/***************************************************************************\ * * * BitlBee - An IRC to IM gateway * * Simple XML (stream) parse tree handling code (Jabber/XMPP, mainly) * * * * Copyright 2006 Wilmer van der Gaast * * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version * * 2.1. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "xmltree.h" static void xt_start_element( GMarkupParseContext *ctx, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attr_names, const gchar **attr_values, gpointer data, GError **error ) { struct xt_parser *xt = data; struct xt_node *node = g_new0( struct xt_node, 1 ), *nt; int i; node->parent = xt->cur; node->name = g_strdup( element_name ); /* First count the number of attributes */ for( i = 0; attr_names[i]; i ++ ); /* Then allocate a NULL-terminated array. */ node->attr = g_new0( struct xt_attr, i + 1 ); /* And fill it, saving one variable by starting at the end. */ for( i --; i >= 0; i -- ) { node->attr[i].key = g_strdup( attr_names[i] ); node->attr[i].value = g_strdup( attr_values[i] ); } /* Add it to the linked list of children nodes, if we have a current node yet. */ if( xt->cur ) { if( xt->cur->children ) { for( nt = xt->cur->children; nt->next; nt = nt->next ); nt->next = node; } else { xt->cur->children = node; } } else if( xt->root ) { /* ERROR situation: A second root-element??? */ } /* Now this node will be the new current node. */ xt->cur = node; /* And maybe this is the root? */ if( xt->root == NULL ) xt->root = node; } static void xt_text( GMarkupParseContext *ctx, const gchar *text, gsize text_len, gpointer data, GError **error ) { struct xt_parser *xt = data; struct xt_node *node = xt->cur; if( node == NULL ) return; /* FIXME: Does g_renew also OFFICIALLY accept NULL arguments? */ node->text = g_renew( char, node->text, node->text_len + text_len + 1 ); memcpy( node->text + node->text_len, text, text_len ); node->text_len += text_len; /* Zero termination is always nice to have. */ node->text[node->text_len] = 0; } static void xt_end_element( GMarkupParseContext *ctx, const gchar *element_name, gpointer data, GError **error ) { struct xt_parser *xt = data; xt->cur->flags |= XT_COMPLETE; xt->cur = xt->cur->parent; } GMarkupParser xt_parser_funcs = { xt_start_element, xt_end_element, xt_text, NULL, NULL }; struct xt_parser *xt_new( gpointer data ) { struct xt_parser *xt = g_new0( struct xt_parser, 1 ); xt->data = data; xt_reset( xt ); return xt; } /* Reset the parser, flush everything we have so far. For example, we need this for XMPP when doing TLS/SASL to restart the stream. */ void xt_reset( struct xt_parser *xt ) { if( xt->parser ) g_markup_parse_context_free( xt->parser ); xt->parser = g_markup_parse_context_new( &xt_parser_funcs, 0, xt, NULL ); if( xt->root ) { xt_free_node( xt->root ); xt->root = NULL; xt->cur = NULL; } } /* Feed the parser, don't execute any handler. Returns -1 on errors, 0 on end-of-stream and 1 otherwise. */ int xt_feed( struct xt_parser *xt, char *text, int text_len ) { if( !g_markup_parse_context_parse( xt->parser, text, text_len, &xt->gerr ) ) { return -1; } return !( xt->root && xt->root->flags & XT_COMPLETE ); } /* Find completed nodes and see if a handler has to be called. Passing a node isn't necessary if you want to start at the root, just pass NULL. This second argument is needed for recursive calls. FIXME: Retval? */ int xt_handle( struct xt_parser *xt, struct xt_node *node ) { struct xt_node *c; xt_status st; int i; /* Let's just hope xt->root isn't NULL! */ if( node == NULL ) return xt_handle( xt, xt->root ); for( c = node->children; c; c = c->next ) if( !xt_handle( xt, c ) ) return 0; if( node->flags & XT_COMPLETE && !( node->flags & XT_SEEN ) ) { for( i = 0; xt->handlers[i].func; i ++ ) { /* This one is fun! \o/ */ /* If handler.name == NULL it means it should always match. */ if( ( xt->handlers[i].name == NULL || /* If it's not, compare. There should always be a name. */ g_strcasecmp( xt->handlers[i].name, node->name ) == 0 ) && /* If handler.parent == NULL, it's a match. */ ( xt->handlers[i].parent == NULL || /* If there's a parent node, see if the name matches. */ ( node->parent ? g_strcasecmp( xt->handlers[i].parent, node->parent->name ) == 0 : /* If there's no parent, the handler should mention as a parent. */ g_strcasecmp( xt->handlers[i].parent, "" ) == 0 ) ) ) { st = xt->handlers[i].func( node, xt->data ); if( st == XT_ABORT ) return 0; else if( st != XT_NEXT ) break; } } node->flags |= XT_SEEN; } return 1; } /* Garbage collection: Cleans up all nodes that are handled. Useful for streams because there's no reason to keep a complete packet history in memory. */ void xt_cleanup( struct xt_parser *xt, struct xt_node *node ) { struct xt_node *c, *prev; if( !xt || !xt->root ) return; if( node == NULL ) return xt_cleanup( xt, xt->root ); if( node->flags & XT_SEEN && node == xt->root ) { xt_free_node( xt->root ); xt->root = xt->cur = NULL; /* xt->cur should be NULL already, BTW... */ return; } /* c contains the current node, prev the previous node (or NULL). I admit, this one's pretty horrible. */ for( c = node->children, prev = NULL; c; prev = c, c = c ? c->next : node->children ) { if( c->flags & XT_SEEN ) { /* Remove the node from the linked list. */ if( prev ) prev->next = c->next; else node->children = c->next; xt_free_node( c ); /* Since the for loop wants to get c->next, make sure c points at something that exists (and that c->next will actually be the next item we should check). c can be NULL now, if we just removed the first item. That explains the ? thing in for(). */ c = prev; } else { /* This node can't be cleaned up yet, but maybe a subnode can. */ xt_cleanup( xt, c ); } } } static void xt_to_string_real( struct xt_node *node, GString *str ) { char *buf; struct xt_node *c; int i; g_string_append_printf( str, "<%s", node->name ); for( i = 0; node->attr[i].key; i ++ ) { buf = g_markup_printf_escaped( " %s=\"%s\"", node->attr[i].key, node->attr[i].value ); g_string_append( str, buf ); g_free( buf ); } if( node->text == NULL && node->children == NULL ) { g_string_append( str, "/>" ); return; } g_string_append( str, ">" ); if( node->text_len > 0 ) { buf = g_markup_escape_text( node->text, node->text_len ); g_string_append( str, buf ); g_free( buf ); } for( c = node->children; c; c = c->next ) xt_to_string_real( c, str ); g_string_append_printf( str, "", node->name ); } char *xt_to_string( struct xt_node *node ) { GString *ret; char *real; ret = g_string_new( "" ); xt_to_string_real( node, ret ); real = ret->str; g_string_free( ret, FALSE ); return real; } void xt_print( struct xt_node *node ) { int i; struct xt_node *c; /* Indentation */ for( c = node; c->parent; c = c->parent ) printf( "\t" ); /* Start the tag */ printf( "<%s", node->name ); /* Print the attributes */ for( i = 0; node->attr[i].key; i ++ ) printf( " %s=\"%s\"", node->attr[i].key, g_markup_escape_text( node->attr[i].value, -1 ) ); /* /> in case there's really *nothing* inside this tag, otherwise just >. */ /* If this tag doesn't have any content at all... */ if( node->text == NULL && node->children == NULL ) { printf( "/>\n" ); return; /* Then we're finished! */ } /* Otherwise... */ printf( ">" ); /* Only print the text if it contains more than whitespace (TEST). */ if( node->text_len > 0 ) { for( i = 0; node->text[i] && isspace( node->text[i] ); i ++ ); if( node->text[i] ) printf( "%s", g_markup_escape_text( node->text, -1 ) ); } if( node->children ) printf( "\n" ); for( c = node->children; c; c = c->next ) xt_print( c ); if( node->children ) for( c = node; c->parent; c = c->parent ) printf( "\t" ); /* Non-empty tag is now finished. */ printf( "\n", node->name ); } /* Frees a node. This doesn't clean up references to itself from parents! */ void xt_free_node( struct xt_node *node ) { int i; if( !node ) return; g_free( node->name ); g_free( node->text ); for( i = 0; node->attr[i].key; i ++ ) { g_free( node->attr[i].key ); g_free( node->attr[i].value ); } g_free( node->attr ); while( node->children ) { struct xt_node *next = node->children->next; xt_free_node( node->children ); node->children = next; } g_free( node ); } void xt_free( struct xt_parser *xt ) { if( !xt ) return; if( xt->root ) xt_free_node( xt->root ); g_markup_parse_context_free( xt->parser ); g_free( xt ); } /* To find a node's child with a specific name, pass the node's children list, not the node itself! The reason you have to do this by hand: So that you can also use this function as a find-next. */ struct xt_node *xt_find_node( struct xt_node *node, char *name ) { while( node ) { if( g_strcasecmp( node->name, name ) == 0 ) break; node = node->next; } return node; } char *xt_find_attr( struct xt_node *node, char *key ) { int i; if( !node ) return NULL; for( i = 0; node->attr[i].key; i ++ ) if( g_strcasecmp( node->attr[i].key, key ) == 0 ) break; return node->attr[i].value; } struct xt_node *xt_new_node( char *name, char *text, struct xt_node *children ) { struct xt_node *node, *c; node = g_new0( struct xt_node, 1 ); node->name = g_strdup( name ); node->children = children; node->attr = g_new0( struct xt_attr, 1 ); if( text ) { node->text_len = strlen( text ); node->text = g_memdup( text, node->text_len + 1 ); } for( c = children; c; c = c->next ) { if( c->parent != NULL ) { /* ERROR CONDITION: They seem to have a parent already??? */ } c->parent = node; } return node; } void xt_add_child( struct xt_node *parent, struct xt_node *child ) { struct xt_node *node; /* This function can actually be used to add more than one child, so do handle this properly. */ for( node = child; node; node = node->next ) { if( node->parent != NULL ) { /* ERROR CONDITION: They seem to have a parent already??? */ } node->parent = parent; } if( parent->children == NULL ) { parent->children = child; } else { for( node = parent->children; node->next; node = node->next ); node->next = child; } } void xt_add_attr( struct xt_node *node, char *key, char *value ) { int i; for( i = 0; node->attr[i].key; i ++ ); node->attr = g_renew( struct xt_attr, node->attr, i + 2 ); node->attr[i].key = g_strdup( key ); node->attr[i].value = g_strdup( value ); node->attr[i+1].key = NULL; }