Custom Query (24 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1135 Compilation of 3.2.1 fails in otr.c, too few arguments pesco defect normal OTR
#1183 skyped: Warning, SSL init failed Miklos Vajna defect normal Skype
#730 Jabber: can't create a conference when invited to it wilmer defect normal Jabber
#735 The MSN servers could not deliver one of your messages to <someone> wilmer defect normal MSN
#1013 MSN retiring wilmer task normal MSN
#1068 Buddy list for Jabber server appears for only one Bitlbee instance wilmer defect normal Jabber
#342 In GTALK, setting a user to never show up removes them completely from bitlebee defect normal Jabber
#392 Multiple Connections task normal BitlBee
#556 Extra Characters in Jabber Messages enhancement wishlist BitlBee
#744 "Create an account first" is a somewhat misleading error message defect normal BitlBee
#906 Contacts added via Google Plus show up as odd strings instead of screen names defect normal BitlBee
#955 RHEL 5 ships GLib 2.12.3 which does not provide GRegex defect major Twitter
#964 impossible dependencies defect normal BitlBee
#1007 Certificate verification problem 0x44: certificate uses an insecure algorithm defect normal BitlBee
#1042 issues when a buddy has the same name in twitter and facebook defect normal BitlBee
#1136 Cannot set authentication tls for sipe account (pidgin works fine though) defect normal BitlBee
#1146 Systemd service file incorrect configuration defect normal BitlBee
#1160 Twitter issue getting contact list defect normal Twitter
#1179 [GTalk] Error while reading from server defect normal BitlBee
#1197 jabber multilogins not possible from two different bitlbee-accounts defect normal BitlBee
#1252 bitlbee should hide from listed clients when jabber/XMPP account have negative priority defect major Jabber
#1257 pasting is slow, rate-limited defect normal BitlBee
#1309 Bitlbee with hangouts keeps randomly +v and -v people defect normal Unspecified / other
#1320 Impossible to create an account on this bugtracker enhancement pony Unspecified / other
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.