct msn_gw *gw, char *buf, size_t len) { g_byte_array_append(gw->out, (const guint8 *) buf, len); if (!gw->open) { msn_gw_open(gw); } else if (gw->polling || !gw->waiting) { msn_gw_dorequest(gw, NULL); } }