/***************************************************************************\ * * * BitlBee - An IRC to IM gateway * * Jabber module - Conference rooms * * * * Copyright 2007-2012 Wilmer van der Gaast * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * * \***************************************************************************/ #include "jabber.h" #include "sha1.h" static xt_status jabber_chat_join_failed(struct im_connection *ic, struct xt_node *node, struct xt_node *orig); static xt_status jabber_chat_self_message(struct im_connection *ic, struct xt_node *node, struct xt_node *orig); struct groupchat *jabber_chat_join(struct im_connection *ic, const char *room, const char *nick, const char *password, gboolean always_use_nicks) { struct jabber_chat *jc; struct xt_node *node; struct groupchat *c; char *roomjid; roomjid = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s", room, nick); node = xt_new_node("x", NULL, NULL); xt_add_attr(node, "xmlns", XMLNS_MUC); if (password) { xt_add_child(node, xt_new_node("password", password, NULL)); } node = jabber_make_packet("presence", NULL, roomjid, node); jabber_cache_add(ic, node, jabber_chat_join_failed); if (!jabber_write_packet(ic, node)) { g_free(roomjid); return NULL; } jc = g_new0(struct jabber_chat, 1); jc->name = jabber_normalize(room); if ((jc->me = jabber_buddy_add(ic, roomjid)) == NULL) { g_free(roomjid); g_free(jc->name); g_free(jc); return NULL; } if (always_use_nicks) { jc->flags = JCFLAG_ALWAYS_USE_NICKS; } /* roomjid isn't normalized yet, and we need an original version of the nick to send a proper presence update. */ jc->my_full_jid = roomjid; c = imcb_chat_new(ic, room); c->data = jc; return c; } struct groupchat *jabber_chat_with(struct im_connection *ic, char *who) { struct jabber_data *jd = ic->proto_data; struct jabber_chat *jc; struct groupchat *c; GChecksum *sum; double now = gettime(); char *uuid, *rjid, *cserv; sum = g_checksum_new(G_CHECKSUM_SHA1); g_checksum_update(sum, (uint8_t *) ic->acc->user, strlen(ic->acc->user)); g_checksum_update(sum, (uint8_t *) &now, sizeof(now)); g_checksum_update(sum, (uint8_t *) who, strlen(who)); uuid = sha1_random_uuid(&sum); if (jd->flags & JFLAG_GTALK) { cserv = g_strdup("groupchat.google.com"); } else { /* Guess... */ cserv = g_strdup_printf("conference.%s", jd->server); } rjid = g_strdup_printf("private-chat-%s@%s", uuid, cserv); g_free(uuid); g_free(cserv); c = jabber_chat_join(ic, rjid, jd->username, NULL, FALSE); g_free(rjid); if (c == NULL) { return NULL; } jc = c->data; jc->invite = g_strdup(who); return c; } static xt_status jabber_chat_join_failed(struct im_connection *ic, struct xt_node *node, struct xt_node *orig) { struct jabber_error *err; struct jabber_buddy *bud; char *room; room = xt_find_attr(orig, "to"); bud = jabber_buddy_by_jid(ic, room, 0); err = jabber_error_parse(xt_find_node(node->children, "error"), XMLNS_STANZA_ERROR); if (err) { imcb_error(ic, "Error joining groupchat %s: %s%s%s", room, err->code, err->text ? ": " : "", err->text ? err->text : ""); jabber_error_free(err); } if (bud) { struct groupchat *c = jabber_chat_by_jid(ic, bud->bare_jid); if (c) { jabber_chat_free(c); } } return XT_HANDLED; } static xt_status jabber_chat_self_message(struct im_connection *ic, struct xt_node *node, struct xt_node *orig) { /* This is a self message sent by this bitlbee - just drop it */ return XT_ABORT; } struct groupchat *jabber_chat_by_jid(struct im_connection *ic, const char *name) { char *normalized = jabber_normalize(name); GSList *l; struct groupchat *ret; struct jabber_chat *jc; for (l = ic->groupchats; l; l = l->next) { ret = l->data; jc = ret->data; if (strcmp(normalized, jc->name) == 0) { break; } } g_free(normalized); return l ? ret : NULL; } void jabber_chat_free(struct groupchat *c) { struct jabber_chat *jc = c->data; jabber_buddy_remove_bare(c->ic, jc->name); g_free(jc->last_sent_message); g_free(jc->my_full_jid); g_free(jc->name); g_free(jc->invite); g_free(jc); imcb_chat_free(c); } int jabber_chat_msg(struct groupchat *c, char *message, int flags) { struct im_connection *ic = c->ic; struct jabber_chat *jc = c->data; struct xt_node *node; jc->flags |= JCFLAG_MESSAGE_SENT; node = xt_new_node("body", message, NULL); node = jabber_make_packet("message", "groupchat", jc->name, node); jabber_cache_add(ic, node, jabber_chat_self_message); g_free(jc->last_sent_message); jc->last_sent_message = g_strdup(message); return !jabber_write_packet(ic, node); } int jabber_chat_topic(struct groupchat *c, char *topic) { struct im_connection *ic = c->ic; struct jabber_chat *jc = c->data; struct xt_node *node; node = xt_new_node("subject", topic, NULL); node = jabber_make_packet("message", "groupchat", jc->name, node); if (!jabber_write_packet(ic, node)) { xt_free_node(node); return 0; } xt_free_node(node); return 1; } int jabber_chat_leave(struct groupchat *c, const char *reason) { struct im_connection *ic = c->ic; struct jabber_chat *jc = c->data; struct xt_node *node; node = xt_new_node("x", NULL, NULL); xt_add_attr(node, "xmlns", XMLNS_MUC); node = jabber_make_packet("presence", "unavailable", jc->my_full_jid, node); if (!jabber_write_packet(ic, node)) { xt_free_node(node); return 0; } xt_free_node(node); return 1; } void jabber_chat_invite(struct groupchat *c, char *who, char *message) { struct xt_node *node; struct im_connection *ic = c->ic; struct jabber_chat *jc = c->data; node = xt_new_node("reason", message, NULL); node = xt_new_node("invite", NULL, node); xt_add_attr(node, "to", who); node = xt_new_node("x", NULL, node); xt_add_attr(node, "xmlns", XMLNS_MUC_USER); node = jabber_make_packet("message", NULL, jc->name, node); jabber_write_packet(ic, node); xt_free_node(node); } static int jabber_chat_has_other_resources(struct im_connection *ic, struct jabber_buddy *bud) { struct jabber_buddy *cur; for (cur = jabber_buddy_by_jid(ic, bud->bare_jid, GET_BUDDY_FIRST); cur; cur = cur->next) { if (cur != bud && jabber_compare_jid(cur->ext_jid, bud->ext_jid)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /* Not really the same syntax as the normal pkt_ functions, but this isn't called by the xmltree parser directly and this way I can add some extra parameters so we won't have to repeat too many things done by the caller already. */ void jabber_chat_pkt_presence(struct im_connection *ic, struct jabber_buddy *bud, struct xt_node *node) { struct groupchat *chat; struct xt_node *c; char *type = xt_find_attr(node, "type"); struct jabber_data *jd = ic->proto_data; struct jabber_chat *jc; char *s; if ((chat = jabber_chat_by_jid(ic, bud->bare_jid)) == NULL) { /* How could this happen?? We could do kill( self, 11 ) now or just wait for the OS to do it. :-) */ return; } jc = chat->data; if (type == NULL && !(bud->flags & JBFLAG_IS_CHATROOM)) { bud->flags |= JBFLAG_IS_CHATROOM; /* If this one wasn't set yet, this buddy just joined the chat. Slightly hackish way of finding out eh? ;-) */ /* This is pretty messy... Here it sets ext_jid to the real JID of the participant. Works for non-anonymized channels. Might break if someone joins a chat twice, though. */ for (c = node->children; (c = xt_find_node(c, "x")); c = c->next) { if ((s = xt_find_attr(c, "xmlns")) && (strcmp(s, XMLNS_MUC_USER) == 0)) { struct xt_node *item; item = xt_find_node(c->children, "item"); if ((s = xt_find_attr(item, "jid"))) { /* Yay, found what we need. :-) */ bud->ext_jid = jabber_normalize(s); break; } } } /* Make up some other handle, if necessary. */ if (bud->ext_jid == NULL) { if (bud == jc->me) { bud->ext_jid = g_strdup(jd->me); } else { int i; /* Don't want the nick to be at the end, so let's think of some slightly different notation to use for anonymous groupchat participants in BitlBee. */ bud->ext_jid = g_strdup_printf("%s=%s", bud->resource, bud->bare_jid); /* And strip any unwanted characters. */ for (i = 0; bud->resource[i]; i++) { if (bud->ext_jid[i] == '=' || bud->ext_jid[i] == '@') { bud->ext_jid[i] = '_'; } } } bud->flags |= JBFLAG_IS_ANONYMOUS; } else if (bud == jc->me) { g_free(bud->ext_jid); bud->ext_jid = g_strdup(jd->me); } if (bud != jc->me && bud->flags & JBFLAG_IS_ANONYMOUS) { /* If JIDs are anonymized, add them to the local list for the duration of this chat. */ imcb_add_buddy(ic, bud->ext_jid, NULL); imcb_buddy_nick_hint(ic, bud->ext_jid, bud->resource); } if (bud == jc->me && jc->invite != NULL) { char *msg = g_strdup_printf("Please join me in room %s", jc->name); jabber_chat_invite(chat, jc->invite, msg); g_free(jc->invite); g_free(msg); jc->invite = NULL; } s = strchr(bud->ext_jid, '/'); if (s) { *s = 0; /* Should NEVER be NULL, but who knows... */ } imcb_chat_add_buddy(chat, bud->ext_jid); if (bud != jc->me && (jc->flags & JCFLAG_ALWAYS_USE_NICKS) && !(bud->flags & JBFLAG_IS_ANONYMOUS)) { imcb_buddy_nick_change(ic, bud->ext_jid, bud->resource); } if (s) { *s = '/'; } } else if (type) { /* type can only be NULL or "unavailable" in this function */ if ((bud->flags & JBFLAG_IS_CHATROOM) && bud->ext_jid && !jabber_chat_has_other_resources(ic, bud)) { char *reason = NULL; char *status = NULL; char *status_text = NULL; if ((c = xt_find_node_by_attr(node->children, "x", "xmlns", XMLNS_MUC_USER))) { struct xt_node *c2 = c->children; while ((c2 = xt_find_node(c2, "status"))) { char *code = xt_find_attr(c2, "code"); if (g_strcmp0(code, "301") == 0) { status = "Banned"; break; } else if (g_strcmp0(code, "303") == 0) { /* This could be handled in a cleverer way, * but let's just show a literal part/join for now */ status = "Changing nicks"; break; } else if (g_strcmp0(code, "307") == 0) { status = "Kicked"; break; } c2 = c2->next; } /* Sometimes the status message is in presence/x/item/reason */ if ((c2 = xt_find_path(c, "item/reason")) && c2->text && c2->text_len) { status_text = c2->text; } } /* Sometimes the status message is right inside */ if ((c = xt_find_node(node->children, "status")) && c->text && c->text_len) { status_text = c->text; } if (status_text && status) { reason = g_strdup_printf("%s: %s", status, status_text); } else { reason = g_strdup(status_text ? : status); } s = strchr(bud->ext_jid, '/'); if (s) { *s = 0; } imcb_chat_remove_buddy(chat, bud->ext_jid, reason); if (bud != jc->me && bud->flags & JBFLAG_IS_ANONYMOUS) { imcb_remove_buddy(ic, bud->ext_jid, reason); } if (s) { *s = '/'; } g_free(reason); } if (bud == jc->me) { jabber_chat_free(chat); } } } void jabber_chat_pkt_message(struct im_connection *ic, struct jabber_buddy *bud, struct xt_node *node) { struct xt_node *subject = xt_find_node(node->children, "subject"); struct xt_node *body = xt_find_node(node->children, "body"); struct groupchat *chat = NULL; struct jabber_chat *jc = NULL; char *from = NULL; char *nick = NULL; char *final_from = NULL; char *bare_jid = NULL; guint32 flags = 0; from = (bud) ? bud->full_jid : xt_find_attr(node, "from"); if (from) { nick = strchr(from, '/'); if (nick) { *nick = 0; } chat = jabber_chat_by_jid(ic, from); if (nick) { *nick = '/'; nick++; } } jc = (chat) ? chat->data : NULL; if (!bud) { struct xt_node *c; char *s; /* Try some clever stuff to find out the real JID here */ c = xt_find_node_by_attr(node->children, "delay", "xmlns", XMLNS_DELAY); if (c && ((s = xt_find_attr(c, "from")) || (s = xt_find_attr(c, "from_jid")))) { /* This won't be useful if it's the MUC JID */ if (!(jc && jabber_compare_jid(s, jc->name))) { /* Hopefully this one makes more sense! */ bud = jabber_buddy_by_jid(ic, s, GET_BUDDY_FIRST | GET_BUDDY_CREAT); } } } if (subject && chat) { char empty[1] = ""; char *subject_text = subject->text_len > 0 ? subject->text : empty; if (g_strcmp0(chat->topic, subject_text) != 0) { bare_jid = (bud) ? jabber_get_bare_jid(bud->ext_jid) : NULL; imcb_chat_topic(chat, bare_jid, subject_text, jabber_get_timestamp(node)); g_free(bare_jid); bare_jid = NULL; } } if (body == NULL || body->text_len == 0) { /* Meh. Empty messages aren't very interesting, no matter how much some servers love to send them. */ return; } if (chat == NULL) { if (nick == NULL) { imcb_log(ic, "System message from unknown groupchat %s: %s", from, body->text); } else { imcb_log(ic, "Groupchat message from unknown JID %s: %s", from, body->text); } return; } else if (chat != NULL && bud == NULL && nick == NULL) { imcb_chat_log(chat, "From conference server: %s", body->text); return; } else if (jc && jc->flags & JCFLAG_MESSAGE_SENT && bud == jc->me) { if (jabber_cache_handle_packet(ic, node) == XT_ABORT) { /* Self message marked by this bitlbee, don't show it */ return; } else if (xt_find_attr(node, "id") == NULL && g_strcmp0(body->text, jc->last_sent_message) == 0) { /* Some misbehaving servers (like slack) eat the ids and echo anyway. * Try to detect those cases by comparing against the last sent message. */ return; } } if (bud) { bare_jid = jabber_get_bare_jid(bud->ext_jid ? bud->ext_jid : bud->full_jid); final_from = bare_jid; if (bud == jc->me || (g_strcasecmp(final_from, ic->acc->user) == 0)) { flags = OPT_SELFMESSAGE; } } else { final_from = nick; } imcb_chat_msg(chat, final_from, body->text, flags, jabber_get_timestamp(node)); g_free(bare_jid); }