Custom Query (1098 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1269 fixed Can't log into ICQ using bitlbee-libpurple km@…

Trying to log into ICQ using bitlbee-libpurple fails with an incorrect password error. The same account works without a problem with pidgin on the same machine.

The bitlbee-libpurple version is BitlBee-LIBPURPLE 3.4.2+20161018+master+75-gc94e208-git, but I've had this problem with previous 3.4.2 versions as well.

libpurple0 and libpurple-dev on this machine are version 2.10.10-1~deb7u1.

<@user> account 1 set
<@root> allow_multiple_logins = `true'
<@root> always_use_rv_proxy = `false'
<@root> auto_connect = `true'
<@root> auto_reconnect = `true'
<@root> away is empty
<@root> display_name is empty
<@root> encryption = `opportunistic_encryption'
<@root> login_type = `client_login'
<@root> mail_notifications = `false'
<@root> mail_notifications_handle is empty
<@root> nick_format = `%full_name'
<@root> nick_source = `handle'
<@root> password = `********' (hidden)
<@root> port = `5190'
<@root> server = `'
<@root> status is empty
<@root> tag = `icq'
<@root> username = [[uin would go here, removed in this dump]]

<@user> account 1 on
<@root> icq - Logging in: Connecting
<@root> icq - Login error: Incorrect password
<@root> icq - Logging in: Signing off..
#1268 invalid Error running on Synology firsttime henk@…

When installing the Bitlbee on Synology with the package center and execute it for the first time an error occurs Couldn't execute the package service.

Bitlbee Version Synology DS 716+

#1267 invalid JIDs show up in Jabber rooms for Admins anonymous

I'm not quite sure what #415 fixed, but the fix didn't apply to me. If I'm an admin or someone with a role that can view JIDs, the JIDs show up under the nicknames rather than their nicknames.

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