/***************************************************************************\ * * * BitlBee - An IRC to IM gateway * * Simple OAuth client (consumer) implementation. * * * * Copyright 2010 Wilmer van der Gaast * * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version * * 2.1. * * * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * \***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "http_client.h" #include "base64.h" #include "misc.h" #include "sha1.h" #include "url.h" #define CONSUMER_KEY "xsDNKJuNZYkZyMcu914uEA" #define CONSUMER_SECRET "FCxqcr0pXKzsF9ajmP57S3VQ8V6Drk4o2QYtqMcOszo" /* How can it be a secret if it's right here in the source code? No clue... */ #define HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE 64 struct oauth_info; typedef void (*oauth_cb)( struct oauth_info * ); struct oauth_info { oauth_cb func; void *data; struct http_request *http; char *auth_params; char *token; }; static char *oauth_sign( const char *method, const char *url, const char *params, const char *token_secret ) { sha1_state_t sha1; uint8_t hash[sha1_hash_size]; uint8_t key[HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE+1]; char *s; int i; /* Create K. If our current key is >64 chars we have to hash it, otherwise just pad. */ memset( key, 0, HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE ); i = strlen( CONSUMER_SECRET ) + 1 + ( token_secret ? strlen( token_secret ) : 0 ); if( i > HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE ) { sha1_init( &sha1 ); sha1_append( &sha1, (uint8_t*) CONSUMER_SECRET, strlen( CONSUMER_SECRET ) ); sha1_append( &sha1, (uint8_t*) "&", 1 ); if( token_secret ) sha1_append( &sha1, (uint8_t*) token_secret, strlen( token_secret ) ); sha1_finish( &sha1, key ); } else { g_snprintf( (gchar*) key, HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE + 1, "%s&%s", CONSUMER_SECRET, token_secret ? : "" ); } /* Inner part: H(K XOR 0x36, text) */ sha1_init( &sha1 ); for( i = 0; i < HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE; i ++ ) key[i] ^= 0x36; sha1_append( &sha1, key, HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE ); /* OAuth: text = method&url¶ms, all http_encoded. */ sha1_append( &sha1, (const uint8_t*) method, strlen( method ) ); sha1_append( &sha1, (const uint8_t*) "&", 1 ); s = g_new0( char, strlen( url ) * 3 + 1 ); strcpy( s, url ); http_encode( s ); sha1_append( &sha1, (const uint8_t*) s, strlen( s ) ); sha1_append( &sha1, (const uint8_t*) "&", 1 ); g_free( s ); s = g_new0( char, strlen( params ) * 3 + 1 ); strcpy( s, params ); http_encode( s ); sha1_append( &sha1, (const uint8_t*) s, strlen( s ) ); g_free( s ); sha1_finish( &sha1, hash ); /* Final result: H(K XOR 0x5C, inner stuff) */ sha1_init( &sha1 ); for( i = 0; i < HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE; i ++ ) key[i] ^= 0x36 ^ 0x5c; sha1_append( &sha1, key, HMAC_BLOCK_SIZE ); sha1_append( &sha1, hash, sha1_hash_size ); sha1_finish( &sha1, hash ); /* base64_encode it and we're done. */ return base64_encode( hash, sha1_hash_size ); } static char *oauth_nonce() { unsigned char bytes[9]; random_bytes( bytes, sizeof( bytes ) ); return base64_encode( bytes, sizeof( bytes ) ); } void oauth_params_add( GSList **params, const char *key, const char *value ) { char *item; item = g_strdup_printf( "%s=%s", key, value ); *params = g_slist_insert_sorted( *params, item, (GCompareFunc) strcmp ); } void oauth_params_del( GSList **params, const char *key ) { int key_len = strlen( key ); GSList *l, *n; for( l = *params; l; l = n ) { n = l->next; if( strncmp( (char*) l->data, key, key_len ) == 0 && ((char*)l->data)[key_len] == '=' ) { g_free( l->data ); *params = g_slist_remove( *params, l ); } } } void oauth_params_set( GSList **params, const char *key, const char *value ) { oauth_params_del( params, key ); oauth_params_add( params, key, value ); } const char *oauth_params_get( GSList **params, const char *key ) { int key_len = strlen( key ); GSList *l; for( l = *params; l; l = l->next ) { if( strncmp( (char*) l->data, key, key_len ) == 0 && ((char*)l->data)[key_len] == '=' ) return (const char*) l->data + key_len + 1; } return NULL; } GSList *oauth_params_parse( char *in ) { GSList *ret = NULL; char *amp, *eq; while( in && *in ) { eq = strchr( in, '=' ); if( !eq ) break; *eq = '\0'; if( ( amp = strchr( eq + 1, '&' ) ) ) *amp = '\0'; oauth_params_add( &ret, in, eq + 1 ); *eq = '='; if( amp == NULL ) break; *amp = '&'; in = amp + 1; } return ret; } void oauth_params_free( GSList **params ) { while( params && *params ) { g_free( (*params)->data ); *params = g_slist_remove( *params, (*params)->data ); } } char *oauth_params_string( GSList *params ) { GSList *l; GString *str = g_string_new( "" ); for( l = params; l; l = l->next ) { g_string_append( str, l->data ); if( l->next ) g_string_append_c( str, '&' ); } return g_string_free( str, FALSE ); } static void *oauth_post_request( const char *url, GSList **params_, http_input_function func, void *data ) { GSList *params = NULL; char *s, *params_s, *post; void *req; url_t url_p; if( !url_set( &url_p, url ) ) { oauth_params_free( params_ ); return NULL; } if( params_ ) params = *params_; oauth_params_set( ¶ms, "oauth_consumer_key", CONSUMER_KEY ); oauth_params_set( ¶ms, "oauth_signature_method", "HMAC-SHA1" ); s = g_strdup_printf( "%d", (int) time( NULL ) ); oauth_params_set( ¶ms, "oauth_timestamp", s ); g_free( s ); s = oauth_nonce(); oauth_params_set( ¶ms, "oauth_nonce", s ); g_free( s ); oauth_params_set( ¶ms, "oauth_version", "1.0" ); params_s = oauth_params_string( params ); oauth_params_free( params_ ); s = oauth_sign( "POST", url, params_s, NULL ); s = g_realloc( s, strlen( s ) * 3 + 1 ); http_encode( s ); post = g_strdup_printf( "%s&oauth_signature=%s", params_s, s ); g_free( params_s ); g_free( s ); s = g_strdup_printf( "POST %s HTTP/1.0\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n" "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" "Content-Length: %zd\r\n" "\r\n" "%s", url_p.file, url_p.host, strlen( post ), post ); g_free( post ); req = http_dorequest( url_p.host, url_p.port, url_p.proto == PROTO_HTTPS, s, func, data ); g_free( s ); return req; } static void oauth_request_token_done( struct http_request *req ); void *oauth_request_token( const char *url, oauth_cb func, void *data ) { struct oauth_info *st = g_new0( struct oauth_info, 1 ); GSList *params = NULL; st->func = func; st->data = data; oauth_params_add( ¶ms, "oauth_callback", "oob" ); return oauth_post_request( url, NULL, oauth_request_token_done, st ); } static void oauth_request_token_done( struct http_request *req ) { struct oauth_info *st = req->data; st->http = req; if( req->status_code == 200 ) { GSList *params; st->auth_params = g_strdup( req->reply_body ); params = oauth_params_parse( st->auth_params ); st->token = g_strdup( oauth_params_get( ¶ms, "oauth_token" ) ); oauth_params_free( ¶ms ); } //st->func( st ); } static void oauth_access_token_done( struct http_request *req ); void *oauth_access_token( const char *url, const char *pin, struct oauth_info *st ) { GSList *params = NULL; oauth_params_add( ¶ms, "oauth_token", st->token ); oauth_params_add( ¶ms, "oauth_verifier", pin ); return oauth_post_request( url, ¶ms, oauth_access_token_done, st ); } static void oauth_access_token_done( struct http_request *req ) { }