/********************************************************************\ * BitlBee -- An IRC to other IM-networks gateway * * * * Copyright 2002-2010 Wilmer van der Gaast and others * \********************************************************************/ /* The IRC-based UI - Representing (virtual) channels. */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License with the Debian GNU/Linux distribution in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "bitlbee.h" static char *set_eval_channel_type( set_t *set, char *value ); static gint irc_channel_user_cmp( gconstpointer a_, gconstpointer b_ ); static const struct irc_channel_funcs control_channel_funcs; static const struct irc_channel_funcs groupchat_stub_funcs; irc_channel_t *irc_channel_new( irc_t *irc, const char *name ) { irc_channel_t *ic; if( !irc_channel_name_ok( name ) || irc_channel_by_name( irc, name ) ) return NULL; ic = g_new0( irc_channel_t, 1 ); ic->irc = irc; ic->name = g_strdup( name ); strcpy( ic->mode, CMODE ); irc_channel_add_user( ic, irc->root ); if( strcmp( set_getstr( &irc->b->set, "ops" ), "both" ) == 0 || strcmp( set_getstr( &irc->b->set, "ops" ), "root" ) == 0 ) irc_channel_user_set_mode( ic, irc->root, IRC_CHANNEL_USER_OP ); irc->channels = g_slist_prepend( irc->channels, ic ); set_add( &ic->set, "type", "control", set_eval_channel_type, ic ); if( name[0] == '&' ) set_setstr( &ic->set, "type", "control" ); else /* if( name[0] == '#' ) */ set_setstr( &ic->set, "type", "chat" ); return ic; } irc_channel_t *irc_channel_by_name( irc_t *irc, const char *name ) { GSList *l; for( l = irc->channels; l; l = l->next ) { irc_channel_t *ic = l->data; if( name[0] == ic->name[0] && nick_cmp( name + 1, ic->name + 1 ) == 0 ) return ic; } return NULL; } int irc_channel_free( irc_channel_t *ic ) { irc_t *irc = ic->irc; if( ic->flags & IRC_CHANNEL_JOINED ) irc_channel_del_user( ic, irc->user ); irc->channels = g_slist_remove( irc->channels, ic ); while( ic->users ) { g_free( ic->users->data ); ic->users = g_slist_remove( ic->users, ic->users->data ); } g_free( ic->name ); g_free( ic->topic ); g_free( ic ); return 1; } static char *set_eval_channel_type( set_t *set, char *value ) { struct irc_channel *ic = set->data; const struct irc_channel_funcs *new; if( strcmp( value, "control" ) == 0 ) new = &control_channel_funcs; else if( strcmp( value, "chat" ) == 0 ) new = &groupchat_stub_funcs; else return SET_INVALID; /* TODO: Return values. */ if( ic->f && ic->f->_free ) ic->f->_free( ic ); ic->f = new; if( ic->f && ic->f->_init ) ic->f->_init( ic ); return value; } int irc_channel_add_user( irc_channel_t *ic, irc_user_t *iu ) { irc_channel_user_t *icu; if( irc_channel_has_user( ic, iu ) ) return 0; icu = g_new0( irc_channel_user_t, 1 ); icu->iu = iu; ic->users = g_slist_insert_sorted( ic->users, icu, irc_channel_user_cmp ); if( iu == ic->irc->user || ic->flags & IRC_CHANNEL_JOINED ) { ic->flags |= IRC_CHANNEL_JOINED; irc_send_join( ic, iu ); } return 1; } int irc_channel_del_user( irc_channel_t *ic, irc_user_t *iu ) { irc_channel_user_t *icu; if( !( icu = irc_channel_has_user( ic, iu ) ) ) return 0; ic->users = g_slist_remove( ic->users, icu ); g_free( icu ); if( ic->flags & IRC_CHANNEL_JOINED ) irc_send_part( ic, iu, "" ); if( iu == ic->irc->user ) ic->flags &= ~IRC_CHANNEL_JOINED; return 1; } irc_channel_user_t *irc_channel_has_user( irc_channel_t *ic, irc_user_t *iu ) { GSList *l; for( l = ic->users; l; l = l->next ) { irc_channel_user_t *icu = l->data; if( icu->iu == iu ) return icu; } return NULL; } int irc_channel_set_topic( irc_channel_t *ic, const char *topic, const irc_user_t *iu ) { g_free( ic->topic ); ic->topic = g_strdup( topic ); g_free( ic->topic_who ); if( iu ) ic->topic_who = g_strdup_printf( "%s!%s@%s", iu->nick, iu->user, iu->host ); else ic->topic_who = NULL; ic->topic_time = time( NULL ); if( ic->flags & IRC_CHANNEL_JOINED ) irc_send_topic( ic, TRUE ); return 1; } void irc_channel_user_set_mode( irc_channel_t *ic, irc_user_t *iu, irc_channel_user_flags_t flags ) { irc_channel_user_t *icu = irc_channel_has_user( ic, iu ); if( icu->flags == flags ) return; if( ic->flags & IRC_CHANNEL_JOINED ) irc_send_channel_user_mode_diff( ic, iu, icu->flags, flags ); icu->flags = flags; } void irc_channel_printf( irc_channel_t *ic, char *format, ... ) { va_list params; char *text; va_start( params, format ); text = g_strdup_vprintf( format, params ); va_end( params ); irc_send_msg( ic->irc->root, "PRIVMSG", ic->name, text, NULL ); g_free( text ); } gboolean irc_channel_name_ok( const char *name ) { char name_[strlen(name)+1]; /* Check if the first character is in CTYPES (#&) */ if( strchr( CTYPES, name[0] ) == NULL ) return FALSE; /* Check the rest of the name. Just checking name + 1 doesn't work since it will fail if the first character is a number, or if it's a one-char channel name - both of which are legal. */ name_[0] = '_'; strcpy( name_ + 1, name + 1 ); return nick_ok( name_ ); } static gint irc_channel_user_cmp( gconstpointer a_, gconstpointer b_ ) { const irc_channel_user_t *a = a_, *b = b_; return irc_user_cmp( a->iu, b->iu ); } /* Channel-type dependent functions, for control channels: */ static gboolean control_channel_privmsg( irc_channel_t *ic, const char *msg ) { irc_t *irc = ic->irc; const char *s; /* Scan for non-whitespace chars followed by a colon: */ for( s = msg; *s && !isspace( *s ) && *s != ':' && *s != ','; s ++ ) {} if( *s == ':' || *s == ',' ) { char to[s-msg+1]; irc_user_t *iu; memset( to, 0, sizeof( to ) ); strncpy( to, msg, s - msg ); while( *(++s) && isspace( *s ) ) {} iu = irc_user_by_name( irc, to ); if( iu && iu->f->privmsg ) { iu->flags &= ~IRC_USER_PRIVATE; iu->f->privmsg( iu, s ); } else { irc_channel_printf( ic, "User does not exist: %s", to ); } } else { /* TODO: Maybe just use root->privmsg here now? */ char cmd[strlen(msg)+1]; g_free( ic->irc->last_root_cmd ); ic->irc->last_root_cmd = g_strdup( ic->name ); strcpy( cmd, msg ); root_command_string( ic->irc, cmd ); } return TRUE; } static char *set_eval_by_account( set_t *set, char *value ); static char *set_eval_fill_by( set_t *set, char *value ); static char *set_eval_by_group( set_t *set, char *value ); static gboolean control_channel_init( irc_channel_t *ic ) { struct irc_control_channel *icc; set_add( &ic->set, "account", NULL, set_eval_by_account, ic ); set_add( &ic->set, "fill_by", "all", set_eval_fill_by, ic ); set_add( &ic->set, "group", NULL, set_eval_by_group, ic ); ic->data = icc = g_new0( struct irc_control_channel, 1 ); icc->type = IRC_CC_TYPE_DEFAULT; if( bee_group_by_name( ic->irc->b, ic->name + 1, FALSE ) ) { set_setstr( &ic->set, "group", ic->name + 1 ); set_setstr( &ic->set, "fill_by", "group" ); } else if( set_setstr( &ic->set, "account", ic->name + 1 ) ) { set_setstr( &ic->set, "fill_by", "account" ); } return TRUE; } static char *set_eval_by_account( set_t *set, char *value ) { struct irc_channel *ic = set->data; struct irc_control_channel *icc = ic->data; account_t *acc; if( !( acc = account_get( ic->irc->b, value ) ) ) return SET_INVALID; icc->account = acc; bee_irc_channel_update( ic->irc, ic, NULL ); return g_strdup_printf( "%s(%s)", acc->prpl->name, acc->user ); } static char *set_eval_fill_by( set_t *set, char *value ) { struct irc_channel *ic = set->data; struct irc_control_channel *icc = ic->data; if( strcmp( value, "all" ) == 0 ) icc->type = IRC_CC_TYPE_DEFAULT; else if( strcmp( value, "rest" ) == 0 ) icc->type = IRC_CC_TYPE_REST; else if( strcmp( value, "group" ) == 0 ) icc->type = IRC_CC_TYPE_GROUP; else if( strcmp( value, "account" ) == 0 ) icc->type = IRC_CC_TYPE_ACCOUNT; else return SET_INVALID; return value; } static char *set_eval_by_group( set_t *set, char *value ) { struct irc_channel *ic = set->data; struct irc_control_channel *icc = ic->data; icc->group = bee_group_by_name( ic->irc->b, value, TRUE ); bee_irc_channel_update( ic->irc, ic, NULL ); return g_strdup( icc->group->name ); } static gboolean control_channel_free( irc_channel_t *ic ) { struct irc_control_channel *icc = ic->data; set_del( &ic->set, "account" ); set_del( &ic->set, "fill_by" ); set_del( &ic->set, "group" ); g_free( icc ); ic->data = NULL; return TRUE; } static const struct irc_channel_funcs control_channel_funcs = { control_channel_privmsg, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, control_channel_init, control_channel_free, }; /* Groupchat stub: Only handles /INVITE at least for now. */ static gboolean groupchat_stub_invite( irc_channel_t *ic, irc_user_t *iu ) { bee_user_t *bu = iu->bu; if( iu->bu->ic->acc->prpl->chat_with ) { ic->flags |= IRC_CHANNEL_CHAT_PICKME; iu->bu->ic->acc->prpl->chat_with( bu->ic, bu->handle ); ic->flags &= ~IRC_CHANNEL_CHAT_PICKME; return TRUE; } else { irc_send_num( ic->irc, 482, "%s :IM protocol does not support room invitations", ic->name ); return FALSE; } } static gboolean groupchat_stub_join( irc_channel_t *ic ) { struct irc_groupchat_stub *igs = ic->data; if( igs && igs->acc->ic && igs->acc->prpl->chat_join ) { ic->flags |= IRC_CHANNEL_CHAT_PICKME; igs->acc->prpl->chat_join( igs->acc->ic, igs->room, ic->irc->user->nick, NULL ); ic->flags &= ~IRC_CHANNEL_CHAT_PICKME; return FALSE; } else { irc_send_num( ic->irc, 403, "%s :Can't join channel, account offline?", ic->name ); return FALSE; } } static const struct irc_channel_funcs groupchat_stub_funcs = { NULL, groupchat_stub_join, NULL, NULL, groupchat_stub_invite, };