

16:02 Changeset [d4a4f1a] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Don't save the "type" channel setting, it's an XML attribute already. …


14:10 Ticket #1093 (Twitter confusion between tweets with ID 0xEE and the @EE account) closed by wilmer
alreadydoingthat: In fact there is a way already. Admittedly it's not very …
12:42 Ticket #1093 (Twitter confusion between tweets with ID 0xEE and the @EE account) created by bitlbee@…
I follow @EE on Twitter, and they've @replied to me a few times. I …


14:55 BadContent edited by wilmer


16:52 Ticket #1092 (Can't twitter reply to own tweets) created by anonymous
When using bitlbee's twitter implementation, in channel mode, with …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.