/********************************************************************\ * BitlBee -- An IRC to other IM-networks gateway * * * * Copyright 2002-2005 Wilmer van der Gaast and others * \********************************************************************/ /* Configuration reading code */ /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License with the Debian GNU/Linux distribution in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "bitlbee.h" #include #include #include #include "conf.h" #include "ini.h" #include "url.h" #include "ipc.h" #include "proxy.h" char *CONF_FILE; static int conf_loadini( conf_t *conf, char *file ); conf_t *conf_load( int argc, char *argv[] ) { conf_t *conf; int opt, i; conf = g_new0( conf_t, 1 ); conf->iface = NULL; conf->port = g_strdup( "6667" ); conf->nofork = 0; conf->verbose = 0; conf->primary_storage = g_strdup( "xml" ); conf->migrate_storage = g_strsplit( "text", ",", -1 ); conf->runmode = RUNMODE_INETD; conf->authmode = AUTHMODE_OPEN; conf->auth_pass = NULL; conf->oper_pass = NULL; conf->configdir = g_strdup( CONFIG ); conf->plugindir = g_strdup( PLUGINDIR ); conf->pidfile = g_strdup( PIDFILE ); conf->motdfile = g_strdup( ETCDIR "/motd.txt" ); conf->welcomefile = g_strdup( ETCDIR "/welcome.txt" ); conf->ping_interval = 180; conf->ping_timeout = 300; conf->user = NULL; proxytype = 0; i = conf_loadini( conf, CONF_FILE ); if( i == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: Syntax error in configuration file `%s'.\n", CONF_FILE ); return( NULL ); } else if( i == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Warning: Unable to read configuration file `%s'.\n", CONF_FILE ); } while( argc > 0 && ( opt = getopt( argc, argv, "i:p:P:nvIDFc:d:hR:u:" ) ) >= 0 ) /* ^^^^ Just to make sure we skip this step from the REHASH handler. */ { if( opt == 'i' ) { conf->iface = g_strdup( optarg ); } else if( opt == 'p' ) { g_free( conf->port ); conf->port = g_strdup( optarg ); } else if( opt == 'P' ) { g_free( conf->pidfile ); conf->pidfile = g_strdup( optarg ); } else if( opt == 'n' ) conf->nofork = 1; else if( opt == 'v' ) conf->verbose = 1; else if( opt == 'I' ) conf->runmode = RUNMODE_INETD; else if( opt == 'D' ) conf->runmode = RUNMODE_DAEMON; else if( opt == 'F' ) conf->runmode = RUNMODE_FORKDAEMON; else if( opt == 'c' ) { if( strcmp( CONF_FILE, optarg ) != 0 ) { g_free( CONF_FILE ); CONF_FILE = g_strdup( optarg ); g_free( conf ); /* Re-evaluate arguments. Don't use this option twice, you'll end up in an infinite loop! Hope this trick works with all libcs BTW.. */ optind = 1; return( conf_load( argc, argv ) ); } } else if( opt == 'd' ) { g_free( conf->configdir ); conf->configdir = g_strdup( optarg ); } else if( opt == 'h' ) { printf( "Usage: bitlbee [-D/-F [-i ] [-p ] [-n] [-v]] [-I]\n" " [-c ] [-d ] [-h]\n" "\n" "An IRC-to-other-chat-networks gateway\n" "\n" " -I Classic/InetD mode. (Default)\n" " -D Daemon mode. (Still EXPERIMENTAL!)\n" " -F Forking daemon. (one process per client)\n" " -u Run daemon as specified user.\n" " -P Specify PID-file (not for inetd mode)\n" " -i Specify the interface (by IP address) to listen on.\n" " (Default: (any interface))\n" " -p Port number to listen on. (Default: 6667)\n" " -n Don't fork.\n" " -v Be verbose (only works in combination with -n)\n" " -c Load alternative configuration file\n" " -d Specify alternative user configuration directory\n" " -h Show this help page.\n" ); return( NULL ); } else if( opt == 'R' ) { /* We can't load the statefile yet (and should make very sure we do this only once), so set the filename here and load the state information when initializing ForkDaemon. (This option only makes sense in that mode anyway!) */ ipc_master_set_statefile( optarg ); } else if( opt == 'u' ) { g_free( conf->user ); conf->user = g_strdup( optarg ); } } if( conf->configdir[strlen(conf->configdir)-1] != '/' ) { char *s = g_new( char, strlen( conf->configdir ) + 2 ); sprintf( s, "%s/", conf->configdir ); g_free( conf->configdir ); conf->configdir = s; } return( conf ); } static int conf_loadini( conf_t *conf, char *file ) { ini_t *ini; int i; ini = ini_open( file ); if( ini == NULL ) return( -1 ); while( ini_read( ini ) ) { if( g_strcasecmp( ini->section, "settings" ) == 0 ) { if( g_strcasecmp( ini->key, "runmode" ) == 0 ) { if( g_strcasecmp( ini->value, "daemon" ) == 0 ) conf->runmode = RUNMODE_DAEMON; else if( g_strcasecmp( ini->value, "forkdaemon" ) == 0 ) conf->runmode = RUNMODE_FORKDAEMON; else conf->runmode = RUNMODE_INETD; } else if( g_strcasecmp( ini->key, "pidfile" ) == 0 ) { g_free( conf->pidfile ); conf->pidfile = g_strdup( ini->value ); } else if( g_strcasecmp( ini->key, "daemoninterface" ) == 0 ) { g_free( conf->iface ); conf->iface = g_strdup( ini->value ); } else if( g_strcasecmp( ini->key, "daemonport" ) == 0 ) { g_free( conf->port ); conf->port = g_strdup( ini->value ); } else if( g_strcasecmp( ini->key, "authmode" ) == 0 ) { if( g_strcasecmp( ini->value, "registered" ) == 0 ) conf->authmode = AUTHMODE_REGISTERED; else if( g_strcasecmp( ini->value, "closed" ) == 0 ) conf->authmode = AUTHMODE_CLOSED; else conf->authmode = AUTHMODE_OPEN; } else if( g_strcasecmp( ini->key, "authpassword" ) == 0 ) { g_free( conf->auth_pass ); conf->auth_pass = g_strdup( ini->value ); } else if( g_strcasecmp( ini->key, "operpassword" ) == 0 ) { g_free( conf->oper_pass ); conf->oper_pass = g_strdup( ini->value ); } else if( g_strcasecmp( ini->key, "hostname" ) == 0 ) { g_free( conf->hostname ); conf->hostname = g_strdup( ini->value ); } else if( g_strcasecmp( ini->key, "configdir" ) == 0 ) { g_free( conf->configdir ); conf->configdir = g_strdup( ini->value ); } else if( g_strcasecmp( ini->key, "motdfile" ) == 0 ) { g_free( conf->motdfile ); conf->motdfile = g_strdup( ini->value ); } else if( g_strcasecmp( ini->key, "welcomefile" ) == 0 ) { g_free( conf->welcomefile ); conf->welcomefile = g_strdup( ini->value ); } else if( g_strcasecmp( ini->key, "account_storage" ) == 0 ) { g_free( conf->primary_storage ); conf->primary_storage = g_strdup( ini->value ); } else if( g_strcasecmp( ini->key, "account_storage_migrate" ) == 0 ) { g_strfreev( conf->migrate_storage ); conf->migrate_storage = g_strsplit( ini->value, " \t,;", -1 ); } else if( g_strcasecmp( ini->key, "pinginterval" ) == 0 ) { if( sscanf( ini->value, "%d", &i ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Invalid %s value: %s\n", ini->key, ini->value ); return( 0 ); } conf->ping_interval = i; } else if( g_strcasecmp( ini->key, "pingtimeout" ) == 0 ) { if( sscanf( ini->value, "%d", &i ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Invalid %s value: %s\n", ini->key, ini->value ); return( 0 ); } conf->ping_timeout = i; } else if( g_strcasecmp( ini->key, "proxy" ) == 0 ) { url_t *url = g_new0( url_t, 1 ); if( !url_set( url, ini->value ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "Invalid %s value: %s\n", ini->key, ini->value ); g_free( url ); return( 0 ); } strncpy( proxyhost, url->host, sizeof( proxyhost ) ); strncpy( proxyuser, url->user, sizeof( proxyuser ) ); strncpy( proxypass, url->pass, sizeof( proxypass ) ); proxyport = url->port; if( url->proto == PROTO_HTTP ) proxytype = PROXY_HTTP; else if( url->proto == PROTO_SOCKS4 ) proxytype = PROXY_SOCKS4; else if( url->proto == PROTO_SOCKS5 ) proxytype = PROXY_SOCKS5; g_free( url ); } else if( g_strcasecmp( ini->key, "user" ) == 0 ) { g_free( conf->user ); conf->user = g_strdup( ini->value ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "Error: Unknown setting `%s` in configuration file.\n", ini->key ); return( 0 ); /* For now just ignore unknown keys... */ } } else if( g_strcasecmp( ini->section, "defaults" ) != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: Unknown section [%s] in configuration file. " "BitlBee configuration must be put in a [settings] section!\n", ini->section ); return( 0 ); } } ini_close( ini ); return( 1 ); } void conf_loaddefaults( irc_t *irc ) { ini_t *ini; ini = ini_open( CONF_FILE ); if( ini == NULL ) return; while( ini_read( ini ) ) { if( g_strcasecmp( ini->section, "defaults" ) == 0 ) { set_t *s = set_find( &irc->set, ini->key ); if( s ) { if( s->def ) g_free( s->def ); s->def = g_strdup( ini->value ); } } } ini_close( ini ); }