/********************************************************************\ * BitlBee -- An IRC to other IM-networks gateway * * * * Copyright 2002-2010 Wilmer van der Gaast and others * \********************************************************************/ /* The IRC-based UI - Sending responses to commands/etc. */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License with the Debian GNU/Linux distribution in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "bitlbee.h" void irc_send_num( irc_t *irc, int code, char *format, ... ) { char text[IRC_MAX_LINE]; va_list params; va_start( params, format ); g_vsnprintf( text, IRC_MAX_LINE, format, params ); va_end( params ); irc_write( irc, ":%s %03d %s %s", irc->root->host, code, irc->user->nick ? : "*", text ); } void irc_send_login( irc_t *irc ) { irc_send_num( irc, 1, ":Welcome to the BitlBee gateway, %s", irc->user->nick ); irc_send_num( irc, 2, ":Host %s is running BitlBee " BITLBEE_VERSION " " ARCH "/" CPU ".", irc->root->host ); irc_send_num( irc, 3, ":%s", IRCD_INFO ); irc_send_num( irc, 4, "%s %s %s %s", irc->root->host, BITLBEE_VERSION, UMODES UMODES_PRIV, CMODES ); irc_send_num( irc, 5, "PREFIX=(ohv)@%%+ CHANTYPES=%s CHANMODES=,,,%s NICKLEN=%d CHANNELLEN=%d " "NETWORK=BitlBee SAFELIST CASEMAPPING=rfc1459 MAXTARGETS=1 WATCH=128 " ":are supported by this server", CTYPES, CMODES, MAX_NICK_LENGTH - 1, MAX_NICK_LENGTH - 1 ); irc_send_motd( irc ); } void irc_send_motd( irc_t *irc ) { char motd[2048]; size_t len; int fd; fd = open( global.conf->motdfile, O_RDONLY ); if( fd == -1 || ( len = read( fd, motd, sizeof( motd ) - 1 ) ) <= 0 ) { irc_send_num( irc, 422, ":We don't need MOTDs." ); } else { char linebuf[80]; char *add = "", max, *in; in = motd; motd[len] = '\0'; linebuf[79] = len = 0; max = sizeof( linebuf ) - 1; irc_send_num( irc, 375, ":- %s Message Of The Day - ", irc->root->host ); while( ( linebuf[len] = *(in++) ) ) { if( linebuf[len] == '\n' || len == max ) { linebuf[len] = 0; irc_send_num( irc, 372, ":- %s", linebuf ); len = 0; } else if( linebuf[len] == '%' ) { linebuf[len] = *(in++); if( linebuf[len] == 'h' ) add = irc->root->host; else if( linebuf[len] == 'v' ) add = BITLBEE_VERSION; else if( linebuf[len] == 'n' ) add = irc->user->nick; else if( linebuf[len] == '\0' ) in --; else add = "%"; strncpy( linebuf + len, add, max - len ); while( linebuf[++len] ); } else if( len < max ) { len ++; } } irc_send_num( irc, 376, ":End of MOTD" ); } if( fd != -1 ) close( fd ); } void irc_usermsg( irc_t *irc, char *format, ... ) { irc_channel_t *ic = NULL; irc_user_t *iu = irc->root; char text[1100]; va_list params; char *dst; va_start( params, format ); g_vsnprintf( text, sizeof( text ), format, params ); va_end( params ); /* Too similar to bee_irc_user_msg()... */ if( iu->last_channel ) { if( iu->last_channel->flags & IRC_CHANNEL_JOINED ) ic = iu->last_channel; else if( irc->default_channel->flags & IRC_CHANNEL_JOINED ) ic = irc->default_channel; } if( ic ) dst = ic->name; else dst = irc->user->nick; irc_send_msg( irc->root, "PRIVMSG", dst, text, NULL ); } void irc_send_join( irc_channel_t *ic, irc_user_t *iu ) { irc_t *irc = ic->irc; irc_write( irc, ":%s!%s@%s JOIN :%s", iu->nick, iu->user, iu->host, ic->name ); if( iu == irc->user ) { irc_write( irc, ":%s MODE %s +%s", irc->root->host, ic->name, ic->mode ); irc_send_names( ic ); if( ic->topic && *ic->topic ) irc_send_topic( ic, FALSE ); } } void irc_send_part( irc_channel_t *ic, irc_user_t *iu, const char *reason ) { irc_write( ic->irc, ":%s!%s@%s PART %s :%s", iu->nick, iu->user, iu->host, ic->name, reason ? : "" ); } void irc_send_quit( irc_user_t *iu, const char *reason ) { irc_write( iu->irc, ":%s!%s@%s QUIT :%s", iu->nick, iu->user, iu->host, reason ? : "" ); } void irc_send_kick( irc_channel_t *ic, irc_user_t *iu, irc_user_t *kicker, const char *reason ) { irc_write( ic->irc, ":%s!%s@%s KICK %s %s :%s", kicker->nick, kicker->user, kicker->host, ic->name, iu->nick, reason ? : "" ); } void irc_send_names( irc_channel_t *ic ) { GSList *l; char namelist[385] = ""; /* RFCs say there is no error reply allowed on NAMES, so when the channel is invalid, just give an empty reply. */ for( l = ic->users; l; l = l->next ) { irc_channel_user_t *icu = l->data; irc_user_t *iu = icu->iu; if( strlen( namelist ) + strlen( iu->nick ) > sizeof( namelist ) - 4 ) { irc_send_num( ic->irc, 353, "= %s :%s", ic->name, namelist ); *namelist = 0; } if( icu->flags & IRC_CHANNEL_USER_OP ) strcat( namelist, "@" ); else if( icu->flags & IRC_CHANNEL_USER_HALFOP ) strcat( namelist, "%" ); else if( icu->flags & IRC_CHANNEL_USER_VOICE ) strcat( namelist, "+" ); strcat( namelist, iu->nick ); strcat( namelist, " " ); } if( *namelist ) irc_send_num( ic->irc, 353, "= %s :%s", ic->name, namelist ); irc_send_num( ic->irc, 366, "%s :End of /NAMES list", ic->name ); } void irc_send_topic( irc_channel_t *ic, gboolean topic_change ) { if( topic_change && ic->topic_who ) { irc_write( ic->irc, ":%s TOPIC %s :%s", ic->topic_who, ic->name, ic->topic && *ic->topic ? ic->topic : "" ); } else if( ic->topic ) { irc_send_num( ic->irc, 332, "%s :%s", ic->name, ic->topic ); if( ic->topic_who ) irc_send_num( ic->irc, 333, "%s %s %d", ic->name, ic->topic_who, (int) ic->topic_time ); } else irc_send_num( ic->irc, 331, "%s :No topic for this channel", ic->name ); } void irc_send_whois( irc_user_t *iu ) { irc_t *irc = iu->irc; irc_send_num( irc, 311, "%s %s %s * :%s", iu->nick, iu->user, iu->host, iu->fullname ); if( iu->bu ) { bee_user_t *bu = iu->bu; irc_send_num( irc, 312, "%s %s.%s :%s network", iu->nick, bu->ic->acc->user, bu->ic->acc->server && *bu->ic->acc->server ? bu->ic->acc->server : "", bu->ic->acc->prpl->name ); if( ( bu->status && *bu->status ) || ( bu->status_msg && *bu->status_msg ) ) { int num = bu->flags & BEE_USER_AWAY ? 301 : 320; if( bu->status && bu->status_msg ) irc_send_num( irc, num, "%s :%s (%s)", iu->nick, bu->status, bu->status_msg ); else irc_send_num( irc, num, "%s :%s", iu->nick, bu->status ? : bu->status_msg ); } else if( !( bu->flags & BEE_USER_ONLINE ) ) { irc_send_num( irc, 301, "%s :%s", iu->nick, "User is offline" ); } if( bu->idle_time || bu->login_time ) { irc_send_num( irc, 317, "%s %d %d :seconds idle, signon time", iu->nick, bu->idle_time ? (int) ( time( NULL ) - bu->idle_time ) : 0, (int) bu->login_time ); } } else { irc_send_num( irc, 312, "%s %s :%s", iu->nick, irc->root->host, IRCD_INFO ); } irc_send_num( irc, 318, "%s :End of /WHOIS list", iu->nick ); } void irc_send_who( irc_t *irc, GSList *l, const char *channel ) { gboolean is_channel = strchr( CTYPES, channel[0] ) != NULL; while( l ) { irc_user_t *iu = l->data; if( is_channel ) iu = ((irc_channel_user_t*)iu)->iu; /* TODO(wilmer): Restore away/channel information here */ irc_send_num( irc, 352, "%s %s %s %s %s %c :0 %s", is_channel ? channel : "*", iu->user, iu->host, irc->root->host, iu->nick, iu->flags & IRC_USER_AWAY ? 'G' : 'H', iu->fullname ); l = l->next; } irc_send_num( irc, 315, "%s :End of /WHO list", channel ); } void irc_send_msg( irc_user_t *iu, const char *type, const char *dst, const char *msg, const char *prefix ) { char last = 0; const char *s = msg, *line = msg; char raw_msg[strlen(msg)+1024]; while( !last ) { if( *s == '\r' && *(s+1) == '\n' ) s++; if( *s == '\n' ) { last = s[1] == 0; } else { last = s[0] == 0; } if( *s == 0 || *s == '\n' ) { if( g_strncasecmp( line, "/me ", 4 ) == 0 && ( !prefix || !*prefix ) && g_strcasecmp( type, "PRIVMSG" ) == 0 ) { strcpy( raw_msg, "\001ACTION " ); strncat( raw_msg, line + 4, s - line - 4 ); strcat( raw_msg, "\001" ); irc_send_msg_raw( iu, type, dst, raw_msg ); } else { *raw_msg = '\0'; if( prefix && *prefix ) strcpy( raw_msg, prefix ); strncat( raw_msg, line, s - line ); irc_send_msg_raw( iu, type, dst, raw_msg ); } line = s + 1; } s ++; } } void irc_send_msg_raw( irc_user_t *iu, const char *type, const char *dst, const char *msg ) { irc_write( iu->irc, ":%s!%s@%s %s %s :%s", iu->nick, iu->user, iu->host, type, dst, msg && *msg ? msg : " " ); } void irc_send_msg_f( irc_user_t *iu, const char *type, const char *dst, const char *format, ... ) { char text[IRC_MAX_LINE]; va_list params; va_start( params, format ); g_vsnprintf( text, IRC_MAX_LINE, format, params ); va_end( params ); irc_write( iu->irc, ":%s!%s@%s %s %s :%s", iu->nick, iu->user, iu->host, type, dst, text ); } void irc_send_nick( irc_user_t *iu, const char *new ) { irc_write( iu->irc, ":%s!%s@%s NICK %s", iu->nick, iu->user, iu->host, new ); } /* Send an update of a user's mode inside a channel, compared to what it was. */ void irc_send_channel_user_mode_diff( irc_channel_t *ic, irc_user_t *iu, irc_channel_user_flags_t old, irc_channel_user_flags_t new ) { char changes[3*(5+strlen(iu->nick))]; char from[strlen(ic->irc->root->nick)+strlen(ic->irc->root->user)+strlen(ic->irc->root->host)+3]; int n; *changes = '\0'; n = 0; if( ( old & IRC_CHANNEL_USER_OP ) != ( new & IRC_CHANNEL_USER_OP ) ) { n ++; if( new & IRC_CHANNEL_USER_OP ) strcat( changes, "+o" ); else strcat( changes, "-o" ); } if( ( old & IRC_CHANNEL_USER_HALFOP ) != ( new & IRC_CHANNEL_USER_HALFOP ) ) { n ++; if( new & IRC_CHANNEL_USER_HALFOP ) strcat( changes, "+h" ); else strcat( changes, "-h" ); } if( ( old & IRC_CHANNEL_USER_VOICE ) != ( new & IRC_CHANNEL_USER_VOICE ) ) { n ++; if( new & IRC_CHANNEL_USER_VOICE ) strcat( changes, "+v" ); else strcat( changes, "-v" ); } while( n ) { strcat( changes, " " ); strcat( changes, iu->nick ); n --; } if( set_getbool( &ic->irc->b->set, "simulate_netsplit" ) ) g_snprintf( from, sizeof( from ), "%s", ic->irc->root->host ); else g_snprintf( from, sizeof( from ), "%s!%s@%s", ic->irc->root->nick, ic->irc->root->user, ic->irc->root->host ); if( *changes ) irc_write( ic->irc, ":%s MODE %s %s", from, ic->name, changes ); } void irc_send_invite( irc_user_t *iu, irc_channel_t *ic ) { irc_t *irc = iu->irc; irc_write( iu->irc, ":%s!%s@%s INVITE %s :%s", iu->nick, iu->user, iu->host, irc->user->nick, ic->name ); }