/********************************************************************\ * BitlBee -- An IRC to other IM-networks gateway * * * * Copyright 2002-2012 Wilmer van der Gaast and others * \********************************************************************/ /* Stuff to handle, save and search IRC buddies */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License with the Debian GNU/Linux distribution in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St., Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "bitlbee.h" #include "ipc.h" irc_user_t *irc_user_new(irc_t *irc, const char *nick) { irc_user_t *iu = g_new0(irc_user_t, 1); iu->irc = irc; iu->nick = g_strdup(nick); iu->user = iu->host = iu->fullname = iu->nick; iu->key = g_strdup(nick); nick_lc(irc, iu->key); g_hash_table_insert(irc->nick_user_hash, iu->key, iu); return iu; } int irc_user_free(irc_t *irc, irc_user_t *iu) { static struct im_connection *last_ic; static char *msg; if (!iu) { return 0; } if (iu->bu && (iu->bu->ic->flags & OPT_LOGGING_OUT) && iu->bu->ic != last_ic) { char host_prefix[] = "bitlbee."; char *s; /* Irssi recognises netsplits by quitmsgs with two hostnames, where a hostname is a "word" with one of more dots. Mangle no-dot hostnames a bit. */ if (strchr(irc->root->host, '.')) { *host_prefix = '\0'; } last_ic = iu->bu->ic; g_free(msg); if (!set_getbool(&irc->b->set, "simulate_netsplit")) { msg = g_strdup("Account off-line"); } else if ((s = strchr(iu->bu->ic->acc->user, '@'))) { msg = g_strdup_printf("%s%s %s", host_prefix, irc->root->host, s + 1); } else { msg = g_strdup_printf("%s%s %s.%s", host_prefix, irc->root->host, iu->bu->ic->acc->prpl->name, irc->root->host); } } else if (!iu->bu || !(iu->bu->ic->flags & OPT_LOGGING_OUT)) { g_free(msg); msg = g_strdup("Removed"); last_ic = NULL; } irc_user_quit(iu, msg); g_hash_table_remove(irc->nick_user_hash, iu->key); g_free(iu->nick); if (iu->nick != iu->user) { g_free(iu->user); } if (iu->nick != iu->host) { g_free(iu->host); } if (iu->nick != iu->fullname) { g_free(iu->fullname); } g_free(iu->pastebuf); if (iu->pastebuf_timer) { b_event_remove(iu->pastebuf_timer); } g_free(iu->key); g_free(iu); return 1; } irc_user_t *irc_user_by_name(irc_t *irc, const char *nick) { char key[strlen(nick) + 1]; strcpy(key, nick); if (nick_lc(irc, key)) { return g_hash_table_lookup(irc->nick_user_hash, key); } else { return NULL; } } int irc_user_set_nick(irc_user_t *iu, const char *new) { irc_t *irc = iu->irc; irc_user_t *new_iu; char key[strlen(new) + 1]; GSList *cl; strcpy(key, new); if (iu == NULL || !nick_lc(irc, key) || ((new_iu = irc_user_by_name(irc, new)) && new_iu != iu)) { return 0; } for (cl = irc->channels; cl; cl = cl->next) { irc_channel_t *ic = cl->data; /* Send a NICK update if we're renaming our user, or someone who's in the same channel like our user. */ if (iu == irc->user || ((ic->flags & IRC_CHANNEL_JOINED) && irc_channel_has_user(ic, iu))) { irc_send_nick(iu, new); break; } } g_hash_table_remove(irc->nick_user_hash, iu->key); if (iu->nick == iu->user) { iu->user = NULL; } if (iu->nick == iu->host) { iu->host = NULL; } if (iu->nick == iu->fullname) { iu->fullname = NULL; } g_free(iu->nick); iu->nick = g_strdup(new); if (iu->user == NULL) { iu->user = g_strdup(iu->nick); } if (iu->host == NULL) { iu->host = g_strdup(iu->nick); } if (iu->fullname == NULL) { iu->fullname = g_strdup(iu->nick); } g_free(iu->key); iu->key = g_strdup(key); g_hash_table_insert(irc->nick_user_hash, iu->key, iu); if (iu == irc->user) { ipc_to_master_str("NICK :%s\r\n", new); } return 1; } gint irc_user_cmp(gconstpointer a_, gconstpointer b_) { const irc_user_t *a = a_, *b = b_; return strcmp(a->key, b->key); } const char *irc_user_get_away(irc_user_t *iu) { irc_t *irc = iu->irc; bee_user_t *bu = iu->bu; if (iu == irc->user) { return set_getstr(&irc->b->set, "away"); } else if (bu) { if (!bu->flags & BEE_USER_ONLINE) { return "Offline"; } else if (bu->flags & BEE_USER_AWAY) { if (bu->status_msg) { static char ret[MAX_STRING]; g_snprintf(ret, MAX_STRING - 1, "%s (%s)", bu->status ? : "Away", bu->status_msg); return ret; } else { return bu->status ? : "Away"; } } } return NULL; } void irc_user_quit(irc_user_t *iu, const char *msg) { GSList *l; gboolean send_quit = FALSE; if (!iu) { return; } for (l = iu->irc->channels; l; l = l->next) { irc_channel_t *ic = l->data; send_quit |= irc_channel_del_user(ic, iu, IRC_CDU_SILENT, NULL) && (ic->flags & IRC_CHANNEL_JOINED); } if (send_quit) { irc_send_quit(iu, msg); } } /* User-type dependent functions, for root/NickServ: */ static gboolean root_privmsg(irc_user_t *iu, const char *msg) { char cmd[strlen(msg) + 1]; strcpy(cmd, msg); root_command_string(iu->irc, cmd); return TRUE; } static gboolean root_ctcp(irc_user_t *iu, char * const *ctcp) { if (g_strcasecmp(ctcp[0], "VERSION") == 0) { irc_send_msg_f(iu, "NOTICE", iu->irc->user->nick, "\001%s %s\001", ctcp[0], PACKAGE " " BITLBEE_VERSION); } else if (g_strcasecmp(ctcp[0], "PING") == 0) { irc_send_msg_f(iu, "NOTICE", iu->irc->user->nick, "\001%s %s\001", ctcp[0], ctcp[1] ? : ""); } return TRUE; } const struct irc_user_funcs irc_user_root_funcs = { root_privmsg, root_ctcp, }; /* Echo to yourself: */ static gboolean self_privmsg(irc_user_t *iu, const char *msg) { irc_send_msg(iu, "PRIVMSG", iu->nick, msg, NULL, 0); return TRUE; } const struct irc_user_funcs irc_user_self_funcs = { self_privmsg, };