

10:42 Ticket #1118 (Messages not getting sent to/not getting received by Facebook contacts) created by jesushlincoln@…
Starting a few days ago, I noticed people were randomly trailing off …


10:55 Ticket #1117 (/oper to set account passwords) created by Flexo <bitlbee@…>
At the moment the only time you can use /oper to set an IM account's …


22:00 Changeset [cc17b76] by Wilmer van der Gaast <wilmer@…>
Merging fix from Flexo for #1109.
16:30 Ticket #1116 (wat IS bitlbee?) created by anonymous
does magic exist? or does the physical brain just have to make things …


10:16 Ticket #1115 (Twitter stopped working on Jan 14, 2014 (presumably something SSL-related)) created by anonymous
I'm using bitlbee version 3.2-1 (linux mint / ubuntu). It used to work …


13:59 Ticket #1114 (XMPP: bitlbee receives but does not display stanzas of type "error") created by mhellwig@…
I am using XEP-0198 with a prosody server and yaxim as client (yaxim …


07:31 Ticket #1113 (otr disconnect <nick> doesn't work) created by anonymous
Automatically disconnect of otr doesn't work (#1104,#905). But manual …


05:49 Ticket #1112 (Control interface thinks that I want to accept GTalk contact request ...) created by Burrito
012 [05:34:31] <@root> gmail - New request: The user [spammer name …


11:38 Ticket #1111 (Opportunistic OTR tries to establish an OTR session with _xmlconsole) created by dx
It notices the magic whitespace pattern in the TX messages, and …


17:58 Ticket #1110 (bitlbee with plugin-otr crashes when messaging offline contacts more ...) created by anonymous
Whenever trying to message an offline person, the second message …
10:33 Ticket #1109 (OTRv4 builds silently drop all jabber messages) created by dx <dx@…>
The messages don't show at all in the jabber xmlconsole (it idles and …


11:50 Ticket #1108 (Channels in user.xml with both type attribute and element fails to load) created by Olof 'zibri' Johansson <olof@…>
With a channel block in the user's XML configuration containing both a …


19:50 Ticket #1106 (Can't send private messages to chatroom members whose name contain ...) created by anonymous
I'm trying to write a private message to a friend in a chatroom and …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.