/***************************************************************************\ * * * BitlBee - An IRC to IM gateway * * Jabber module - SASL authentication * * * * Copyright 2006-2012 Wilmer van der Gaast * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * * \***************************************************************************/ #include #include "jabber.h" #include "base64.h" #include "oauth2.h" #include "oauth.h" const struct oauth2_service oauth2_service_google = { "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth", "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token", "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/googletalk", "783993391592.apps.googleusercontent.com", "6C-Zgf7Tr7gEQTPlBhMUgo7R", }; /* """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""oauth"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" */ #define HIPCHAT_SO_CALLED_OAUTH_URL "https://hipchat.com/account/api" xt_status sasl_pkt_mechanisms(struct xt_node *node, gpointer data) { struct im_connection *ic = data; struct jabber_data *jd = ic->proto_data; struct xt_node *c, *reply; char *s; int sup_plain = 0, sup_digest = 0, sup_gtalk = 0, sup_anonymous = 0, sup_hipchat_oauth = 0; int want_oauth = FALSE, want_hipchat = FALSE, want_anonymous = FALSE; GString *mechs; if (!sasl_supported(ic)) { /* Should abort this now, since we should already be doing IQ authentication. Strange things happen when you try to do both... */ imcb_log(ic, "XMPP 1.0 non-compliant server seems to support SASL, please report this as a BitlBee bug!"); return XT_HANDLED; } s = xt_find_attr(node, "xmlns"); if (!s || strcmp(s, XMLNS_SASL) != 0) { imcb_log(ic, "Stream error while authenticating"); imc_logout(ic, FALSE); return XT_ABORT; } want_anonymous = set_getbool(&ic->acc->set, "anonymous"); want_oauth = set_getbool(&ic->acc->set, "oauth"); want_hipchat = (jd->flags & JFLAG_HIPCHAT); mechs = g_string_new(""); c = node->children; while ((c = xt_find_node(c, "mechanism"))) { if (c->text && g_strcasecmp(c->text, "PLAIN") == 0) { sup_plain = 1; } else if (c->text && g_strcasecmp(c->text, "DIGEST-MD5") == 0) { sup_digest = 1; } else if (c->text && g_strcasecmp(c->text, "ANONYMOUS") == 0) { sup_anonymous = 1; } else if (c->text && g_strcasecmp(c->text, "X-OAUTH2") == 0) { sup_gtalk = 1; } else if (c->text && g_strcasecmp(c->text, "X-HIPCHAT-OAUTH2") == 0) { sup_hipchat_oauth = 1; } if (c->text) { g_string_append_printf(mechs, " %s", c->text); } c = c->next; } if (!want_oauth && !sup_plain && !sup_digest) { if (sup_gtalk || sup_hipchat_oauth) { imcb_error(ic, "This server requires OAuth " "(supported schemes:%s)", mechs->str); } else { imcb_error(ic, "BitlBee does not support any of the offered SASL " "authentication schemes:%s", mechs->str); } imc_logout(ic, FALSE); g_string_free(mechs, TRUE); return XT_ABORT; } g_string_free(mechs, TRUE); reply = xt_new_node("auth", NULL, NULL); if (!want_hipchat) { xt_add_attr(reply, "xmlns", XMLNS_SASL); } else { xt_add_attr(reply, "xmlns", XMLNS_HIPCHAT); } if ((sup_gtalk || sup_hipchat_oauth) && want_oauth) { GString *gs; gs = g_string_sized_new(128); g_string_append_c(gs, '\0'); if (sup_gtalk) { /* X-OAUTH2 is not *the* standard OAuth2 SASL/XMPP implementation. It's currently used by GTalk and vaguely documented on http://code.google.com/apis/cloudprint/docs/rawxmpp.html */ xt_add_attr(reply, "mechanism", "X-OAUTH2"); g_string_append(gs, jd->username); g_string_append_c(gs, '\0'); g_string_append(gs, jd->oauth2_access_token); } else if (sup_hipchat_oauth) { /* Hipchat's variant, not standard either, is documented here: https://docs.atlassian.com/hipchat.xmpp/latest/xmpp/auth.html */ xt_add_attr(reply, "mechanism", "oauth2"); g_string_append(gs, jd->oauth2_access_token); g_string_append_c(gs, '\0'); g_string_append(gs, set_getstr(&ic->acc->set, "resource")); } reply->text = base64_encode((unsigned char *) gs->str, gs->len); reply->text_len = strlen(reply->text); g_string_free(gs, TRUE); } else if (want_oauth) { imcb_error(ic, "OAuth requested, but not supported by server"); imc_logout(ic, FALSE); xt_free_node(reply); return XT_ABORT; } else if (want_anonymous && sup_anonymous) { xt_add_attr(reply, "mechanism", "ANONYMOUS"); /* Well, that was easy. */ } else if (want_anonymous) { imcb_error(ic, "Anonymous login requested, but not supported by server"); imc_logout(ic, FALSE); xt_free_node(reply); return XT_ABORT; } else if (sup_digest && !(jd->ssl && sup_plain)) { /* Only try DIGEST-MD5 if there's no SSL/TLS or if PLAIN isn't supported. * Which in practice means "don't bother with DIGEST-MD5 most of the time". * It's weak, pointless over TLS, and often breaks with some servers (hi openfire) */ xt_add_attr(reply, "mechanism", "DIGEST-MD5"); /* The rest will be done later, when we receive a . */ } else if (sup_plain) { GString *gs; char *username; if (!want_hipchat) { xt_add_attr(reply, "mechanism", "PLAIN"); username = jd->username; } else { username = jd->me; } /* set an arbitrary initial size to avoid reallocations */ gs = g_string_sized_new(128); /* With SASL PLAIN in XMPP, the text should be b64(\0user\0pass) */ g_string_append_c(gs, '\0'); g_string_append(gs, username); g_string_append_c(gs, '\0'); g_string_append(gs, ic->acc->pass); if (want_hipchat) { /* Hipchat's variation adds \0resource at the end */ g_string_append_c(gs, '\0'); g_string_append(gs, set_getstr(&ic->acc->set, "resource")); } reply->text = base64_encode((unsigned char *) gs->str, gs->len); reply->text_len = strlen(reply->text); g_string_free(gs, TRUE); } if (reply && !jabber_write_packet(ic, reply)) { xt_free_node(reply); return XT_ABORT; } xt_free_node(reply); /* To prevent classic authentication from happening. */ jd->flags |= JFLAG_STREAM_STARTED; return XT_HANDLED; } /* Non-static function, but not mentioned in jabber.h because it's for internal use, just that the unittest should be able to reach it... */ char *sasl_get_part(char *data, char *field) { int i, len; len = strlen(field); while (g_ascii_isspace(*data) || *data == ',') { data++; } if (g_strncasecmp(data, field, len) == 0 && data[len] == '=') { i = strlen(field) + 1; } else { for (i = 0; data[i]; i++) { /* If we have a ", skip until it's closed again. */ if (data[i] == '"') { i++; while (data[i] != '"' || data[i - 1] == '\\') { i++; } } /* If we got a comma, we got a new field. Check it, find the next key after it. */ if (data[i] == ',') { while (g_ascii_isspace(data[i]) || data[i] == ',') { i++; } if (g_strncasecmp(data + i, field, len) == 0 && data[i + len] == '=') { i += len + 1; break; } } } } if (data[i] == '"') { int j; char *ret; i++; len = 0; while (data[i + len] != '"' || data[i + len - 1] == '\\') { len++; } ret = g_strndup(data + i, len); for (i = j = 0; ret[i]; i++) { if (ret[i] == '\\') { ret[j++] = ret[++i]; } else { ret[j++] = ret[i]; } } ret[j] = 0; return ret; } else if (data[i]) { len = 0; while (data[i + len] && data[i + len] != ',') { len++; } return g_strndup(data + i, len); } else { return NULL; } } xt_status sasl_pkt_challenge(struct xt_node *node, gpointer data) { struct im_connection *ic = data; struct jabber_data *jd = ic->proto_data; struct xt_node *reply_pkt = NULL; char *nonce = NULL, *realm = NULL, *cnonce = NULL; unsigned char cnonce_bin[30]; char *digest_uri = NULL; char *dec = NULL; char *s = NULL, *reply = NULL; xt_status ret = XT_ABORT; if (node->text_len == 0) { goto error; } dec = frombase64(node->text); if (!(s = sasl_get_part(dec, "rspauth"))) { /* See RFC 2831 for for information. */ GChecksum *A1, *A2, *H; gsize digest_len = MD5_HASH_SIZE; guint8 A1r[16], A2r[16], Hr[16]; char A1h[33], A2h[33], Hh[33]; int i; nonce = sasl_get_part(dec, "nonce"); realm = sasl_get_part(dec, "realm"); if (!nonce) { goto error; } /* Jabber.Org considers the realm part optional and doesn't specify one. Oh well, actually they're right, but still, don't know if this is right... */ if (!realm) { realm = g_strdup(jd->server); } random_bytes(cnonce_bin, sizeof(cnonce_bin)); cnonce = base64_encode(cnonce_bin, sizeof(cnonce_bin)); digest_uri = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s", "xmpp", jd->server); /* Generate the MD5 hash of username:realm:password, I decided to call it H. */ H = g_checksum_new(G_CHECKSUM_MD5); s = g_strdup_printf("%s:%s:%s", jd->username, realm, ic->acc->pass); g_checksum_update(H, (guint8 *)s, strlen(s)); g_free(s); g_checksum_get_digest(H, Hr, &digest_len); g_checksum_free(H); /* Now generate the hex. MD5 hash of H:nonce:cnonce, called A1. */ A1 = g_checksum_new(G_CHECKSUM_MD5); s = g_strdup_printf(":%s:%s", nonce, cnonce); g_checksum_update(A1, Hr, 16); g_checksum_update(A1, (guint8 *)s, strlen(s)); g_free(s); g_checksum_get_digest(A1, A1r, &digest_len); g_checksum_free(A1); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { sprintf(A1h + i * 2, "%02x", A1r[i]); } /* A2... */ A2 = g_checksum_new(G_CHECKSUM_MD5); s = g_strdup_printf("%s:%s", "AUTHENTICATE", digest_uri); g_checksum_update(A2, (guint8 *)s, strlen(s)); g_free(s); g_checksum_get_digest(A2, A2r, &digest_len); g_checksum_free(A2); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { sprintf(A2h + i * 2, "%02x", A2r[i]); } /* Final result: A1:nonce:00000001:cnonce:auth:A2. Let's reuse H for it. */ H = g_checksum_new(G_CHECKSUM_MD5); s = g_strdup_printf("%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s", A1h, nonce, "00000001", cnonce, "auth", A2h); g_checksum_update(H, (guint8 *)s, strlen(s)); g_free(s); g_checksum_get_digest(H, Hr, &digest_len); g_checksum_free(H); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { sprintf(Hh + i * 2, "%02x", Hr[i]); } /* Now build the SASL response string: */ reply = g_strdup_printf("username=\"%s\",realm=\"%s\",nonce=\"%s\",cnonce=\"%s\"," "nc=%08x,qop=auth,digest-uri=\"%s\",response=%s,charset=%s", jd->username, realm, nonce, cnonce, 1, digest_uri, Hh, "utf-8"); } else { /* We found rspauth, but don't really care... */ g_free(s); } s = reply ? tobase64(reply) : NULL; reply_pkt = xt_new_node("response", s, NULL); xt_add_attr(reply_pkt, "xmlns", XMLNS_SASL); if (!jabber_write_packet(ic, reply_pkt)) { goto silent_error; } ret = XT_HANDLED; goto silent_error; error: imcb_error(ic, "Incorrect SASL challenge received"); imc_logout(ic, FALSE); silent_error: g_free(digest_uri); g_free(cnonce); g_free(nonce); g_free(reply); g_free(realm); g_free(dec); g_free(s); xt_free_node(reply_pkt); return ret; } xt_status sasl_pkt_result(struct xt_node *node, gpointer data) { struct im_connection *ic = data; struct jabber_data *jd = ic->proto_data; char *s; s = xt_find_attr(node, "xmlns"); if (!s || strcmp(s, XMLNS_SASL) != 0) { imcb_log(ic, "Stream error while authenticating"); imc_logout(ic, FALSE); return XT_ABORT; } if (strcmp(node->name, "success") == 0) { imcb_log(ic, "Authentication finished"); jd->flags |= JFLAG_AUTHENTICATED | JFLAG_STREAM_RESTART; if (jd->flags & JFLAG_HIPCHAT) { return hipchat_handle_success(ic, node); } } else if (strcmp(node->name, "failure") == 0) { imcb_error(ic, "Authentication failure"); imc_logout(ic, FALSE); return XT_ABORT; } return XT_HANDLED; } /* This one is needed to judge if we'll do authentication using IQ or SASL. It's done by checking if the from the server has a version attribute. I don't know if this is the right way though... */ gboolean sasl_supported(struct im_connection *ic) { struct jabber_data *jd = ic->proto_data; return (jd->xt && jd->xt->root && xt_find_attr(jd->xt->root, "version")) != 0; } void sasl_oauth2_init(struct im_connection *ic) { struct jabber_data *jd = ic->proto_data; imcb_log(ic, "Starting OAuth authentication"); /* Temporary contact, just used to receive the OAuth response. */ imcb_add_buddy(ic, JABBER_OAUTH_HANDLE, NULL); if (jd->flags & JFLAG_HIPCHAT) { imcb_buddy_msg(ic, JABBER_OAUTH_HANDLE, "Open this URL and generate a token with 'View Group' and 'Send Message' scopes: " HIPCHAT_SO_CALLED_OAUTH_URL, 0, 0); } else { char *msg, *url; url = oauth2_url(jd->oauth2_service); msg = g_strdup_printf("Open this URL in your browser to authenticate: %s", url); imcb_buddy_msg(ic, JABBER_OAUTH_HANDLE, msg, 0, 0); g_free(msg); g_free(url); } imcb_buddy_msg(ic, JABBER_OAUTH_HANDLE, "Respond to this message with the returned " "authorization token.", 0, 0); } static gboolean sasl_oauth2_remove_contact(gpointer data, gint fd, b_input_condition cond) { struct im_connection *ic = data; if (g_slist_find(jabber_connections, ic)) { imcb_remove_buddy(ic, JABBER_OAUTH_HANDLE, NULL); } return FALSE; } int sasl_oauth2_get_refresh_token(struct im_connection *ic, const char *msg) { struct jabber_data *jd = ic->proto_data; char *code; int ret; imcb_log(ic, "Requesting OAuth access token"); /* Don't do it here because the caller may get confused if the contact we're currently sending a message to is deleted. */ b_timeout_add(1, sasl_oauth2_remove_contact, ic); code = g_strdup(msg); g_strstrip(code); ret = oauth2_access_token(jd->oauth2_service, OAUTH2_AUTH_CODE, code, sasl_oauth2_got_token, ic); g_free(code); return ret; } int sasl_oauth2_refresh(struct im_connection *ic, const char *refresh_token) { struct jabber_data *jd = ic->proto_data; return oauth2_access_token(jd->oauth2_service, OAUTH2_AUTH_REFRESH, refresh_token, sasl_oauth2_got_token, ic); } void sasl_oauth2_got_token(gpointer data, const char *access_token, const char *refresh_token, const char *error) { struct im_connection *ic = data; struct jabber_data *jd; GSList *auth = NULL; if (g_slist_find(jabber_connections, ic) == NULL) { return; } jd = ic->proto_data; if (access_token == NULL) { imcb_error(ic, "OAuth failure (%s)", error); imc_logout(ic, TRUE); return; } oauth_params_parse(&auth, ic->acc->pass); if (refresh_token) { oauth_params_set(&auth, "refresh_token", refresh_token); } if (access_token) { oauth_params_set(&auth, "access_token", access_token); } g_free(ic->acc->pass); ic->acc->pass = oauth_params_string(auth); oauth_params_free(&auth); g_free(jd->oauth2_access_token); jd->oauth2_access_token = g_strdup(access_token); jabber_connect(ic); }